Well, I'm back. Yes, I'm still continuing with my journey and struggling to complete the Unemployment WIOA grant to go back to school and all; but I would like to keep it real while I'm at it. I've been watching and reading OTHER PEOPLE'S WORK, and it seems like EVERYONE ELSE is prospering and succeeding. How come everyone else seems to have tons of continuing views, followers, subscribers, audience, customers, listeners, etc.? What the hell is it that I am doing wrong all the time? Well, I just don't seem to care to go the extra mile I guess. I don't promote myself through social media, I don't bother to tell people to subscribe or like my channel, I don't voice myself and tell people to donate to my Patreon/Gofundme, I don't actively network with people, and it's just a whole lot easier if I don't do anything. This is exactly what is wrong with me: Not doing doesn't work. Instead, do something and be an active, productive part of society. I'm the perfect example of WHAT NOT TO DO. Don't just sit back and just chill there in the corner. The masculine energy of the universe needs to be fully utilized and actually functioning for things to physically/actively manifest for things to happen and be accomplished. Things just don't happen out of thin air. You are much more likely to get results if you are being PROACTIVE about something.
I do not like being that guy who complains all the time about why things aren't working out. If you know what you are doing, you won't be complaining about the lack of money, customers, audience, subscribers, viewers, resources, job offers, etc. Of course, the only way to learn the right way to do things is by EXPERIENCE. Life is the ultimate teacher. Again, I do not want to be Negative Nancy or Debby Downer; I want to be the guy who gets shit done the right way and gets results. No, it's not easy. Yes, it takes a lot more work to achieve any kind of result than to be doing nothing. The person who is comfortable doing nothing will not achieve anything but perpetual, continual existence thereof of not caring. If you don't want to give a crap, you don't have to. If you want to evolve and grow, that option is also available as well.
Ultimately, it's easy to call yourself a homeless, not care, nor lift a finger; but it takes actual effort and drive to create something. The doer will always achieve more than the intellectual. The person who attempted and published a book has achieved far greater than the person who possessed the knowledge but didn't care to write their own book about the same topic or just wrote a shitty review about the book they just read. I cannot stress this enough: I want to be the author and not the person who just reviewed the book and gave it a 1 out of 5 star rating. This is the same exact reason why I don't watch television. I want to be on the creative, production end of the content, not just the audience member. Yes, this is a complete leap and jump in the evolutionary process to realize your autonomy to create your own content. You are your own creator, a cocreator of the universe in all of its entirety.
You are a creator of things. You have a very powerful imagination. You have intuition. You have access to your third eye. You can dream. You can think. You are a cocreator of the universe.
Therefore, it is only inevitable that you run into trouble of established and enforced power structures watched over by not only your parents but the government and such. "Suppressed" is the word I'm best looking for. You were meant to be so much more, but all the higher ups want is more power and control. Do THEY want anything more than total and complete "CONTROL"? It's a sad state of affairs, but we must do our best to live. With all the hospital and pharmaceutical companies injecting inoculations and vaccines into newborn babies, it's no wonder there continues to be so much disease in the world. I too have received these injections; do you think I want to be a homeless? Have I not received this kind of treatment, I (along with thousands of others) may have turned out completely different. Sorry, we are just told to do things and those things that they try to enforce upon us are usually just control systems. Again, I'm your typical average kid who went to public school, got the flu shot, got all the vaccinations, etc. Sorry, I hope I don't burst your bubble; but the only thing I've accomplished is surviving the control system society that we live in. Still, I guess it's just me that I'm a bum. Regardless, there are still neighboring school children whom are vaccinated, continue to have their annual flu shots, and still become engineers, doctors, and lawyers. Again, with the WHY EVERYONE ELSE IS SUCCESSFUL BUT ME victim mentality.
With all the bullshit flying around and out of the way, how is the lazy man ever to get off the couch and move on to the next step? Writing and publishing a book can never be any easier with today's technology. We have Amazon and Create Space to self publish a book. Yes, you don't need the middle man or a crap ton of hungry money people around to publish your book these days. You can just do it yourself. They also have vlogging, blogging, making your own website, podcasts, affiliate marking, google adsense, youtube, LegalZoom to start your own business, etc. Now, the playing field is more leveled and within the reach of the lazy man. They even have Alibaba and Amazon's FBA for anyone who is into a drop shipping business. So you see there is a way for even the laziest of men to achieve something in life worth while of holding onto.
Thank you for visiting! I appreciate you much, because I literally have less than 10 people visiting me on a continual basis! I hope to see a lot more of you next time! I promise to improve by challenging myself a bit more and stop being so God damn lazy and uncaring! Thank you for your support and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and LIKE my blog!