Friday, July 11, 2014

Scouring the World

Well, my intensive workout sessions seem to be slowing down soon.  My schooling is about to start up on Monday.  I will try to incorporate a light workout here and there just to keep fit.  School is full of a lot of garbage.  It's not what you want; it's what the teacher wants.  You have to do what the teacher wants, and they charge you tuition money for doing what they want.  Basically, it's like paying to work.  A lot of the times you aren't even learning what subjects you're interested in or have passion for; the school system just wants you to keep paying money for requirement classes that no one cares about.  No one really wants to care about these mediocre things like grades; they just want to improve their skill level,  actually learn something new, or become competent at something.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of professionals just want to see some stupid "A" on your report card; which is meaningless if you didn't actually learn anything in the long run.  To have passion and grasp a particular subject because you love doing it, means a lot more than a stupid grade letter and to look good only on paper.  I don't want to be fooled and be tricked that achieving good grades will lead to a better career or job.  I want to know that I'm in school for something I love and am willing to take care of, as opposed to trying to trick the system and leave with a report card with all "A"s on it.  I know this, because all my life I've been tricking the system and getting "A"s.  The whole system is dumb.  Once you get that A in whatever subject, you forget everything.  It's completely pointless, except it looks good on paper.  All the "professionals" love seeing it on a resume for whatever reason.  It's false hope.  What really matters is that you love what you are doing and that it's important to you.  When you wake up early in the morning, you know in your heart that's what you want to do.  That is the attitude I want in life.  I want to wake up and do something that I love for a job as opposed to trying to cheat the system and look good on paper.  Forget about looking good on paper, forget about grades, and look what's in your heart and decide for yourself what you want to do in life.

Well, I got myself into the x-ray program.  My job is to take people's x-rays.  It's a two year program.  It's not easy, but thank God I have the Unemployment Tuition Waiver program on my side.  Much like working in any other medical or pharmaceutical company, sick people suck.  SICK PEOPLE SUCK.  It's not going to change, but they are your "customers".  I guess I'm use to it, but I see it as a business.  Some employees will look you in the eye and try to lie to your face and tell you that they actually care about their patients; but have you ever seen the size of their paychecks.  People in healthcare should be Hollywood actors!  Like everything else, it's a business.  How to manage and deal with sick people is the name of the game and business.  I love the business of getting things moving:  People coming in, getting the job done; and watching them leave.  I'm love the logistics of the whole thing.  I'm not a natural humanitarian, so it's hard for me at times.  I like to see numbers; I like to see things on the computer.  If it's not on the computer, it's fluff to me. Like a 200 pound weight, an x-ray image cannot lie.  People can lie and be emotional all the time, but science cannot.  Dealing with people is a challenge for me.  Their emotional, their scared, they want things, their dependent on others all the time, they yell, they curse at you, and it's hard to deal with all the baggage they try to dump on you when you're the one responsible to help them.  Like an overflowed toilet, the poop gets stuck on the bottom and everything starts flowing out.  Sick people are not much very different.  We've all been sick before, but some cases are worse than others.  I can only imagine that the medical field must be hard for everyone.  It's fine for me to perform somewhere that is quiet, but when you add a live person all hell breaks loose.  The crying, the level of trust, the eye contact, the no touching, the pregnancy, the age, the birth date, the relatives, the language barrier, the whatever; a medical professional must be able to deal with all of this baggage.  Sick people are like big babies.  The easiest thing for me to do is talk to them and ask them about themselves, since people love talking about themselves and their war stories.  I have to work a 6.5 hour shift and can care less.  Another factor is the level of perfectionism that's required in the healthcare field.  Everything must be done right the first time.  It's not like McDonald's or K-Mart where it's acceptable to offer refunds or mess up an order, sick people are big babies and need super attention that can drain you like a vampire. It's no wonder why so many doctors appear to be cold and callous, because the line of work is really difficult.  It's like having kids, and you're the dad/mom.  Well, I'm sure as hell am not the father.

Essentially, all jobs require that someone else sees your work.  It's not about you:  It's about the other person; and that's why you're getting paid for XYZ.  If this x-ray healthcare field doesn't workout for me because I'm too much of a jerk, I may move onto somewhere else where I can screw up and things wouldn't matter much like retail.  As a child, I saw foreign immigrants and mentally challenged people bagging groceries for a living and thought I never ever wanted to do that for a living.  Unfortunately, if I don't start thinking outside the box that's going to be me.  Well, it's just that I was educated with a college degree.  I should at least be trying to strive for something more out of life, but I always seem to want to stay in the same level of comfort zone.  Meeting new companies, cold calling, sending out new resumes, following up, sending thank you letters, shaking hands, making eye contact, dressing up, being judged, all of these crazy things must be compressed and ironed into one little tight package before being ready to deployed into the workforce.  

Here's a recent example that I just came back from.  A lot of these classics are sold 75% off on clearance. My job is just to scout out any potential money makers and store it.  I do not need to pay money for tuition; I just jump right into business.  No college required:  Just pure arbitrage.  This Venom and Spiderman tablet case cost me a total of $5.35.  I can easily resell it at $20 right now or wait a year for it to be a collector's item, where it would be worth much more when they run out of print.  Here's the tricky part, if I sell too early I can lose out on potential profit.  I can grab that $20 now or wait for interest like a US Savings Bond.  I have to make that decision of making a quick buck or keeping it in storage.  No matter what the same principal is always applied:  Buy low and sell high.  This is not short selling either.  Sometimes it takes weeks or months.  It's something like a hobby.  You can't obsess over sales, or you won't get any.  It's not like a rapid, fire business of a brick and motor store.  Things may happen only weekly, quarterly, semiannually, or even annually.  It's just like appreciating dividends.  You don't expect to make dividends on a daily basis.  The shortest dividend payout is monthly, followed by quarterly, semiannually, and yearly.  Just look at it as dividends to your company.  It's just an additional side job or business at the moment.  To be able to sell daily, you need to be a brick and motor store that costs a serious amount of loot, overhead, employees, paper work, taxes, and serious people skills.  If I really ever wanted that, I would just work at a real retail store as a manager.  I don't think I'll ever be a manager of a store.  The customers will drive you nuts, and all I'd want to do is leave.  Sure, there are some nice people out there; but a lot of them are extremely nasty. They talk on their cell phones, they smoke, they spit, they argue, they bring their kids, they will literally crap all over the place on the floor, etc.  We're all guilty of these things, but times that by ten and you have a lot of baggage to deal with.  I don't want anywhere near that crap.  I don't even want to be bothered by whatever nonsense the customer is trying to convey to me of what's wrong.  For example, an old lady trying to return makeup because it doesn't make her face look any younger.  When your seventy years old, life will do that to you no matter what L'Oreal product you buy.  The complaints; the returns; the receipts; the crying kids; the old people; the whatever.  The hell with it; I would just own a small hobby shop and cater to a specific customer or clientele that doesn't involve a swarm of messed up people.  I'm well aware that my humanity is lacking in nature; but what I want is good workflow.  Even with all the drama involved with living going on, my goal and focus is always to run a smooth transaction of business and operations.  Things that cost money need to be logical or make sense to some degree, or I won't do it.                    

Where do you want to work?  No, really WHERE DO YOU WANT TO WORK?  Not what your parents' want, not what your teachers' want, not where your friends' want; WHERE DO YOU WANT TO WORK? When I ask myself this question, I really don't know.  I wouldn't want to work anywhere to be honest.  All jobs kind of suck in their own way, shape, or form; but I need money to survive just like everyone else. Well, I know I like computers.  I do like handling finances, but I also know I don't like having to talk to the vast majority of people.  People and money go hand in hand together.  You can't have one without the other. I know I hate customer service.  Perhaps something further down the road  in IT or computer science would well suit me like a latex glove.  I wouldn't mind spending more time baby sitting my computer.  I can't get involved with people.  There's just too much drama, too much blame, too much "he said; she said", too much law, too many rules and regulations; too much politics, too much baggage; too many baby moma'; too much everything!?  Ideally, I would be something simple as a purchasing manager.  I just buy stuff really cheap or on sale for my company to sell as a product or service.  That's exactly what I'm going to do:  Call myself a purchasing manager for my own company; buy good products on clearance/sale; continue to sell in a global market connected by the internet; buildup my company name; avoid making eye contact with crazy people; rinse and repeat.  I like a computer, a cup of coffee, invest and trade stocks, and maybe something not too hard to solve or play with.  When little kids ask me what I do, I tell them "I'm a purchasing manager".  When an adult asks me what I do, I tell them "I'm an x-ray technician".          

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