Saturday, April 20, 2019

Crazy Poor Asian

Welcome to being poor.  Let's face it, to have something worth while in investing the startup costs are astronomically high.  The set-up is hard, the time commitment is high, the requirement for money is high, etc.  There's no such thing as a free lunch.  Do you feel like owning tangible rental and/or vacation property?   Or how about something with more trafficking like commercial property?  Maybe, you'd like to own your own franchise?  Well, these are all scientifically, time tested ways to make money.  Unfortunately, we live in the real world and all of these bright ideas take huge amounts of effort, time, and probably the least of your troubles out of all three main ingredients:  MONEY.  So my entire blog focuses solely on things "normal people" can do.  Believe me when I tell you no one here is a trust fund baby.  The rich aren't where they are today because they've been nice all this time.  Aside from being incredible annoying and asking everyone for money all of the time, I believe in actually working or at least doing research on important things that actually does matter or may have a significant impact.  After completing all of these fabulous things, your net return on investments would only be around 10% - 20% maximum.  For example, starting a $300,000 business model will fundamentally make $30,000 a year.  Quite frankly, this is just not for me.  Having to take care of actual tangible property and having to meetup face-to-face customers on a daily basis just to make a minimum of 10% profit is just way too much work for me.  I'm sorry, but the answer is just no.  It's much easier for me to just research/find an online investment, dump a shit ton of money I've earned through work into a mixed diversified portfolio of investments, and hold it for the long run.  No, I'm not a genuine genius or even mentally fluid/dynamic enough to keep up with the current market trends; therefore I'd just payout the annual ETF/mutual fund management fee that is processed automatically.  Whatever positive net income I come across through work, selling crap around the house, or doing small random jobs for people, I'd just continue to throw it into a well, diversified portfolio.  Yes, there are ways to do that.  Personally, I like using Vanguard.  Fidelity also looks pretty good too.  Of course there are many others but these have been working wonders for me thus far. 

Look, I'm not someone who is going to make it big time by creating my own business.  I'm not someone who is going to cold call a thousand people per day for sales.  Hell, I don't even like networking.  I hate having to talk to people.  I don't like being present in the focus of someone looking at me as though I'm going to marry their daughter.  These people orientated meetings just don't workout well for me very well.  There's just something about the whole interview process that just screams out "asshole".  I prefer something a little more casual.  Yes, people have to work to make a living; but sometimes it just gets too intense, way too fast.  This is about work.  This is about being of service to others.  This is about helping other people.  This is about making money.  In no way, shape, or form should this be about me as a person.  Unfortunately, it seems that it usually gets to the point that the reason why there's a meeting or interview to begin with is because it's about ME.  No matter how hard I try to avoid to dodge the question, ultimately it's about ME isn't it?

At the age of 34, I am still where I've started not to long ago.  But believe it or not, 10% per year is considered extraordinary for return on investment.  As long as you figure out a way to continue to invest and grow a minimum of 10% per year, you're doing excellent.  It doesn't seem to matter what I'm trying to accomplish or sell to people as long as the numbers add up.  Investing in ETFs and mutual funds is the best thing someone like me can hope for.  After all, it's just a number to me.  At this time, it seems as though I can't produce a tangible product for people.  Well, if I can't produce a product; the only best alternative for me is to provide people with a service.  Ultimately, I want to make enough money through my investments; so I don't have to work another day in my life.  I would not have to focus any of my attention on creating a product or servicing customers unless I really wanted to.  I could just live my life doing whatever the hell I wanted to. 

Well, this is a weekend.  I hope to enjoy whatever time remains as the clock is ticking.  I hope to see you next time!   


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