Have you ever noticed most people around you only care about the little tiniest of details that has very little or no significant impact but only to annoy the hell out of you? Time after time again, I continue to trigger people with things that don't even matter. People pay the most attention to me when I'm not giving a fuck or do something stupid. It's like the naysayer is inside of everyone, ready to jump out and attack the shit out of you for the tinniest of little mistakes. Has this ever happened to you? Like no one gives two shits, but when you cause a small accident like a drop of water from your cup or look around the room at a girl EVERYONE goes ape shit? I guess it must be something in the air in New Jersey. I must be one of very few people in this world who actively doesn't want to give a fuck, because it doesn't matter. If you're not contributing to help paying for stuff, I really don't care. Why do I always look like I'm the asshole? Some people may even turn on me just so that they can get a reaction out of me just because they know for a fact they can see someone who could care zero shits about them, absolutely zero. Sorry but not sorry: No one in my department gives a fuck...that is unless you are helping me in some way, shape, or form.
You would not believe the amount of Negative Nancys and Debbie Downers I encounter everyday. I get it, you constantly complain about everyone and everything even though there's nothing externally bothering you. Don't you get it? No one else gives a fuck so stop your complaining. I sure as fuck don't have time for your sorry ass and don't want to be involved with you.
Whatever I say, whatever. I have better things on my shit list of things to do. No, I don't have time for anyone being sorry for themselves. No, I don't have any time for anyone's stupid complaints about nothing. You being a bag of shit doesn't have anything to do with me, so please don't try to reflect your psychological garbage on me. I wish the people would be less toxic and more mindful that not everyone needs to hear their abundant, useless asshole comments.
So why don't most people use their time to be helpful? Why are there so many negative ass people in this world? Why do so many people come across as assholes? Why do people sound like they're arguing all the time? I know one thing for sure, I can't change anyone else's opinion. There's only one thing I can really change and that is myself. I can change my attitude. I can change my mindset. I can change what I do in the morning. I can change who I listen to. I can change where I'm going. I can change! I can change!
With all the crazy shit going on in the world, people need to be more positive. Unfortunately, there's always that negative ass person in the room who is going to hate; just make sure it's not you.
I wish everyone the best. I wish people weren't so hurt and fucked up, so they can stop hating and throwing tantrums at everyone they come across. I wish everyone can find Jesus and learn how to love one another. I wish people can find peace within themselves. I wish people would stop caring so much about attacking each other about stupid shit. I can't change people, but what I can do is change my attitude.
Thank you for stopping by. Thank you for reading my content, because without you I'd be a real nobody. Until next time!
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