Sunday, June 11, 2017

Diversify, Diversify, and Diversify

Well, just as I was saying to invest in the technology sector of the economy, it goes bust as in the whole mess dropped down 2.77% or about -$4.10 for everyone one of your shares in information technology.  The other sectors did fine and managed to survive, but the technology sector had a really bad day.  For opportunists, it's a great time to buy now as there's an obvious reduction of prices.  Is it life changing?  Nope, not at all; it's just another day in the office.  I'm very use to prices drop in the stock market due to my frequent exposure for such a long time.  I'm 32 years old now, so I've seen quite a lot of craziness happen already.  Ups and down don't move me as much as I've evolved to be less emotional and more reasonable about my wins and loses.  Being able to handle and deal with your loses is much more important of a skill than knowing what to do when you do make bank.  Once in a while, you'll win, but a lot of times the world is full of losers.  It's like playing the lottery.  Success and wins comes through practice and patience.  It's much harder to win than to lose all the time.  In any event, we always want more wins than loses.  There's no way anyone can time the market or predict what's going to happen with stocks.  We are reduced and watered down to diversifying!  Diversity is the key to survival in the stock market.

 Sometimes you just have to let go and aim higher.  You have to reach for the stars.  You have to takes risks.  Making baby moves and trying to minimize risk all the day will only result in small wins.  People are more impressed with something more life changing and revolutionary, like a new home.  Even I'm stuck making baby moves and taking in small wins here and there.  Let me tell you something, no one is impressed.  When you put your big boy pants on, then someone will turn their head and pay attention.  You have to be good at what you do.  You have to accomplish something big.  No one is impressed with a small, one bedroom apartment in the middle of nowhere.  It takes initiation and guts to get to the next level.  You have to have balls.  You can't just be like the everyone else.

As you can see, I have a lot of growing up to do.  I am here to learn from the greats.  I am here to experience and try new things.  I'm not paralyzed by fear or failure.  Respecting other peoples' time and networking is also vital to any business or lasting relationship that you can't just hide from.  Getting people together has never been my thing in life, but I know it's fundamental to the well being of any functional organization or just basic human survival.    

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