Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Days that Actually Matter

No, I'm not a time traveler.  No, nothing here is predictable.  No, no one here can short the market and bounce like they're Wolf of Wall Street or Neo from The Matrix.  But can you, yes.

In any event, all I'm saying is that the market will eventually go back up one day.  If I wasn't so lazy, I would have moved my money around.  According to Warren Buffet, you should just stick it out and not do anything.  Should you decide to do anything, the only thing to do would be to buy, buy, and buy.  Buy when others are fearful.  Buy when there is blood on the street.  In any event, do I care much?  This kind of inflated money doesn't mean much.  No, no, and no.  The entire stock market could collapse; and I would still be a homeless.  In essence, none of this matters.  I AM A HOMELESS; I DON'T OWN MY OWN PLACE.  WHO THE HELL, OTHER THAN MYSELF, WOULD CARE IF I'M A HOMELESS OR NOT.  Yes, the market will continue to fluctuate up and down but will I do anything?  Will any of this matter to me.  Will I get what I want out of this whole mess?  Again, WHO THE HELL CARES @_@  I WANT MY OWN HOME TO LIVE IN AND BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO GET BY WITHOUT ANY MAJOR ASSHOLE PROBLEMS.

My goal is not to confuse anyone.  My goal is to own my own home.  I don't really give a shit if people are killing each other on the street or arguing about the smallest of littlest of things.  I NEED MY OWN HOME.  I DON'T LIKE OTHER PEOPLE YELLING.  I DON'T LIKE OTHERS BEING ASSHOLES.  MY HOME WILL BE DEDICATED TO THE WELL BEING OF PEACEFUL BEINGS, NOT HARBOR/RELEASING HATRED AND SALTINESS/TOXICITY IN A NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENT.  Having such a living space is very important to me.  I don't care if anyone understands the importance of being peaceful, but it's important to me.

Thank you for coming over.  I hope my readers out there are doing well.  I know there's only been 1 person reading my stuff, but whatever.  No, I'm not even close to having the money to own a home.  This whole process may take 10 years but as long as I'm making progress everyday I'm happy that I have an obtainable goal to reach in my lifetime.  On the way, I'm learning new skills and progressing as a human being.  No, I specifically do not want to cater to asshole behavior or negativity.  I'd rather be in the light than the darkness.  I respect both aspects of life, but in the end I'd rather choose to live in the light and positivity.   

Monday, March 9, 2020


Well, here it is: Doom and gloom on paper. No, don't run away.  Today is just another day.  IT'S JUST ANOTHER DAY.  Do not panic, do not fear, this is life.  This is what I've been talking about.  This is what will happen to EVERYONE.  How you get back up is what is important.  We have worked until failure.  We have sweat day and night to win a prize.  Now, it's time the reaper comes out and play.  I AM HERE.  I AM THE REAPER.  I HARVEST.  I AM SATURN.  IT IS I FOOLS.  I AM HERE TO HARVEST.   
I feel the energy of Saturn.  Saturn is here.  HE is HERE.  Do not fear.  Do not be alarmed.  This is just time.  It is that time of year again.  Now is the right time.  This is the time I must reap what I sew.  This is time doing its thing.  God has a place and time for everyone.  This just happens to be mine.  This is naturally occurring thing in the world.  Please don't be upset.  I am who I am, and I do what I do.  Everyone plays a role in the universe just as I play out mine.  No, you won't like me.  That in itself is a role.  To be able to appreciate something, you must lose and/or not have something that is otherwise missing.  In the midst of the Gods, you are all children.  It is just that time of year again.  I must do what I must.  Do not cry.  Do not fear.  This is what I must do.  This is my love to you.  You will feel my love.  . . .