Sunday, November 29, 2020

All My Life - The True Life Story of Solomon Chau

Well, this is it "All My Life" the true love story of Solomon Chau.  Kind of weird, huh?  "Solomon Chau" would be the last person I would think would embark on a journey to Hollywood.  Just as I though I was a nobody, there's a movie about me "Solomon Chau.  The universe definitely surprised the hell out of me on this one.  Seriously, I thought I was going to be a nobody my whole life.  But now, "Solomon Chau" is all over Hollywood!  Thanks Harry Shum Jr I guess.  It's just such a strange turn of events don't you think?  I just can't believe it!?  Finally, a "Solomon Chau" breaking through the doors of Hollywood.  Never before seen, a leading Asian male role actor in America!  Holy shit, this is most ground breaking.

This is probably the first and only time "Solomon Chau" will ever be super famous for anything.  Thank you Lord!  It's as though I hit the jackpot!  Or so I think?  Unfortunately, I get my fair amount of haters.  If you scroll down my history, I've been "Solomon Chau" since forever.  But holy shit, I'm in the movies now!?  

I appreciate there being a Hollywood hit "Solomon Chau" movie.  This is just unbelievable, a dream come true.  I thank the Jewish people up there somewhere for making this come true.  You make me feel like I'm not some homeless nobody.  I am eternally grateful!

Thank you everyone,

Solomon Chau   

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Good Bye Forever

Well, I guess I'm moving on.  I'm going to stop posting on this blog.  AdSense has disabled my account.  No, I haven't even made a dime nor care anymore.  I've been post since 2014 and no one has ever gave a damn.  Basically, I've been using this as my diary.  No, it never picked up as a best selling whatever.  No, I'm pretty much someone no one would ever give a fuck about.  No, I don't care.  There's not much for me to care about really.  No money, no beautiful women, no beautiful house, no anything really worth mentioning that doesn't suck.  What's the point of me continuing to post knowing that I will never a make a penny?  It's like my life doesn't even matter.  Why do I continue to write if no one is even reading my blog entry? 

Other than being cathartic, blogging has not been very financially rewarding for me.  I could just write my diary entries on a notepad and no one would otherwise care.  Either way, no one cares if it's online or on a piece of paper.  Diaries of no one gives a fuck.  When the coronovirus first hit, there were bodies just piling up in the hospital.  It's as though no one gave a fuck.  Everyone spent their whole lives bitching and complaining, and then one day you end up in the back of some God forsaken freezer truck at the hospital.  Again, you're just another fucking body being piled up.  No one cares.  No one cares.  No one cares kid, go home. 

The war is over.  Within a whole time frame of five plus years, Solomon does not make money blogging.  He does not give enough fucks to make that kind of money from writing.  No, he does not make money entertaining people.  No, he does not have such a natural talent to just dance/talk on stage and command a large audience.  Holy shit, no money.  After all these years, no money.  I made no money appearing on this Blogger.  I made absolutely no fucking money.  Whatever I write or do here is worth virtually nothing.  Kids do not be like me.  I am who I am for whatever reason and this is my personal perspective on life.  I guess there are tons of other people who are like me who never get lucky and just stay in limbo on their free time, doing whatever for very little or no money.  Whatever the fuck this is, it does not pay the bills.  Whatever the fuck I've been doing here, it will not even buy me a cup of coffee at Starbucks.  I am doing something horribly wrong and should fucking stop doing it, because it's just not worth the time and effort. 

To my audience, I'm sorry I won't be blogging here anymore but there's no money coming out of it.  I've create this, whatever it is, out of my share will.  I poured my soul into it.  Just know that what I've written is the truth from my perspective.  Everyone is different but this is just from my perspective alone.  With everything said and done, I bid you farewell.



What Does Life Look Like When You Are Not a Fail?

What is the point of all of us doing things and working hard if no one else will ever even raise an eyebrow?  I've always have had this feeling of needing an audience or attention in the back of my mind as though I'm suppose to be some kind of entertainer.  No, I don't need drama in my life but for some reason I like the idea of having an audience.  I have this need that wants to be fulfilled but isn't be satisfied for whatever reason due to the extra amount of work that is needed to complete the task.  Without a doubt, not having an audience is much easier to live life.  There is no one to judge you or make constant asshole comments.  None the less, if you want an audience you have to be able to deal with all of the trolls and haters lurking behind every corner.  I get it: Show business is not easy.  Hell, I've been blogging for my whole adult life and I make absolutely zero money.  If I'm going to fucking put in work into something and not even get paid for it, I might as well do whatever.  This is my version of doing whatever; and I'm literally not getting paid.  I've never been getting paid for writing a blog.  I've never been getting paid for uploading shitty videos on YouTube.  Why am I not getting paid for my time?  I'm basically the equivalent of a a fat girl no one wants to date.  Who cares if she has any talent or brains?  No one wants to screw her at night.  She will never be known as sexy or good looking.  She will always be known as the fat girl in the room.  Life just isn't fair.  Likewise, I'm the guy who just isn't good enough or doesn't put enough effort into making money blogging and/or vlogging online.  Have I ever seriously tried?  No, not really.  I've made kiddy projects but that's about it.  No, I've never done it professionally with thousands of dollars of equipment, ads, and people to hire.  None the less, I believe I should be making at least making $5 by now with 10 years @_@ 

Regardless if I'm getting paid or not, I continue to write because that's what I do.  This is how I express myself in a nonviolent way and more loving way.  Unfortunately, I don't pay the bills with doing so.  I may have as well spent my free time mowing lawns or doing some monotonous work no one would give a shit about in a thousand years.  As a result, I'd like to put my time and effort into something that wasn't so worthless.  No one wants to hear someone else bitch and complain when they can perfectly do it without flaw themselves.  As my professor wants told me: "Minimum effort equals minimum wage".  As my blog has been unfolding, it reveals a story a about a man who doesn't give a fuck in the midst of a global pandemic and all other aspects in life before, during, and after.  This is the ultimate blog about not giving a fuck.  No, there isn't much else written here because that's exactly what it's about: Not giving a fuck.

So what does it look like when people do give an actual fuck?  Well, a good sign that someone out there gives an actual fuck about something is when money is involved.  If you're not making money, then the whole thing is a waste of time.  We all share the same 24 hours a day, but life isn't fair.  Some people's time is worth much more than someone else's.  Some individuals are much more valuable than others due to their innate raw talents.  We can all create and express ourselves, but some do it better than others.  Unless you are one of these highly talented people every seems to be after, there's nothing to worry about.  No, you do not need body guards and lawyers protecting your ass.  No, no, and more no.  Holy shit, welcome to a state of being delusional.  If you're not bringing home the bacon, shut up already.

Let it be known: I don't get paid for my content that I share with the world.  I'm on my path to homelessness.  Welcome to the world of no one gives a fuck.

Thank you for stopping by.  May one day someone actually care about you and/or your work that you've personally created.  Peace out.


Monday, July 20, 2020

Why Does Everyone Care About the Stupid Things in Life?

Have you ever noticed most people around you only care about the little tiniest of details that has very little or no significant impact but only to annoy the hell out of you?  Time after time again, I continue to trigger people with things that don't even matter.  People pay the most attention to me when I'm not giving a fuck or do something stupid.  It's like the naysayer is inside of everyone, ready to jump out and attack the shit out of you for the tinniest of little mistakes.  Has this ever happened to you?  Like no one gives two shits, but when you cause a small accident like a drop of water from your cup or look around the room at a girl EVERYONE goes ape shit?  I guess it must be something in the air in New Jersey.  I must be one of very few people in this world who actively doesn't want to give a fuck, because it doesn't matter.  If you're not contributing to help paying for stuff, I really don't care.  Why do I always look like I'm the asshole?  Some people may even turn on me just so that they can get a reaction out of me just because they know for a fact they can see someone who could care zero shits about them, absolutely zero.  Sorry but not sorry:  No one in my department gives a fuck...that is unless you are helping me in some way, shape, or form.   

You would not believe the amount of Negative Nancys and Debbie Downers I encounter everyday.  I get it, you constantly complain about everyone and everything even though there's nothing externally bothering you.  Don't you get it?  No one else gives a fuck so stop your complaining.  I sure as fuck don't have time for your sorry ass and don't want to be involved with you.

Whatever I say, whatever.  I have better things on my shit list of things to do.  No, I don't have time for anyone being sorry for themselves.  No, I don't have any time for anyone's stupid complaints about nothing.  You being a bag of shit doesn't have anything to do with me, so please don't try to reflect your psychological garbage on me.  I wish the people would be less toxic and more mindful that not everyone needs to hear their abundant, useless asshole comments. 

So why don't most people use their time to be helpful?  Why are there so many negative ass people in this world?  Why do so many people come across as assholes?  Why do people sound like they're arguing all the time?  I know one thing for sure, I can't change anyone else's opinion.  There's only one thing I can really change and that is myself.  I can change my attitude.  I can change my mindset.  I can change what I do in the morning.  I can change who I listen to.  I can change where I'm going.  I can change!  I can change! 

With all the crazy shit going on in the world, people need to be more positive.  Unfortunately, there's always that negative ass person in the room who is going to hate; just make sure it's not you.

I wish everyone the best.  I wish people weren't so hurt and fucked up, so they can stop hating and throwing tantrums at everyone they come across.  I wish everyone can find Jesus and learn how to love one another.  I wish people can find peace within themselves.  I wish people would stop caring so much about attacking each other about stupid shit.  I can't change people, but what I can do is change my attitude. 

Thank you for stopping by.  Thank you for reading my content, because without you I'd be a real nobody.  Until next time!   


Friday, July 17, 2020

Be Someone Worth A Damn

Trust me, you don't want to be that guy who doesn't do anything.  You also don't want to be that guy who doesn't mind his own business and is constantly chasing after someone else.  So how do you attract?  You want to be the kind guy that people come to.  We also don't want to be that guy who says he'll do all this amazing stuff but just ends up playing World of Warcraft online in his mom's basement.  Easier said than done right?  It's okay to be a part of the audience but not forever.  At some point, everyone wants to be the star of their own show.  This is just one of many fundamental problems about being human.  You don't want to be a sheeple.  You don't want to be just like everyone else.  Not everyone falls into this category of uniqueness or self actualization but it comes around once a while in every generation.  Who wants to be just like everyone else?  Who wants to be stuck in the matrix?  Of course, not everyone makes it to this point of being their own star.  Hell, I'm continuing to struggle with this mindset everyday.  You have to fight for your right to live or someone else will try to control your ass.  Therefore, we all struggle with our sense of autonomy as well as doing what is right to get through the day and everyone has their own unique perspective.  What is right for one person maybe seen as stupid for someone else.  Finding empathy and understanding for someone else's point of view is probably one of the hardest things a human being can do.  Imagine if you were in that person's shoes.  A lot of times we don't want to because it's just too painful.  No one wants to be sick, old, or hurting but that is why this skill set is needed.  If you are here to help others, you must be able to understand what the other person is going through which is why they are constantly lashing out at everyone.  No, it's not easy.  In fact, it's probably the hardest thing you can do.  Having empathy for those who are suffering, being compassionate, and loving is no easy task.  Please, understand what love is.  Understand what it means to love someone else other than yourself sometimes.  

There's just so much conflicting shit, opinions, and background noise going on all the time that it's so hard to be doing everything.  You really need to turn off your cell phones and throw away your iPad out of the window to get something accomplished.  Again, you can't select EVERYTHING.  You really have to narrow it down to ONE thing.  No, you can't realistically be earning an income from being a fitness expert, cooking chef, real estate guru, financial expert, YouTuber, vlogger/blogger, New York Times Best Seller, drop shipping, coding for Google, and be a graphics designer for Disney.  This may work for one or two individuals out of a million people, but no definitely not me.  Fuck, it's a miracle if I can even write something coherent on this blog once a week.  So what's my thing?  What's my ultimate business model that I would pursue without getting crunched by excessive time restraints?  Again, who am I to say who I am when I'm the very definition of a jack of all trades master of none?  After everything is said and done, it's ultimately up to me to define who I am and how I carry out my day.  Maybe, I really am I bum?  The reason why I never get to do anything outside of the box of mediocracy is perhaps, because well that's who I actually am. Being me and identifying myself as someone who doesn't give a fuck is really just a sad state of affairs.  

I need to go out and go find some answers about myself.  I've been doing this for what seems to be forever.  In fact, this time I'm pretty sure I'll just come back with very similar content, just another blog post about some wandering homeless trying to find himself among thousands of other homeless people trying to make it.  In the end, who the fuck cares unless it's a documentary/story airing on Netflix or to a lesser extent YouTube.  No one will fucking care, so make sure you be worth a damn when you enter the room.

Thank you for stopping by and giving an actual fuck to read my content.  





Thursday, July 16, 2020

What Support Looks Like

Somethings in life just command your attention to work.  Creating work flow is a life skill.  If you want to improve, you really need to change up your environment.  If you seriously want to change, you NEED to change your attitude.  You need to change your shit hole of a living space into something worth a damn.  It's hard to get out of your comfort zone and that's why the best thing you can do is CHANGE YOUR ENVIRONMENT.  You may not be able to control other peoples' negative opinions about you, but you can change your environment.  Be the person you ought to be.  Be the person you imaged as a child growing up.  Be the person you wished your parents were.  For the love of God, don't just be another Negative Nancy, Debby Downer, or Karen.  There are far too many naysayers out there waiting behind every corner just to attack you.  Life creates way too many of them, seriously.  No one really wants to be the King of Mediocracy either, but it just happens.  So how do you be you and not be crushed by all this negativity stemming out from the very core of human existence?  One of the most straight forward and effective ways is just by changing up your environment.  You want to be somewhere that is positive.  If it doesn't exist yet then make it your goal to create it.  Your job is to be you.  The haters and naysayers will still be there after you are long gone but for for right now, your goal is to take care of you.  Only you can change you.  Only you can be the ultimate version of yourself.  Only you can help yourself.  Only you can regain your sovereignty back. 

I would like to help the small fries out there.  I would like to dedicate my time to not only helping out myself but others who lack the discipline and the will to become the greatest versions of themselves.  No, it's not easy helping people.  It's a journey.  It's a hardship.  It takes willpower, determination, grit, ambition, focus, and relentlessness.  Most importantly you just can't care what others think about you.  You just have to ignore everyone else's opinion and just fucking do whatever it is you need to take care of.  If you always listen to everyone else, then sadly you'll end up just becoming their bitch.  There's always going to be that someone telling you what to do whether it's your parents, teachers, boss at work, the fat asshole down the street, etc. but the only person who has full control of you at all times is ultimately you.  You have the ability to not give a fuck and do whatever it is you're going to do.  None the less, not everyone is wired to be a good person.  Some individuals may really think rioting and looting things maybe the answer they are looking for.  Violence is usually not the answer but for many it is. In any event, don't do anything stupid with your new found glory.

Well, that's a warp.  I feel like calling it a day.  I feel like resting now.  I don't feel like being productive right now as I'm just done eating lunch.  My energies comes and goes like a train.  At one end, I'm all pumped and super excited to get stuff done.  The next moment, I'm done with a meal and all of the sudden I feel like being a fat asshole who accomplishes nothing. 

Until next time!  Thank you for reading.           

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Connecting with Your Audience or The Lack Of

Welcome to the world of no one gives a fuck.  Yup, this is exactly what happens to you when you somehow decide to be more reactive than proactive.  There are ramifications for deciding to not doing anything.  As the hours of the day go by, you manage to accomplish nothing.  Perhaps you really needed the time for yourself and your family, but as for me: I really needed to find something more productive to do with my time off of work.  Amazon, Ebay, Paypal, the stock market, YouTube, Blogger . . . What is it that I have not tried yet?  Which one of these actually is worth my time?  I am the very definition of Jack of all trades master of none.  What do I bring to the table?  Who the hell cares if they see me?  What is my connection with the world?  Am I really just another fucking tax payer?  Why don't I have any great gifts and surprises to offer the world that is even remotely worth a crap to be watching on television?  No one can answer these questions for you except yourself.  Sometimes, people just get lucky. 

No one else can help you if you are lazy.  You have to work on yourself first.  Maybe that's just what it is.  Because I'm just not properly aligned with my priorities and goals in life, I'm just drifting around, aimlessly trying to climb up a mountain of stairs that doesn't really go up anywhere.  At the end of the day, who the hell cares?  All I really know for sure is that I'd be happy just coming home to a paycheck.  That's exactly the problem:  I am a slut.  I am willing to do anything for money, never really defining what the fuck it is I actually want to do for a living. 

As I've stated before, I'm really just a leprechaun.  With no leadership skills needed, all I'm really into is grabbing things for free, being cheap with my purchases, using the maximum amount of coupons I can get my dirty filthy Jewish hands on, and just sinking my teeth into whatever money I can get my hands on.  Is this the path I really want to go down?  Where is the integrity?  Where are my values?  What direction in life am I going with this?

If I'm not mistaken, the ancient ones want us to focus more on service to others.  Instead of being a greedy ass mother fucker, THEY want us to learn and practice how to genuinely be more compassionate, loving, kind, giving, and be more of service to others.  Yup, easier said than done.  Easier said than done.  Well, I still have a lot to learn. 

Thanks for stopping by and readying.  I find it hard enough to love myself let alone anyone else.  I have a long way to go.  Just love.  Why not?  Just love.yourself for starters. 


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Daydreamer

Well, I guess this is me just wandering around the mall one day like I don't give a fuck.  Outside of work, who am I?  Who do I want to be?  Who do I want to be perceived as?  Who the hell is this guy?  No one likes a nobody.  No one wants to be that nobody in the story.  No one wants to be the homeless guy.  No want wants to be the invisible person.  Most of the time, I feel like I'm just an extra in the movie.  I don't really have a role nor do I really want one.  I'm pretty much just a wanderer.  I'm intelligent and aware of enough not to be just another sheep, but I'm just not there yet to fully define myself with an exact purpose and/or niche with direction.  Being accustomed to working all day, it's just pleasing for me to just loaf around and be a nobody.  I enjoy doing nothing.  I don't like having to work if I don't have to.  It's great and all to be SOMEBODY, but I really don't want to care sometimes.  Sometimes, I just walk around just for the hell of it.  I don't have to give a damn about what everyone else is doing with their time.  I just want to stroll around and not give a fuck.  I really don't care about being perceived as passive.  I'm not sure why males have to be seen acting overly aggressive and exhausting themselves to compete all the time like an animal.  Unless it's worth it, I'm not going to give crap.  Most of the time what happens is that the cops are called over something dumb, real dumb.  Sometimes, it's just dumb. Oh wow, like you've never seen a girl before?  It just gets dumb and dumber.  I would like to stay out of the drama as much as possible.  If you can pull it off without something dumb happening, great. 

When will I find myself?  Who is this guy?  Who do I want to be?  Who do I want to be for my audience?  What value do I provide to others?  Will anyone even be around when I'm there?  Who the fuck would even remotely care?  What the hell am I good for?  The hardest part is that no one else can answer these questions accept me.  The same goes for you.  Who the hell are any of us?  Who do you really want to be remembered as?  Who the fuck do I really want to be remembered as?  Am I just another "some guy"?  Can I be someone who's actually fucking useful for once?  Is my job just to stand there and look pretty?

And on that day, no one gave a fuck.  Just no one cared that day.  I woke up, did my daily whatever, enjoyed my video games, Netflix, and did whatever.  No teachers, no parents, no anybody was involved, just me.  Thou shall not give a fuck about me.  I lived this day like no one gave a fuck.  I lived, didn't get accosted for anything stupid, and continued with my life.  No fucks were given that day.  Exactly zero fucks were given that day.  Nothing was accomplished.  Nothing was achieved.  It was just pure living like any other passing day on this planet.  Did I REALLY WANT to BE SOMEBODY that day?  Yes, I wanted to be at least millionaire since forever, but unfortunately that would have taken A TON of WORK.  In any event, the next best thing for me was just to wander around, looking for sales and coupons to use, and just NOT CARE.  In reality I didn't want to be a somebody for anybody which was also the laziest thing to do at the time.  Everything else like having tons of money, being on TV, chasing around girls, etc. was just another daydream around the corner.  Trust me, if you're not working hard at something in the present moment then you're probably just daydreaming like me.  Don't be like me.  Don't be daydreaming.  Go make that money, work on your craft, go chase that girl, and go live your life to the fullest.  You still have time.  It's your time to shine.

Well, that's been me in a nutshell: Thou shall not give a fuck.  Sometimes, it's just up to God to ultimately decide whether you'll be born with a certain look, height, talent, IQ, EQ, social skill level, language learning ability, math ability, athleticism, rich/poor family, etc.  Long story short, this is it girl.  This is what you get from me.  This is who I am.  This is who you'd be marrying.  You either take me as I am and appreciate the time we have together; or you'll just end up complaining and bitching.  This is it.  This is it for the both of us.

Thank you for stopping by and reading.  I wish everyone the best.  Until next time!             




Crazy Dream - Illuminati Shit

I had the most craziest dream last night.  It all started when I frequented my local brothel during the quarantine.  I wasn't expecting much.  None of the dancers were there.  The environment and scenery were a bit different than the actual brothel I go to, but none the less I was well aware what it was.  So I was just hanging out there and exploring the place.  Little by little, women would start showing up sitting down on couches, ordering food, and just trying to have a good time by themselves.  It was very nice inside with marble floor, grand piano, slot machines, movie theaters, and even a large Christmas tree toward the front entrance.  Any who, this place would just keep magically presenting new things that haven't been there before.  The next thing I knew, I went downstairs and was watching some new The Matrix and X-Men movie.  It must have been Peter Parker explaining how X-Men was like The Matrix but only in 3D.  In any event, Spider-Man shows up and starts webbing the ceiling beam mounts and creates some weird new technology out of it all like some kind of weird 5D experience with flashy 3D graphics.  It was really wild and crazy.  I don't think I can explain it in human terms.  Afterwards, I'm talking to this little boy sitting next to me.  He's talking to me like he knows me as "Solomon".  I asked him how do you know my name?  He replied with "Because of your wrist band".  Next, I see a lady ask if anyone needed a nail.  The little boy raise his hands.  Surprisingly, the lady takes out a hammer and nails down a metal shackle looking device on the boy's feet.  Holy shit, this child was a slave!  At the same time, I guess my Mom was calling me to getup and leave.  Before departing, I gave the child a five dollar bill and a single, totaling $6.  It was a sad moment as he struggled to take more money from my wallet.  It was shameful how I felt so greedy, trying to keep everything I had when there was someone else who obviously really needed it; but I had my boundaries.  I was a very surreal feeling.  On one hand, someone was in need but on the other hand I needed to protect myself from being robbed.  I felt like I was the rich asshole this time.  Moving forward in my dream, I met my family friend Emmanuel.  He showed up randomly with his wife trying to play the slot machines just as I started grabbing money from one of the machines that was just spitting out money for whatever reason.  So we hangout a short bit.  Back to my Mom, we had lunch downstairs.  While I was eating a delicious plate of fried rice, there was some weird orange hair alien creature shackled up in the corner.  Then, his parents showed up but were kind of cool. I distinctively remember the alien humanoid creature(s) having orange hair.  The last part of the dream was when this pharaoh figure coming out and trying to establish order.  He was bald and creepily white with a purple robe.  With a loud voice he was commanding the slave children, trying to stop people from having fun, and literally being the stickler.  I guess this must be the head hancho of the place.  No, he wasn't very nice.  In any event, I recall having an epiphany about how this is the way "Illuminate" operates with slave children and basically trying to get everyone to cooperate and do as they say.  Yup, it was a pretty dark dream.

Peace out

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Take 100% Responsibility

I am responsible.  I am responsible for writing this.  I am responsible for cleaning up after myself.  I am responsible should I happen to eat too much and become fat.  I am responsible for buying too much crap I don't need.  I am responsible for pushing an old lady out of my way at the supermarket.  I am responsible for speeding.  I am responsible for going to bed at night.  I am responsible for anything I do. 

Well, the hardest part of being human is being responsible for ourselves.  The truth is most of us don't want to be responsible.  We are afraid of failure.  We are afraid we may do something wrong.  Sometimes, we don't even care what we do and just want to have a fun time.  Unfortunately, we come to a point in time where we all have to face the music as an individual.  We all make our own conscious decision.  We can't follow the herd mentality forever.  Eventually, there will be a point where all wrong doings will be notified and even punished for that matter.  Likewise, there will be a time individuals will be rewarded for doing what is perceived as good.  In any event, we should all be mindful about our actions and responsibilities throughout the day.  

To be fair, it's hard for any of us to take 100% for our own actions.  None of us wants to do all the work.  None of us wants to be blamed for any misshapen.  I write about this time and time again.  We become our habits.  It is our habits that defines us, day in and day out.  Sometimes, I just want an "I don't care button", but in reality doing nothing and not caring is also a choice that has its ramifications just like everything else.  No, I don't want to be that homeless guy on the street corner.  I need to find a life for myself that is somewhat balanced.  I want to be productive by not being overburdened by a huge laundry list of a workload.  I also don't want to be that asshole who doesn't do anything.  Life is a delicate balance between two opposing forces.  Welcome to the world of duality.

So many wants, so many dislikes and complaints, so many things to do, but we only have so little time during the day.  What do I prioritize?  What things are even worth doing?  These are the questions that I ask and must answer everyday.  While I was a struggling student at Rutgers University, I recall a fellow student advise me: You need to get your priorities straight.  I need to get my priorities straight?  What the fuck could that possibly mean without offending my ego?  Is getting into college and taking classes not enough?  Obviously, there was something more to life than being  a  sheep following the shepherd to the slaughter house.  Am I not using my time wisely?  Must I become someone or something that I'm not?  Do I dare to challenge myself and achieve popularity despite the overcoming odds?  What in God's name are MY PRIORITIES?  Nothing could be better in this world than taking care of yourself.  Yes, you must be able to take care of yourself before achieving anything else.  Fame, fortune, money, expensive things, .etc doesn't matter much if your hospitalized on your death bed somewhere.  Some of us aren't all that materialistic and greedy.  There's something inside of me that expresses an emotion beyond such a low vibratory frequency.  This higher calling of feelings may be termed as love or compassion where things like money, technology, fame, and fortune doesn't even matter.  While working I once overheard a family member mention "care is worth every ounce in gold".  To actually care and give a shit about someone is important.  Unfortunately, we are "all" wired to worship all things Hollywood, gold, cars, money, power, sex, fame, fortune, nice houses, etc.  Seriously, where is the love?  It's not a nice feeling when no one cares about your birthday.  "I love you" . . . where is the "I love you" these days? 

It's funny how I just sat here and wrote this piece.  Maybe, it's from years of living or maybe it's because of the connection I have with my mind heart chakras.  I believe we all have a higher self.  We download information all the time, especially when we sleep.  Sometimes, I just take a walk and refresh myself.  No, I don't need a ton of money.  No, I don't need to put it on Instagram.  No, I'm not even the right fit to be spreading my face all over social media.  I would just get so much unwanted attention.  I also wouldn't even care much to respond to anyone.  In any event, no one will care about you unless you care about them.  I guess this must be the case, my case.  Because I don't care enough about MY AUDIENCE, they won't view MY CONTENT.  Therefore, since my views are extremely low; I guess I just don't care enough to be reaching out to people.  Maybe, this whole social media thing is more for me venting as opposed to actually communicating and caring about others?  Again, no one wants to be that asshole who doesn't do or contribute anything.

In the end of days, there's not much going on here.  It's mostly just me, my blog, and the stuff I've been hoarding throughout the years.  When I'm done punching out of the clock, when I'm done going to work, when I'm done with my computer, who will be there for me?  Who?  Who in God's name would care other than me, myself, and I? 

That's it for me today.  I don't expect a miracle to be happening anytime soon.  Maybe, this is the present I want?  Maybe, this is the existence that I feel is right for me?  Do I really want to be surrounded by assholes that I call friends?  All I know is I can take 100% responsibility of myself of what I do and what I say.  Sometimes, the best thing I can do is not say anything; therefore I don't have to listen to any bullshit coming back to me.  Again, maybe spending time alone is the best option for taking care of myself.  

Thank you for stopping by.  I hope you have a blessed day.  Take care.       



Monday, June 29, 2020

Out of Space; Out of Time

Well, here it is: I'm full of shit.  There are just boxes stocked on top of boxes of crap.  These are books and magazines that I will never read.  These are old electronics which will probably never be used again.  Time after time again, the only thing that remains is the junk that we leave.  I can guarantee you that if I threw out all these boxes of crap, no one would care.  In fact, I may as well just leave them in front of one of my local libraries.  As they say: Another man's trash is another man's treasure.  We all fall into this category of hoarding shit, because we don't know how to spend our time wisely.  We suffer from the scarcity mindset, never knowing when our next meal will be so we start grabbing and taking everything under the false impression that it maybe worth millions down the road.  Unfortunately, how much money do you think you can make from reselling all of this shit?  How much fucking time do you think you have to be sitting outside and hosting a garage sale?  As an adult, you really feel it.  You feel that time is precious.  Time is all that we have.  In the end, we don't need stuff.  I repeat, we don't not really need all that much stuff.  It's just that we suffer from a poverty mindset.  As mother Theresa has once said:  There is no one who has gone poor from giving.  It's such an easy concept to understand and preach, but do any of us live it? 

I am stuck.  I am stuck by the madness.  I am stuck by the stuff.  I am stuck by the low level vibratory frequency of hoarding things.  I wish to be free from my shackles.  I wish to stop being a hoarder.  I believe that I don't need all of this fluff.  I believe that there is an underlying reason why I keep all this carp around.  Maybe, I just want to show off?  Maybe, I want to really impress someone that I read all these books?  Maybe, I just don't want to care anymore.

All I really know is that I don't need to surround myself with excessive amounts of crap anymore.  There is just too much stuff to be accountable for.  My goal is to reduce and eliminate my Earthly baggage.  Hopefully, these books can find a new home.  Maybe, I can help a young person out.  I want my donated books given to children, not adults trying to resell them.  Does our donations ever make it to the ones in need?  I have my doubts, but I sure hope so.  Books . . . so many books.  You can never have too many books until they fill your house with too much shit.  No, having too much shit in your home is not sexy and everyone notices how much of a pack rat you are.  People also notice how empty your home is.  Between the lesser of the two evils, I would rather have less stuff.  It's much less work to move and manage things than it is to be overbearing with stuff.  There's no one else around except me to deploy this monstrosity. 

I have to work outside of actual paid working hours at a real job.  Well, see you all later.  Thank you for your 1 view.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


After retaking and passing my exam that I just failed, I need to purge my room of ancient old crap.  I have way too much baggage on my hands.  The vast majority of it has been untouched for several years after the ending of a school semester.  In a world dominated by industry and money making schemes, who the hell cares about old text books?  I'm sorry, but old text books should be removed from my household.  They prove of no use to anyone except dust collecting.  No, I'm not a genius who would read old text books from college for fun.  In fact, it's a pretty big waste of my time as I don't recall information that well anyways.  The extent of how much space and time all this excessive crap takes is phenomenal.  For the last time, no one reads old school text books for fun.  This bullshit has got to go.  No one cares, literally means NO ONE CARES.  If you want information on the stop, use the internet.  Everything is online now.  When the academic school system and professors are updating their textbooks every year to milk their students for profit to buy new text books for hundreds of dollars, there's going to be a lot of bullshit.  It's just too much bullshit.  Once again, no one needs that shit.  Sorry, I could care less about impressing anyone with having old school books around in this day and age. 

Hope for humanity . . .I hope that one day, my life can make more sense.  I hope to live a life that isn't just a room full of random shit of hoarding.  I want to do what I love doing.  I want to collect things that are worth a damn.  If it's not important, please don't waste my time on more garbage.  I don't regret anything I've done, but I just wish I knew what to do better with MY TIME.  Staying out of trouble and not doing anything could have been a possible solution, but maybe there was something more?  Maybe, just maybe there was an alternative way for success.  None the less, I continue to reach out further into the stars.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope to write some more.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

My Exam is a Fail

Well, I need to pass my exam so I can become a fully registered and licensed.  What can be worse than waiting for your results.  My preliminary score was 73, but you need a 75 to pass.  Huh, I'm barely even able to survive in my field.  No, I didn't expect to get a 100%; but 75 is not asking for much now is it?  Therefore, who am I to say I'm right all the time?  For one thing, I am nothing more than just one of life's many students.  Yes, I've probably put in more hours of studying and readying than my peers; but I'm still learning.  Disappointment, shame, guilt, worry, etc.  All of these negative emotions come arising finding out I didn't pass a simple exam.  Don't you understand?  Receiving one of the lowest scores just to pass?  This is not anywhere being an overachiever.  This is some pretty low standards to be honest.  I just feel like I deserve a second chance.  None the less, I'm still waiting for my final results.  I still have time to take another test. 

I feel ashamed.  I believed in myself.  I did the work.  I believed in what I was doing.  I believed in working hard.  I got up, got myself prepared, and did the work.  I can't believe this.  How could I possibly fail at something I do on the job everyday?  Perhaps, I should never change my answers on the test when reaching the end the exam.  I mean this shouldn't even be a thing.  Why am I struggling just to squeeze in 1 or 2 points just to pass?  No, I'm not a genius on paper or real life.  It's clear to me that I just don't know the answer to many of life's questions.  Good lord, I need help from above.  I thought I had it.  I thought my hard work and studying would pay off.  I'm at a lose here.  Maybe, I'll get demoted or something.  It's okay though.  I'll continue to work hard and learn regardless of being demoted.

Demotion, yes a demotion.  What if you found yourself making $100 an hour and all the sudden you've been demoted to a grocery clerk making $8 an hour.  That would be pretty devastating right?   Well, I guess it's similar to my case.  If I don't pass this exam before my deadline, I will be demoted.  There's nothing worse than having to do more work and making less money.  Worse case scenario, I will continue to work but with less pay.  I will continue to work but be in a lesser position.  How low can one go?  How high can one go up?  Well, I'm not a doctor and/or lawyer so I wouldn't know how'd that feel.  How ever long it will take me, I will try and pass my registration exam.  I have up to 3 years or whatever to take it up to 3 times.  If I have to continue on this dark path for 3 years, I will do it.   

As you can see, I am the definition of mediocracy.  No, I'm not a genius.  No, I didn't save the world.  Yes, I am delusion just because I've landed a 9-5 job that pays a little more than minimum wage.  Well, there are doctors, lawyers, and Jeff Bezo out there making a killing.  Who am I to have a big ego?  Who am I to tell you what is right and what is wrong?  I am just a humble student.  Please forgive me for my failures.  I will study harder.  I will put more effort into my endeavors.  I will play less video games.  I will sleep less.  I will focus more on my craft.  I will focus more on my business.  I will focus more on my job.  I will focus more on my continual education.  I am determined to do better on my exam. 

Thank you for stopping by.  I hope I get a second chance.  I'll be letting my readers know for next time.  Hopefully, the pandemic has extended my window frame of time to take my 2nd attempt. See you all next time!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Save More Money with Geico Car Insurance

Well, here it is: My $238.89 or $39.85 per month for 6 months Geico car insurance during the pandemic.  You get a 15% credit applied to your policy at this time.  Here are my other discounts applied to how much I usually pay:

So yeah, I've been reduced to adding more value to my page by posting my Geico monthly car payment.  Meh, I guess the entire world is owned by the corporations.  I mean, I have had a total of like 1 or 3 views.  In the end of days, who the fuck is going to give a damn @_@  Oh wow, saving money this?  Oh wow, save money that?  Oh wow, make money this!  Oh wow, make money that!  After a while, who really gives a fuck anymore >_<

Other than obsessing about money and being cheap, I hope to find more value in life.  Yes, I have been helping people save lives and all but that does not mean I'm adding much value to my blog material.  I guess I just suck at money.  Literally, I am a walking ghetto.  I suck at making money.  I've been sucking at making money.  I'm not someone who should setup an Employer ID with the town's cleric office.  If I were the boss of a company, my employees would be starving.  No, it's not cool being a shitty boss.  No, it's not funny appearing to be weak among your competitors.  In the midst of competition, I guess most people are forced to fake it until you make it.  Yup, it's all just a game of confidence.  Nothing is more important than self confidence - Ip Man.

Well, if you haven't done anything yet it's probably because you're lazy.  Welcome to being lazy.  Time passes by, you get hungry, and you start eating.  The next thing you know, you feel tired from being full and you want to take a nap or play video games.  

The vicious cycle continues.  I'm not sure why I'm stuck in this matrix or why it perpetuates like a repeating Nintendo game, but I'll be back here to post something when something is actually worth posting.  Thank you for stopping by and reading my content.  One day, I'll get off of my ass and do something important (outside of my normal work schedule).  Maybe, maybe working a 9-5, dedicated to saving lives, is as much as I can do.  Whatever it is, this is it.  Seriously, lying down and taking a nap is all I ever really did.  I have had dreams of making videos, writing books, producing new creative content but guess what?  Tomorrow never comes.  The food comes, the sleeping, the playing of video games, etc.  I am a never been.  I never have been producing much of anything worth while with my name attached to it.  I may have read or watch someone else's work but nothing of my own.  I am waiting for that day that I'll actually produce something worth a fuck.  

Peace out.  See you next time!  


Monday, May 18, 2020

Staying Humble

Well, by now we've saved well over 1,200 patients lives from the virus.  Look, I put in my time and effort to do my best.  No, I'm not God.  No, I'm not a super hero.  No, I don't want to have a giant ego and float around life with a big head.  I want to be humble.  No matter what I accomplish in life, I want to be low key about it.  Humanity has suffered from giant egos for far too long.  I've always felt that being too arrogant was somehow toxic.  If you want to play the game of dominance and finding a mate, being an asshole may help an individual leap over mountains; but for everyday living it just gets in the way from someone trying to learn and grow as person.  No, you don't want to be that guy fighting and arguing all the time.  No, you don't want to waste time being a jerk and trying to one-up everyone.  There are tons of examples and we all know who these kinds of assholes are, but of all honesty the answer is just NO.  Instead of being an egotistical maniac who thinks he is right all the time, I'd like to be more balanced.  Because when you're more balanced and open, you learn more.  You aren't stuck in your old ways.  You aren't there to argue with everyone.  You aren't there to have to defend yourself if someone has a negative opinion about you.  In other words: Don't get weird.  

No, at the age of 35 I'm still not a millionaire.  No, I have accomplished much even though I saved a few lives.  I'm sure there have been doctors and nurses before me who have saved thousands of lives.  In comparison, I'm just an ordinary layman.  No, I don't know everything.  No, I'm not the best around.  Hell, I don't even have a doctorate.  Hell, I don't even have a master's degree.  Hell, I don't even care anymore about the American education system because it's broken.  As long as I'm receiving my biweekly paycheck, I'm not going to give two shits.  I know I'm Asian and there's a whole train ride of Tiger parents who are into this kind of stuff, but as for me . . . No ones gives a fuck.  No, I don't want to be in debt.  No, I don't want to feel like a slave.  No, I don't want to get myself into that negative, toxic vibe like I don't know any better.  For God sake, there is more to life than just money and social status.  Whatever happened to just being happy?  

So whatever, you're a doctor; you make millions of dollars; you have all these nice shiny things; etc. I'm happy for you.  Now, help out the community.  Help out your family and friends.  Help out the homeless.  Help someone in need.  If everyone else seems spoiled and entitled just find somewhere else they'd appreciate you.  No, it's not easy.  Ultimately, like anything else you have to grow up and get out of your comfort zone or things start becoming toxic.  Maybe you like it toxic?  There's no real right or wrong in life, but there's such a thing as being of service and helping others in need.

Thank you for stopping by.  Thank you for those who've been helping.  Thank you for the gift of humility.  I'll see you next time! 



Sunday, April 26, 2020

Thankful and Being Grateful for 2020

I may very well never even be noticed.  You may very well call me "Mr. Nobody".  I am that unsung hero who no one gives a crap about.  An individual may very well save the world, but who'd care?  The President of the United States or some Hollywood celebrity would mostly likely get all the credit for it anyways.  What's the point if no one gives a damn?  I mean it's a thankless job.  What do you get out of something for doing good work?  Why not just be born into a wealthy family?  Why must we work so hard for something/someone who'd treat us like crap?  I guess most mothers are able to relate.  You give birth to a baby, you take care of the baby, the baby yells/screams/beats the shit out of you/etc.  What do you have to show for taking care of a child?  At the heart of it, it's the practice of unconditional love.  Being a higher power means that you care regardless of any reward or personal benefit.  By just having a good work ethic, having a backbone, and a strong character will make others notice you're around.  No, it's not about fame and fortune all of the time.  Again, no mother really gives birth to a child to get famous.  I can only imagine how unappreciative, salty, and unforgiving life can be at times.  So what really matters?  Why do any thing if no one is going to give a damn?

Well, if you don't give a damn you're not going to give a damn.  This is the true meaning of a sociopath, just going about your day and doing whatever to get your biweekly paycheck.  After a while, you just feel like a robot.  The key element(s) that separates us from being man or machine is the ability to feel thankful, to feel grateful, to be able to appreciate what we have.  If you had a choice would you be a famous actor or a Christ like figure in some random church somewhere no one would ever really care much about?  If no one is going to see you on film or who cares?  Are we all just a bunch of attention seeking whores?  What value to we offer to not only ourselves but to others?  Where is the love?  Where is the compassion?  I mean would anyone care if you saved 10 random ass villages in Africa?  What's the point of doing all this hard work if no one will give you the time of day for recognizing your contributions to the world?  Why are only evil ass mother truckers recognized throughout history?  Who wants to be the good guy when no one will care about you after you're gone?

Am I doing this all for free stuff!?  Jesus Christ, I need help.  I need help.  I would like to know why we do anything other than "for money" or "to get things".  From birth we are hard wired by society to "do things" just so we can "get things".  This logic is fundamentally highly flawed.  Why can't we think in terms of good? That we do acts of kindness out of love or compassion, because we care?  We do things, because we care; not because we want something in return.  We care for children, the sick, or the elderly because we give a damn.  When love is at the core of why we do anything, all things are possible.  Money, material gain, fame, and fortune is just a byproduct coming from that love and compassion that we have internally that extends outwardly.  When we love what we do, wealth will follow; but when we try to chase wealth love will not follow very long.  We have our moments of grabbing and taking things, but a true foundation of wealth first starts from within; everything else comes secondary.  When you are lost in a sea of haters, just remember to love yourself.  Being able to love yourself is one of the hardest things to do.  You can't really love anyone/anything else for long if you don't love yourself first.  Yes, we do a lot of things to get our minds off of ourselves, but there comes a time it's just going to be you by yourself.  Love will unlock and melt away all obstacles and answer all the questions you may have.  No, it's never easy.  Sometimes, you may very well just find it much easier to not give a fuck.  After everything is all said and done, no one is ever going to really give a fuck other than yourself.  So what if there is a higher being watching over us and giving out and taking away brownie points?  In that case, just be yourself.  The ball is your in your court.           

Have a great day everyone!  Nothing makes me more happy in the moment than grabbing free stuff.  The other day they were giving out "free"S tar Bucks and McDonald's to healthcare works.  If it is one thing I care about, it's getting free stuff.  No, no one has to know about this ordeal; but I feel the rush of it coursing through my veins like a drug.  If it's free, it's for me! 



Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What to Buy Now?

Let's face it: When we have the monies, we are overly obsessed about buying stuff.  For me, I don't want actual tangible assets.  I don't like clutter.  I'm a minimalist at heart.  The less crap in the room, the less decisions I need to make on a daily basis.  Therefore, I'm able to just go ahead and complete whatever it is I need to do.  I cannot stress enough how much of a people person that I'm not.  In any event, I will buy stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, etc.  Because the consumer is not spending right now with the pandemic lockdown, it's the perfect time to buy in on the market.  All we see are suggestions to buy whatever has been beaten down to a bloody pulp, such as energy (oil), financials (banks), cruise lines, and airplane lines. The above image is just a little glimpse of my own research. 

Look, everyone has crazy ideas about being the next Wolf of Wall Street, but how many individuals actually ever make it out alive?  Buy this and buy that.  Who the fuck really knows anymore?  One day the market is down, the next day the market is up, and the next day only God knows.  Some of the experts address everyone to just leave your money where you left it, some suggest to get out, some are just buying like crazy, and some people just continue to buy bonds, some people just continue to buy in increments like they don't give a damn, and some people just don't get involved nor have any interest whatsoever.  After everything is all said and done, who is right?  No one ever really knows.  It's all just a big gamble.  Welcome to the casino.  Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

Sorry no, you don't know the absolute truth about the future nor do I.  Things constantly change.  No one knows for sure.  Everyday is different.  There's no one ultimate business.  There's no one best brand name.  What exists is an ocean of companies in constant competition with each other.  How about multiple sources of income?  Nope, at some point everyone gets hammered by a recession.  What solutions remain out there?  Yes, buying bonds is a great one but also boring.  None the less, bonds have been yielding great returns this year.  Just continue to buy savings bonds.  It's the safest bet out there. 

So what will I actually be doing?  I'm buying in increments.  I don't have an exact super scientific game plan nor can such a thing ever be deployed, because everything is constantly changing so fast.  No one here can time the market.  Without a crystal ball, I need to rely heavily on ETFs.  I can't afford to buy single, individual stocks.  Buying stocks is just too risky.  I have had bad experiences buying cheap, penny stocks.  I don't trust it at all.  In fact, I remain buying ETFs.  Well, I guess that's just what I must do: Continue to buy ETFs.  As I've stated before, bonds are just to boring for me.  I would rather risk it all than to be boring. 

So there's all this crazy shit going around splattering anal juices everywhere.  What do we do?  Should we buy into the stock market?  You just have to go in there, kick some ass, and do it.
I have said enough.  You can plan and talk all you want, but ultimately what it comes down to is "Just do it" - Nike.  Should you hesitate and not do anything then don't expect to be rich, don't expect any benefits, don't expect anything.  If you do plan on doing something, who knows?  Maybe, there will be another recession after just having a recession.  Place your bets, place your bets. 


Saturday, April 11, 2020

Caring for 2020

In the end, who cares?  Seriously, what the hell even matters anymore?  Well, this is a photo taken at my hospital of the number of patients being discharged.  For privacy matters, I will not release any other information.  In any event, most people do not even know I even work at a hospital.  Good, because I don't like politics, I don't like being used as a show pony, and above all else I really want people to just go home after all is said and done.  No, I do not want to get into drama or politics.  People are messy, and I don't want to get connected by someone on Facebook.  If you are serious about talking to me, you'll call.  If you have no other means of connecting with me, you're screwed.  It means that I don't care that much.  I will not give a damn if you don't talk to me face-to-face.  I have had too many incidences of random asshole syndrome.  I need a way to protect myself and my time from random acts of asshole behavior. 

In any event, I don't want to waste anymore of my own time and resources having to deal with this pandemic.  I already work 40 hour a week.  I do work during my 40 hours.  I do not want to see or have to communicate with anyone if I'm not at work.  I could care less if anyone tries to get to me.  Sorry, I have to be a safe keeper of my time.  Sorry, I don't get paid for having to deal with extra amounts of shit.  No, it's not fun for me to be doing this.  Have I have been contacted?  Yes, but sorry no dice.  I don't work for free.

I will just jump straight to the point: All that matters in this world is being of service to others, compassion, and love.  I cannot afford anymore acts of stupidity, neediness, insecurities, revengeful payback forms of unresolved karma, and/or other forms of bullshit.  I would like to remain a positive force of nature.  I cannot stress enough how much I don't want to waste my time dealing with assholes.  All that matters is that people get well from this pandemic. 

Thank you for dropping by.  I have no intentions of being famous or having views.  I have had only 1 reader in these past months.  Business is sad, but I'm doing it my way.  Yes, I guess I'm doing it my way and it's been the best learning experience since forever.  Does my way work?  Sorry but no.  Again, it's like I'm writing for the sake of writing and venting but no one ever gets the chance to respond or even post an  asshole comment.  Well, who cares?  It's not like I care enough to grow my audience either.  It's great that I'm writing but who cares?  Only your audience can make you rich.  If you don't care about your audience, your business won't grow either.  I'm the perfect example of that.  I wish I was the full package.  I wish I cared enough.  I wish I had a bigger audience, but it's not like I really care all that much to be blasting my stuff across social media everywhere.  I don't want the backlash, I don't want to be receiving any negative asshole comments/criticism, I don't want to be in the spotlight.  I just don't care.  I don't make any money from this.  I don't care.  Sorry, I don't care enough.  Like the sun and nature outside, it's going to fucking do whatever it's going to fucking do: Rain or shine.  God bless.  I love you all.  Take care.  Peace out. 

- Solomon     

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Days that Actually Matter

No, I'm not a time traveler.  No, nothing here is predictable.  No, no one here can short the market and bounce like they're Wolf of Wall Street or Neo from The Matrix.  But can you, yes.

In any event, all I'm saying is that the market will eventually go back up one day.  If I wasn't so lazy, I would have moved my money around.  According to Warren Buffet, you should just stick it out and not do anything.  Should you decide to do anything, the only thing to do would be to buy, buy, and buy.  Buy when others are fearful.  Buy when there is blood on the street.  In any event, do I care much?  This kind of inflated money doesn't mean much.  No, no, and no.  The entire stock market could collapse; and I would still be a homeless.  In essence, none of this matters.  I AM A HOMELESS; I DON'T OWN MY OWN PLACE.  WHO THE HELL, OTHER THAN MYSELF, WOULD CARE IF I'M A HOMELESS OR NOT.  Yes, the market will continue to fluctuate up and down but will I do anything?  Will any of this matter to me.  Will I get what I want out of this whole mess?  Again, WHO THE HELL CARES @_@  I WANT MY OWN HOME TO LIVE IN AND BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO GET BY WITHOUT ANY MAJOR ASSHOLE PROBLEMS.

My goal is not to confuse anyone.  My goal is to own my own home.  I don't really give a shit if people are killing each other on the street or arguing about the smallest of littlest of things.  I NEED MY OWN HOME.  I DON'T LIKE OTHER PEOPLE YELLING.  I DON'T LIKE OTHERS BEING ASSHOLES.  MY HOME WILL BE DEDICATED TO THE WELL BEING OF PEACEFUL BEINGS, NOT HARBOR/RELEASING HATRED AND SALTINESS/TOXICITY IN A NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENT.  Having such a living space is very important to me.  I don't care if anyone understands the importance of being peaceful, but it's important to me.

Thank you for coming over.  I hope my readers out there are doing well.  I know there's only been 1 person reading my stuff, but whatever.  No, I'm not even close to having the money to own a home.  This whole process may take 10 years but as long as I'm making progress everyday I'm happy that I have an obtainable goal to reach in my lifetime.  On the way, I'm learning new skills and progressing as a human being.  No, I specifically do not want to cater to asshole behavior or negativity.  I'd rather be in the light than the darkness.  I respect both aspects of life, but in the end I'd rather choose to live in the light and positivity.   

Monday, March 9, 2020


Well, here it is: Doom and gloom on paper. No, don't run away.  Today is just another day.  IT'S JUST ANOTHER DAY.  Do not panic, do not fear, this is life.  This is what I've been talking about.  This is what will happen to EVERYONE.  How you get back up is what is important.  We have worked until failure.  We have sweat day and night to win a prize.  Now, it's time the reaper comes out and play.  I AM HERE.  I AM THE REAPER.  I HARVEST.  I AM SATURN.  IT IS I FOOLS.  I AM HERE TO HARVEST.   
I feel the energy of Saturn.  Saturn is here.  HE is HERE.  Do not fear.  Do not be alarmed.  This is just time.  It is that time of year again.  Now is the right time.  This is the time I must reap what I sew.  This is time doing its thing.  God has a place and time for everyone.  This just happens to be mine.  This is naturally occurring thing in the world.  Please don't be upset.  I am who I am, and I do what I do.  Everyone plays a role in the universe just as I play out mine.  No, you won't like me.  That in itself is a role.  To be able to appreciate something, you must lose and/or not have something that is otherwise missing.  In the midst of the Gods, you are all children.  It is just that time of year again.  I must do what I must.  Do not cry.  Do not fear.  This is what I must do.  This is my love to you.  You will feel my love.  . . . 


Thursday, February 27, 2020


I have nothing else to say really.  As I've stated many times over, I was meant to be a forever homeless.  Well, this is nothing short than what was actually to come.  What else could be next?  Work tomorrow?  Whatever happens, tomorrow is just another day for us to go back to work whether you like it or not.  Everyone gets hurt.  Everyone dies.  What's the big deal?  Why bother even being overwhelmingly controlling and/or stressed out about work or school?  Does money matter if we're all dead?  Why so serious @_@  

Thank THE LORD you are still alive and move on.  It's another cosmic learning lesson.  If you aren't feeling the pain, you aren't growing.  Peace out.  

Monday, February 24, 2020

How to Invest in China - Alibaba

Yes, the market is at an all time anal devastation.  So, the question is how do you invest in China while the market is temporarily down?  Long story short, for Vanguard's VWO is your safest bet.  Well, it only has 5.90% into Alibaba, which is the most percentage I've seen in a well trusted ETF thus far.  I believe Fidelity has an ETF that extends that to 20% of Alibaba holdings.  In any event, you have to be pouring a ton of money into this thing for it to be profitable.  No, 10 shares of VWO is not going to change your life.  You would need to put down at least $3000 minimum to be serious.  Sorry, but putting down $1000 isn't going to scratch a dent.  Hey, reality hits hard like a truck, and so should you.  Sadly, this isn't even the tip of the iceberg.  With $3000, you can buy about 70 shares of VWO and thus capturing the potential of Alibaba for the years to come.  Is this even worth a damn?  Probably not, and you should probably look for an investment elsewhere.  No, this isn't funny.  I don't want to be that guy cheering about a few hundreds of dollars of gains after several years of investing.  Sorry, that low kind of standards will not be changing anyone's life around.  I WANT ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY A HOUSE.  I WANT ENOUGH MONEY TO BE ABLE TO RETIRE.  I WANT ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY, FIX UP, AND RESELL REAL ESTATE.  I WANT ENOUGH MONEY TO SEND A CHILD OFF TO COLLEGE.  Seriously, no one has time for chump change.  If you want to get serious, the minimum investment for any ETF is $3000.  I shit you not.  If you don't have the $3000 to buy an ETF for investing, go back to living in your mom's basement.

Peace out

War Games - No One is Safe

You wake up one morning and the stock market drops -800 points or 3%, which is about -$3000 in loses for every $100,000 invested in the stock market.  What else can I say?  Reality hits hard like a truck.  In a matter of seconds, your hardworking everything is gone.  This is when it counts.  This is when time is the most precious.  How do you react to such anal devastation?  How well did you prepare for this battle and did you know it was going to fly up your ass one day whether you liked it in the butt or not?  Yes, it's here.  Today is the day, the ALMIGHTY whatever the fuck decides to fuck you over hardcore.  Do you freak out?  Do you panic?  Or do you appreciate what you have?  Do you value the opportunity that was given to you to learn, or do you become a salty ass mother fucker who doesn't want to participate anymore?  Do you want to care or not?  Do you want to better yourself or just not give a fuck?  Do you want to change?  Do you want to get back up?  Do you want to keep making the same mistakes over and over again?

Welcome to life.  This is just one of many outcomes of our timeline.  The higher intelligence above will not allow us to just die randomly all of the sudden but for us to continue to learn and grow.  There's no way for me to just pullout.  There's no way for me to go back in time and change things.  So what can I do?  What the hell am I suppose to do instead of freak out?  Well, this is a great time to buy!  Yes, BUY!  I'm not saying this is the truth or the way; but if you want to CHANGE and GROW you have to be willing to do things the normal ass people will never do.  Like Steve Jobs has stated many times before: It's the crazy ones who change the world.  In any event, he's dead.  Yup, he's now the richest man in the graveyard.  Should be take this literally?  Is life even that serious?  You think a few paper dollars is going to change THE UNIVERSE?

Look folks, it's just another day.  This is nothing short of a miracle.  Just remain calm, don't sell, and if you want to take the CHANCE buy, buy, and buy.  Vanguard's Fortune 500 VOO was about $306, so now it's going to be like $300, which is just a $6 a share savings.  $3000 will only get you about 10 shares of VOO.  Seriously?  Is that really WORTH IT to go crazy over?  That's basically $60 in savings?  That's almost like nothing.  Yup, I'm sure there are much better deals out there.  Also, timing the market is just out of the question.  Yes, we all knew the virus was going to hit the market, but none of us knew exactly when.  In any event, I didn't want to time the market.  I didn't care enough.  I just held on to losing that -$3000 and just didn't give a fuck if I did or not.  I was like a tank going in, not giving a flying fuck, accepting the damage as is, and continuing to push not even caring about the consequences.

Well, thank you all for showing up, even if it has been 1 reader.  Thank you to that 1 view.  You've made my day.  You have made my world come alive just a little bit.     

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Welcome to real life. Yes, it's that time again: WORK, WORK, WORK. Punch in . . . punch out.  Whatever the hell kind of drama you got caught up in, bills do not pay themselves.  After everything is said and done, the financial industry doesn't give a fuck. They want their fare share of money for the products and services that YOU'VE CONSUMED.  Take charge and responsibility for YOUR LIFE.  This is a fundamental and basic life skill that will help you survive LIFE.  To add injury to insult, you have to deal with Uncle Sam who wants his tax money.  I can go on and on about this bullshit, but no one will give a shit.  Have fun at work.  I'm out of here.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you play and win the lottery someday, so you don't get stuck in this MATRIX or whatever the fuck this is.     

Friday, January 31, 2020

2020 Destroyed - Forever Homeless

Well, there you have it: I'm a homeless.  No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, no matter how much time I spend, no matter how much I do, THEY will try their HARDEST to stick something up my ass.  Everyone, welcome to the ghetto.

Meh, whatever.  So you're poor.  I'm poor.  You are poor.  As Jesus put it don't bury your treasures on Earth for they are in Heaven.  I'm done.  I get it: We're poor people.  Whatever. 

Thank you for stopping by.  I hope you find something in life enjoyable that has nothing to do about money.  Peace. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Moving Forward 2020

Yes, we got hit pretty bad; but in life it's not how hard you get hit, it's how you get backup and go back to doing your thing that is really important.  This is the cycle.  This is life.  This is the meaning of grit.  This is being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  If you can't get through tough shit, forget it, it's over.  Patience, perseverance, tolerance, etc. are all important factors in getting backup and trying again.  I don't know when we will get hit hard again.  It'll probably be really soon, but what I do know is you need to outlast the pain and suffering in finding your growth to reach your full potential as a human being.  The road ahead is not an easy one.  Please be advised to tread carefully. 

Well, it's back for me to work again.  Yup, no matter what happens it's "always" going to be waking up, rolling out of bed, putting on some clothes, and heading off to work until I drop dead or win the lottery, whichever comes first.  There's nothing to freak out about.  There's nothing here that you haven't seen before.  Yes, I'm going to work yet again and grinding out my hours.  This is what I got to do.  This is what I've become accustomed to.  This is life.  This is industry.  Welcome to the American industrial complex.