Monday, September 24, 2018

6PM Class!?

Well, my class starts 6PM! Wait, what do I do in the meantime for the whole day? It is not possible to be studying the whole day, so what is there left to do really? I guess I'm going to hit the gym and do a light workout. On light days, I usually just go for a swim, sauna, and go hit up some books afterwards. Seriously? This sounds like a dream life. I don't have to go to work and get to hangout at a gym!? I have to do this. I have to go the gym. I have to workout a little. I can't just stay at home and pretend like I'm studying all day. I'm old enough to be responsible to take care of myself.

Why does it still feel like I'm rushing?  Rush here!  Rush there!  Rush! Rush! Rush! Work! Work! Work!  Please! Just let me sit down in peace, so I can eat my Korean fried chicken at Bon Chon!

Seriously, I had Korean fried chicken just now and it was great. The time flew by, and I had a great time. No, I didn't have to work the grind. No, I didn't have this sheer Neanderthal need to go all out and risk myself with injuries. Low stress is what I need. I don't like exposing myself to people, because that always leads to increased levels of stress. Not everyone is going to agree; not everyone is going to be happy with each other's choices. I do not like high pressure, high social situations. I just don't care enough to be taking care of people.  It's not me, and I don't need it in my life.  

Well, that is me in a nut shell. The pressure is on for me to go to class at 6PM. Last night, I went to the school at 3PM just to get some studying done. It all worked out, but I can't be studying and studying forever. I get tired and bored just like everyone else. Sometimes, I have to switch up my schedule and workout. Besides, I had the last 4 days off from school. I think that was enough time to be studying on my own. Anymore than that is just overkill.  As one can see, the things in my life are trying to be put into place for me so I can finally ENJOY.  I don't like high stress, negative people, unimaginable pressure of having to take care of "everyone", and will do everything in my power to prevent all that kind of unnecessary bullshit. Life just works out better for me if I'm a loner. No, I don't recommend being a loner, but life is just that much easier for me being one. 

Thank you for stopping by and reading. I hope to see you all next time!  

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Enemy is Laziness

In life, who is your real enemy? For me, it's laziness. Forget about everyone else or who makes you mad, it's laziness. Laziness is embedded deep inside all of us. We are constantly distracted by everything else around us whether it be new technology, people, music, the weather outside, or whatever the hell it is. If you can persevere and overcome your own laziness and tune out all other distractions, you are good to go to completing your goal(s). My goal is simply to become a CAT SCAN TECHNOLOGIST. My classes are being paid for and there's very little else I have to worry about at the moment, except doing the actual work and reading required for the class. Yes, doing the actual work and picking up a book is hard. Sometimes, I have to resort to listening to the lectures I record or go on youtube just to get my feet wet. Everyday, it's a challenge. Trying to read an educational book is not easy. Perhaps, it's not in my honest opinion and/or interest to pursue such a goal of mine but I MUST DO IT. Long story short, a CT technologist makes a lot more money than whatever the hell it is that I've been doing thus far in my life. There you go folks, all the motivation and reason I need to reach my goal - MAKE MORE MONEY!       

Why is money important to me? I'm super interested in investing, such as Vanguard ETFs. I invest in all sectors of the economy. Do I like working or getting my hands dirty everyday doing the grind? No, I don't like running around in the matrix like a fat hamster on a treadmill; but I like to invest in something that is bigger than myself. Yes, I like to contribute to companies that offer products and services to people. Again, I most likely don't like to do any of the dirty work myself; but I do like to invest in others who are not afraid of the grind. I would like to be a part of those bigger companies. I wish I could work hard and be a productive member of society, but since I don't have a real firm grasp in that arena, the best thing I can do is invest. Why not? Well, I don't have money to pay for all the overhead, no money for real estate, hiring employees cost way too much, the raw material to make whatever or wherever, marketing for potential customers, etc. Without a doubt, the laundry list of things I need to pay for business upkeep will most likely kill me. Even if I did have all  the money, I would still probably hire someone else to oversee my business operations and plans. Again with the laziness. If we translate everything to reality and see what I can actually do to make ends meet, the best I can do is become a cat scan technologist.  

If you factor everything in, the only thing stopping me from reaching my goals is myself. It is up to me to read that book. It is up to me to do that exercises. It is up to me to listen to that lecture another time until I understand the material. It is up to me to deliberately walk away from relationships or toxic people whom take away from my study time. It is up to me to exercise and make sure I don't get fat. It is up to me to speak up and ask questions. It is up to me to control my emotions. It is up to me if I want to remember new vocabulary words and/or jargon. I will not give my sovereignty to playing video games uncontrollably. Ultimately, I am responsible for reaching my goals in life. My goal is simply to become a cat scan technician, but we all know that nothing in life is worth having unless it takes a lot of work to get. I am not here to compare myself to anyone else. This is my own personal struggle to achieve what I want in life.   

Well, I hope someone out there learned something from my cautionary tail. Thank you for stopping by. I hope to see you next time!  

Monday, September 17, 2018

The First Day of Class

Yup, I'm 33 and I'm going back to school for the first time in along time since forever. I sound like a kid again. God forbid, I have an ego and too cocky to learn. So what great purpose do I have a need to go back to school for?  Why would anyone care? Most importantly, why would someone like me care? Well, I am going back to school for CT technologist. I do not want to get into the whole politics behind it all.  There's a lot of background information and financial stuff going on, but none the less my education is being paid for by another party other than myself. I guess you can call it a "free ride". But as you all know, there's no such thing as a free lunch. So, I have to follow a ton of rules, regulations, and guidelines to keep my funding going. As long as I behave myself, listen, and follow their instructions, I can reach my goal of becoming a CT tech.

Aside from anyone giving a damn, I am doing something great for myself. Yes, I do feel fear; I do feel shaken, and I do feel like I have ants in my pants. Nothing worth obtaining in life is easy for anyone. Not only is this program good for me, it's a mutual benefit throughout the community. As a CT tech, I get to take care of people who need help. Again, I don't want to get into the nasty side of the politics of things which is inevitable and in every facet of humanity; but ultimately I am serving others and/or helping people. Yes, I am serving others; I will be compensated for my efforts.

A lot of shit will happen and will be said, but the main point is that I'm going back to school to ultimately serve others. I have agreed to this and signed the paper work. My school is being paid for by them. So this is my life. This is where my life continues. This is the path I have chosen. Yes, I'm afraid. Yes, I have to take the time out of the day and go out of my way to study, read, and learn! Learning how to be someone takes a lot of effort.  I do not wish to be disturbed or distracted by other worldly things at the moment. I know better now. Whatever it is that motivates me or will help me achieve my goal, I will do. No, I never said anything was going to be easy. In fact, my first class will start today at 6PM - 9PM. I have no time to waste. I need to get shit done.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope to keep up with my writing. I hope to study and learn. I hope to grow with everyone around me. One day, I will get back on my feet. Someday . . . 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ordinary People Can Do Extraordinary Things - Elon Musk

Well, I'm back from a long break. God, so many things happened in between here and there. Things are not like what they use to be. Something in THE MATRIX has changed; I've changed. There are things that I've learned and confirmed with much zeal and confidence that holds truth in modern times. I would like to narrow down and pinpoint exactly where and why how a person develops into who they are and how they can change to reach an optimal timeline where they are at their best (or at least the closest to it that they've ever been before). This is important to the extent of human survival: How to obtain the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing as well as reaching self actualization and dreams. Therefore we are just ordinary people, but how can we achieve greatness?

 I believe I have routinely touched basis on this topic in my writings over and over again throughout time and that is your emotional attitude is important. Your attitude emanates from your core and reaches throughout your body, giving you the free intangible energy to push you to the things you want or don't want in life. It's important and vital that you properly align yourself with the right attitude of your choice with your environment whether it be at a school, job, a car lane full of traffic, an overcrowded bus, a super long line at the grocery store, etc. It is also equally important to fight for the things you want so that you can put all of this together, which can only come about with hard, hard work. Most importantly you must identify before hand WHAT YOU WANT. When WHAT YOU WANT can be clearly identified, you can start and begin your journey to achieve extraordinary things. Intuition and confidence plays a great deal in getting what you want. Your dreams will begin to manifest into reality. It all starts with WHAT YOU WANT, choosing the right attitude for the job, aligning yourself with that said attitude, and just doing it. Should you happen to be stuck anywhere along the process, access your intuition; access your higher self. Mediation is a great place to start. Those who practice mediation and ignore the distractions of the everyday hustle and bustle will achieve great strides. It doesn't have to be just mediation. There's no limit to the mind. Other suggestions maybe to just go for a walk, yoga, swimming, biking, running, reading books, listening to inspiring teachers, drawing, creating a vision board, or just starring up into the stairs. Whatever it is: It's an emotion you feel that will vibrate throughout your body and set your soul free to do the things you really want to the point time doesn't matter anymore. You become so enthralled and engulfed in what you are doing that you achieve a zen like state of being.

 Perhaps, you've graduated and need more content in your day. Maybe, you learned all there is to learn and have experienced much of what this Earthly plane of existence has to offer. Boredom is a common problem many people suffer. Are you challenging yourself? Does anything in particular inspire you? For example, I've always wanted to know how some people are just geniuses with great ideas and high test scores. Are they all friendly and nice people? Probably not; but everyone can learn something from someone else, even if it's something what not to do. One of the highlights and home run hitters I've found is the "Akashic Records". From my understanding, it's this intangible library(light being the source of how things fundamentally operate) the minds of people/whoever can access for knowledge about anything, time, place, or whatever information you are looking for. This is where a lot of separate. You either believe me or you don't, but what I do know about is the importance and function pineal gland. To have access to esoteric knowledge and information, you must use your pineal gland. It's like a gateway/portal into another world, a world that has no limits; a world that is not physical. Look, a calcified pineal gland is not something anyone wants. You know your pineal gland has been calcified by looking at your x-ray. Bone matter or anything dense shows up WHITE. Yes, this is backed up by modern science and technology. The point is: You want your pineal gland free from calcification and operating like a well oiled machine. Long story short, you want to stay away from drinking fluoride that maybe found in your water, tooth paste, mouthwash, etc. I've heard that skate liver oil will cleanup your pineal from any early onset of calcification. In fact, I'm trying it now; and I can recall my dreams at night a lot more clearer than before. Dreams are important to me. I interpret my dreams on a daily basis, because they inspire me to write, to think, to grow, and just to start a conversation with another person. This has very little or nothing to do about money, except for the fact skate liver oil costs about $30 for 120 pills (take 2 pills per day). I like sleeping, I like dreaming, and I like analyzing my dreams even though it'll never put a dime in my bank account. In addition, I'm pretty sure ingesting/smoking all kinds of weird drugs and black market stuff work as well to access these higher planes of existence for knowledge or just to have a wild experience. Who knows? I'm just trying to keep everything as simple as possible in the meantime.

 I ask myself: I just want to be smarter, to be more enlightened, to be more conscious, to know more about how to do things, to be better at doing things, to be able to fix things, to be able to generate more income, to be able to have things in life like a home all the while not burying myself in debt, etc. Well, the good news is we have youtube and books. All of these things come into play. I'm not afraid to fail. Life is about learning and that is what I must do: Continue to learn; never stop learning. 

I look forward to the future. Keep reading!

I hope to you see you next time!