Saturday, April 6, 2019

Tiger Mom

I'm actually 34 now, and I still feel like a kid.  Yup, whoever the hell I came into this world as I'm still that same person since kinder garden.  I remember most people and faces as though it was yesterday.  Unfortunately, my Mom still yells at me as though she's the reincarnation of Chairman Mao or something.  "Tiger Mom" is commonly used to describe an overwhelmingly, control freak of an Asian parent who can't stop telling their child what to do or how to do any time during the day.  Do you think there's such a thing as "weekends" and "vacations" for such a personality type?  Nope, Tiger Mom will strike their child at any time of the day.  No one understands the disposition of the Tiger Mom or why she even cares so much about so little.  Why so serious?  Sorry, I don't understand why?  Even after when the kids are all grownup and old, Tiger Mom is still at it.  Is it fun yelling at your kids and telling them what to do all the time?  I can assure you no one likes this kind of treatment.  That is why a lot of Asian children move out and rarely ever want to see their parents.  If the Tiger Mom's goal is to have all her kids grow up, move far away, make just enough money to survive, and dump her in a nursing home somewhere awful when she gets old, then GREAT JOB!  Sorry, I can't stand anyone who is overwhelming controlling for no good reason other than to stroke their own ego.  Sorry, I can't see it from your angle why you need to make life a living Hell for everyone else.  Sorry, I can't appreciate you because I'm definitely not the person you want me to be nor is it even possible to change into that person you want me to be at all times.  Again, I am an asshole.  You are not going to change me.  No, I do not hold up a sign that says "Please change me".  This is not cute.  This is not funny.  Yes, females have this predisposition to change bad guys.  Sorry, just no.  In no shape, way, or form can anyone change anyone else by yelling at them and telling them what to do.  Once your enforced poor programming skills are long gone, the person will just revert back who they original once were; which will ultimately provide more fuel for the said Tiger Mom with more sass and ferocity to begin another attack.  Again, I'm sorry I don't know why anyone would continue to waste their time and energy being a Tiger Mom unless it was somehow ingrained in their DNA.  Will you do me a favor and take a vacation or something?  At the end of the day, all you've really done is create a toxic environment.

So what is meaningful in this world?  What should we be doing?  What is the path to enlightenment?  Although everyone is different, the goal is generally the same: To raise your vibrations.  What the hell does this mean?  Well, you want to be happy, right?  You want to be more aware?  You want to be smarter?  The answer is simple:  Raise your vibrations.  Through your emotions, you can feel the level you are currently at.  Everyone wants to be happy, so just try and be happy.  It's just as simple as that.  Once you actually feel happy, you can begin to express higher emotions like love.  Don't you want to be happy?  Don't you want to feel loved?  That's basically it.  Do things or go to places that makes you feel good.  If you think something sucks and is boring, then try and get the hell out of there unless you're in a dire situation and need to earn a few extra bucks to survive.  On the other hand, humanity tends to dwell and gravitate towards the dark side of things.  Anxiety, depression, hate, suffering, etc. are all too common to us.  Anything that generates this kind of emotion, you would want to steer away from unless your true goal is to be evil and feed off of negative energy and vibes.  For example, I want the least amount of resistance and stress to better achieve a state of happiness; therefore I would find comfort in leaving Tiger Mom where ever I can.  If you plug in the numbers, staying away from Tiger Mom costs $1000 a month to rent out a place elsewhere.  Sorry, I don't pay $1000 to be with Tiger Mom.  I'd pay $1000 to leave Tiger Mom just so I can have more peace of mind.       

I'm going to do myself a favor and just travel into the future real quick.  So if I spent the next thousands of years walking the earth what would I have discovered?  What is cool out there?  What should my goals in life be?  Yes, technology is awesome but is there anything deeper than that?  Is there anything more to my humanity than bitching and complaining?  I needed to go find that one out for myself.  No, I did not make this up.  Not a lot of things that I can randomly makeup can even be considered that creative and/or true.  Being who I am, what really stood out to me is when I stumbled upon some Ancient Tibetan teachings of the Tibetan Rainbow Light Body.  In a nut a shell, if you somehow become such a loving and benevolent human being that the whole Earth itself and the Universe recognizes it through natural means, you actually "graduate" and "transcend" from the planet.  When properly performed and achieved, you'll no longer exist in a human shell of a body in flesh and bone.  You literally transcend and become like a living Jesus or Buddha.  You will no longer be bound by a human body.  You'll exist as a higher vibratory being, which means that you'll have to leave your human body behind.  . . . That's some real crazy shit isn't it?  Well, this really isn't for everyone, because people have families and responsibilities to carry out.  Again, back to being a basic bitch of a human being in flesh and bone trapped in some kind of a matrix like rat race.  Congratulations you remain a basic bitch!  Welcome back to your normal human life.  

I guess for some of us, we're tired of being a basic bitch of a human being in flesh and bone caught up in some rat race, getting yelled at by someone who we could care less about but have to because it's apart of the daily grind of making money and survival.  For those of us who want to speed up the process of reaching another level of higher consciousness and existence, there remains the teachings of the Tibetan Rainbow Light Body.  So how do you do it?  What is the secret to transcending?  Again, raise your vibrations.  How the hell do you do that?  You just practice trying to be happy, compassionate, and as loving possible and keep increasing the bar.  Through mediation, exercise, service to others, and focusing on being a loving person, the Earth will acknowledge your efforts and hard work.  The universe is not dumb.  The Earth and the rest of the universe out there is a intelligent, living sentient being.  If you continue on this path of enlightenment at some point you'll "graduate" and transcend to the next stage of evolution.  You will become a level above.  You will become an inter dimensional being capable of things far greater than we experience on the third dimensional plain of reality.  Sorry, but everyone who is a higher up control freak doesn't want this for you.  No, the government will never want this for you.  There is this huge disconnect and fair of the unknown.  What is this unknown and why control it?  Why not let people be in the know?  You want to know?  If you keep fast forwarding and get to the good parts, you come to a point in history where people have super powers.  Telepathy, levitation, flight, teleportation, transparency, walking through walls, mind reading, cosmic awareness, intuition, materializing objects out of thin air, super strength, etc.  You may already see these kinds of things with magicians.  Why magicians?  What is up with the magic?  What's with the pentagons all the time.  Well, the dark side also has these powers and abilities for a price.  Throughout history, people have gambled and risked their lives making packs with demonic entities.  There are both positive and negative spectrum of dimension.  Depending on which route you take you either believe in the light or the dark side.  The truth is we live in a world of duality.  Each of us has the free will to do whatever we want either to be good or bad, creating a delicate balance between the two.  

Basically, you either become a really loving, compassion individual who believes in service to others; or you give your sovereignty over to some kind of dark self serving evil, demonic force of nature Hell bent on the abuse power, control, domination, and keeping others ignorant of your evil deeds.  Remember, I'm just a homeless guy.  Please do not rage on me.  There's very little reason for me to makeup stories or fantasize about this kind of stuff.  I'm definitely not here to make money off of this.  Speaking of which, this is starting to sound a lot like religion.  There's always a guru or cult leader who says stuff like "If you do these things, you'll receive . . .".  Huh, so I travel thousands and thousands of years into the future and things look like some kind of insane, bat shit crazy, historical Biblical text book about angels and demons; surviving sacred bloodlines; and transcending after death . . .  This is just nuts.  Look, the bottom line is try to be more happy and loving by doing more of the things that you like before it's too late. 

Thank you for stopping by.  I hope to see you next time!  Enjoy!


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