Friday, July 17, 2020

Be Someone Worth A Damn

Trust me, you don't want to be that guy who doesn't do anything.  You also don't want to be that guy who doesn't mind his own business and is constantly chasing after someone else.  So how do you attract?  You want to be the kind guy that people come to.  We also don't want to be that guy who says he'll do all this amazing stuff but just ends up playing World of Warcraft online in his mom's basement.  Easier said than done right?  It's okay to be a part of the audience but not forever.  At some point, everyone wants to be the star of their own show.  This is just one of many fundamental problems about being human.  You don't want to be a sheeple.  You don't want to be just like everyone else.  Not everyone falls into this category of uniqueness or self actualization but it comes around once a while in every generation.  Who wants to be just like everyone else?  Who wants to be stuck in the matrix?  Of course, not everyone makes it to this point of being their own star.  Hell, I'm continuing to struggle with this mindset everyday.  You have to fight for your right to live or someone else will try to control your ass.  Therefore, we all struggle with our sense of autonomy as well as doing what is right to get through the day and everyone has their own unique perspective.  What is right for one person maybe seen as stupid for someone else.  Finding empathy and understanding for someone else's point of view is probably one of the hardest things a human being can do.  Imagine if you were in that person's shoes.  A lot of times we don't want to because it's just too painful.  No one wants to be sick, old, or hurting but that is why this skill set is needed.  If you are here to help others, you must be able to understand what the other person is going through which is why they are constantly lashing out at everyone.  No, it's not easy.  In fact, it's probably the hardest thing you can do.  Having empathy for those who are suffering, being compassionate, and loving is no easy task.  Please, understand what love is.  Understand what it means to love someone else other than yourself sometimes.  

There's just so much conflicting shit, opinions, and background noise going on all the time that it's so hard to be doing everything.  You really need to turn off your cell phones and throw away your iPad out of the window to get something accomplished.  Again, you can't select EVERYTHING.  You really have to narrow it down to ONE thing.  No, you can't realistically be earning an income from being a fitness expert, cooking chef, real estate guru, financial expert, YouTuber, vlogger/blogger, New York Times Best Seller, drop shipping, coding for Google, and be a graphics designer for Disney.  This may work for one or two individuals out of a million people, but no definitely not me.  Fuck, it's a miracle if I can even write something coherent on this blog once a week.  So what's my thing?  What's my ultimate business model that I would pursue without getting crunched by excessive time restraints?  Again, who am I to say who I am when I'm the very definition of a jack of all trades master of none?  After everything is said and done, it's ultimately up to me to define who I am and how I carry out my day.  Maybe, I really am I bum?  The reason why I never get to do anything outside of the box of mediocracy is perhaps, because well that's who I actually am. Being me and identifying myself as someone who doesn't give a fuck is really just a sad state of affairs.  

I need to go out and go find some answers about myself.  I've been doing this for what seems to be forever.  In fact, this time I'm pretty sure I'll just come back with very similar content, just another blog post about some wandering homeless trying to find himself among thousands of other homeless people trying to make it.  In the end, who the fuck cares unless it's a documentary/story airing on Netflix or to a lesser extent YouTube.  No one will fucking care, so make sure you be worth a damn when you enter the room.

Thank you for stopping by and giving an actual fuck to read my content.  





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