Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Mantis Being

Well, I had one of those weird dreams last night involving a mantis being. Look kids, there is no reason for me to be making up random bullshit. I am not a politician. There's no need for me to try and deceive you. I do not have much of an agenda or narrative to follow. "Free will" is the best I'd like to describe how I operate. With that aside, most of my dreams are well, just dreams and just exist in my vast  subconscious somewhere, perhaps even in another realm, dimension, density, and/or alternative timeline. My ability to recall my dreams is very vivid and accurate. Some of them are very traumatic, mythological in nature, sexual in nature, or just plane insane!

 So I guess I was in some kind of Japanese pond garden. There was a man working in the pond with some "celebrity" landscape designs. He was sorting out different colored "sticks" to make things look nice. The "sticks" were some kind of special resource like bamboo or something?  Long story short, I met a mantis being for the first time. It stood upright about 3 feet high like a humanoid. All I could remember was GREEN and MANTIS.  You can tell right off the bat the GREEN lightly glowing mantis being was very intelligent and patient. Yes, there was only one of them.  It spoke briefly in some weird critter language. There was a human guiding me the whole time. He said "It thinks you are cute".  In any event, the creature was asking for medical help. All of the sudden, my tour guide got puked on and was asking me to HELP. I didn't know what to do; and everyone just started freaking out. Soon enough, I got puked on. As I was trying to run out of the room, I discovered small little insects infesting the place. I tried to smack them but that wasn't enough. My guide came back and tried to help me kill some of them. We were not successful helping the mantis being and just resorted to either escaping or wacking our way out. That was pretty much the last thing I remembered. The conflict derived from beating the hell out of all those small insects just ended the dream.

Yup, that was just 1 sequence of one of several dreams I have had last night. I have a lot of different dreams that play out like stories. This one just stood out because of that one mantis being. I thought it would be worth writing about. Oh right, the picture on top is an actual praying mantis I found outside last month when it was warm outside. The other picture I drew just right after I got up and could right in my dream journal.  There you have it folks, my first mantis being encounter that all manifested in my dreams. I was also taking Blue Ice Fermented Skate Liver Oil.  This is the kind of stuff that I dream about when I try to decalcify my pineal gland. I hope everyone has had fun reading my blog today. I hope to see you next time!

Monday, September 24, 2018

6PM Class!?

Well, my class starts 6PM! Wait, what do I do in the meantime for the whole day? It is not possible to be studying the whole day, so what is there left to do really? I guess I'm going to hit the gym and do a light workout. On light days, I usually just go for a swim, sauna, and go hit up some books afterwards. Seriously? This sounds like a dream life. I don't have to go to work and get to hangout at a gym!? I have to do this. I have to go the gym. I have to workout a little. I can't just stay at home and pretend like I'm studying all day. I'm old enough to be responsible to take care of myself.

Why does it still feel like I'm rushing?  Rush here!  Rush there!  Rush! Rush! Rush! Work! Work! Work!  Please! Just let me sit down in peace, so I can eat my Korean fried chicken at Bon Chon!

Seriously, I had Korean fried chicken just now and it was great. The time flew by, and I had a great time. No, I didn't have to work the grind. No, I didn't have this sheer Neanderthal need to go all out and risk myself with injuries. Low stress is what I need. I don't like exposing myself to people, because that always leads to increased levels of stress. Not everyone is going to agree; not everyone is going to be happy with each other's choices. I do not like high pressure, high social situations. I just don't care enough to be taking care of people.  It's not me, and I don't need it in my life.  

Well, that is me in a nut shell. The pressure is on for me to go to class at 6PM. Last night, I went to the school at 3PM just to get some studying done. It all worked out, but I can't be studying and studying forever. I get tired and bored just like everyone else. Sometimes, I have to switch up my schedule and workout. Besides, I had the last 4 days off from school. I think that was enough time to be studying on my own. Anymore than that is just overkill.  As one can see, the things in my life are trying to be put into place for me so I can finally ENJOY.  I don't like high stress, negative people, unimaginable pressure of having to take care of "everyone", and will do everything in my power to prevent all that kind of unnecessary bullshit. Life just works out better for me if I'm a loner. No, I don't recommend being a loner, but life is just that much easier for me being one. 

Thank you for stopping by and reading. I hope to see you all next time!  

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Enemy is Laziness

In life, who is your real enemy? For me, it's laziness. Forget about everyone else or who makes you mad, it's laziness. Laziness is embedded deep inside all of us. We are constantly distracted by everything else around us whether it be new technology, people, music, the weather outside, or whatever the hell it is. If you can persevere and overcome your own laziness and tune out all other distractions, you are good to go to completing your goal(s). My goal is simply to become a CAT SCAN TECHNOLOGIST. My classes are being paid for and there's very little else I have to worry about at the moment, except doing the actual work and reading required for the class. Yes, doing the actual work and picking up a book is hard. Sometimes, I have to resort to listening to the lectures I record or go on youtube just to get my feet wet. Everyday, it's a challenge. Trying to read an educational book is not easy. Perhaps, it's not in my honest opinion and/or interest to pursue such a goal of mine but I MUST DO IT. Long story short, a CT technologist makes a lot more money than whatever the hell it is that I've been doing thus far in my life. There you go folks, all the motivation and reason I need to reach my goal - MAKE MORE MONEY!       

Why is money important to me? I'm super interested in investing, such as Vanguard ETFs. I invest in all sectors of the economy. Do I like working or getting my hands dirty everyday doing the grind? No, I don't like running around in the matrix like a fat hamster on a treadmill; but I like to invest in something that is bigger than myself. Yes, I like to contribute to companies that offer products and services to people. Again, I most likely don't like to do any of the dirty work myself; but I do like to invest in others who are not afraid of the grind. I would like to be a part of those bigger companies. I wish I could work hard and be a productive member of society, but since I don't have a real firm grasp in that arena, the best thing I can do is invest. Why not? Well, I don't have money to pay for all the overhead, no money for real estate, hiring employees cost way too much, the raw material to make whatever or wherever, marketing for potential customers, etc. Without a doubt, the laundry list of things I need to pay for business upkeep will most likely kill me. Even if I did have all  the money, I would still probably hire someone else to oversee my business operations and plans. Again with the laziness. If we translate everything to reality and see what I can actually do to make ends meet, the best I can do is become a cat scan technologist.  

If you factor everything in, the only thing stopping me from reaching my goals is myself. It is up to me to read that book. It is up to me to do that exercises. It is up to me to listen to that lecture another time until I understand the material. It is up to me to deliberately walk away from relationships or toxic people whom take away from my study time. It is up to me to exercise and make sure I don't get fat. It is up to me to speak up and ask questions. It is up to me to control my emotions. It is up to me if I want to remember new vocabulary words and/or jargon. I will not give my sovereignty to playing video games uncontrollably. Ultimately, I am responsible for reaching my goals in life. My goal is simply to become a cat scan technician, but we all know that nothing in life is worth having unless it takes a lot of work to get. I am not here to compare myself to anyone else. This is my own personal struggle to achieve what I want in life.   

Well, I hope someone out there learned something from my cautionary tail. Thank you for stopping by. I hope to see you next time!  

Monday, September 17, 2018

The First Day of Class

Yup, I'm 33 and I'm going back to school for the first time in along time since forever. I sound like a kid again. God forbid, I have an ego and too cocky to learn. So what great purpose do I have a need to go back to school for?  Why would anyone care? Most importantly, why would someone like me care? Well, I am going back to school for CT technologist. I do not want to get into the whole politics behind it all.  There's a lot of background information and financial stuff going on, but none the less my education is being paid for by another party other than myself. I guess you can call it a "free ride". But as you all know, there's no such thing as a free lunch. So, I have to follow a ton of rules, regulations, and guidelines to keep my funding going. As long as I behave myself, listen, and follow their instructions, I can reach my goal of becoming a CT tech.

Aside from anyone giving a damn, I am doing something great for myself. Yes, I do feel fear; I do feel shaken, and I do feel like I have ants in my pants. Nothing worth obtaining in life is easy for anyone. Not only is this program good for me, it's a mutual benefit throughout the community. As a CT tech, I get to take care of people who need help. Again, I don't want to get into the nasty side of the politics of things which is inevitable and in every facet of humanity; but ultimately I am serving others and/or helping people. Yes, I am serving others; I will be compensated for my efforts.

A lot of shit will happen and will be said, but the main point is that I'm going back to school to ultimately serve others. I have agreed to this and signed the paper work. My school is being paid for by them. So this is my life. This is where my life continues. This is the path I have chosen. Yes, I'm afraid. Yes, I have to take the time out of the day and go out of my way to study, read, and learn! Learning how to be someone takes a lot of effort.  I do not wish to be disturbed or distracted by other worldly things at the moment. I know better now. Whatever it is that motivates me or will help me achieve my goal, I will do. No, I never said anything was going to be easy. In fact, my first class will start today at 6PM - 9PM. I have no time to waste. I need to get shit done.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope to keep up with my writing. I hope to study and learn. I hope to grow with everyone around me. One day, I will get back on my feet. Someday . . . 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ordinary People Can Do Extraordinary Things - Elon Musk

Well, I'm back from a long break. God, so many things happened in between here and there. Things are not like what they use to be. Something in THE MATRIX has changed; I've changed. There are things that I've learned and confirmed with much zeal and confidence that holds truth in modern times. I would like to narrow down and pinpoint exactly where and why how a person develops into who they are and how they can change to reach an optimal timeline where they are at their best (or at least the closest to it that they've ever been before). This is important to the extent of human survival: How to obtain the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing as well as reaching self actualization and dreams. Therefore we are just ordinary people, but how can we achieve greatness?

 I believe I have routinely touched basis on this topic in my writings over and over again throughout time and that is your emotional attitude is important. Your attitude emanates from your core and reaches throughout your body, giving you the free intangible energy to push you to the things you want or don't want in life. It's important and vital that you properly align yourself with the right attitude of your choice with your environment whether it be at a school, job, a car lane full of traffic, an overcrowded bus, a super long line at the grocery store, etc. It is also equally important to fight for the things you want so that you can put all of this together, which can only come about with hard, hard work. Most importantly you must identify before hand WHAT YOU WANT. When WHAT YOU WANT can be clearly identified, you can start and begin your journey to achieve extraordinary things. Intuition and confidence plays a great deal in getting what you want. Your dreams will begin to manifest into reality. It all starts with WHAT YOU WANT, choosing the right attitude for the job, aligning yourself with that said attitude, and just doing it. Should you happen to be stuck anywhere along the process, access your intuition; access your higher self. Mediation is a great place to start. Those who practice mediation and ignore the distractions of the everyday hustle and bustle will achieve great strides. It doesn't have to be just mediation. There's no limit to the mind. Other suggestions maybe to just go for a walk, yoga, swimming, biking, running, reading books, listening to inspiring teachers, drawing, creating a vision board, or just starring up into the stairs. Whatever it is: It's an emotion you feel that will vibrate throughout your body and set your soul free to do the things you really want to the point time doesn't matter anymore. You become so enthralled and engulfed in what you are doing that you achieve a zen like state of being.

 Perhaps, you've graduated and need more content in your day. Maybe, you learned all there is to learn and have experienced much of what this Earthly plane of existence has to offer. Boredom is a common problem many people suffer. Are you challenging yourself? Does anything in particular inspire you? For example, I've always wanted to know how some people are just geniuses with great ideas and high test scores. Are they all friendly and nice people? Probably not; but everyone can learn something from someone else, even if it's something what not to do. One of the highlights and home run hitters I've found is the "Akashic Records". From my understanding, it's this intangible library(light being the source of how things fundamentally operate) the minds of people/whoever can access for knowledge about anything, time, place, or whatever information you are looking for. This is where a lot of separate. You either believe me or you don't, but what I do know about is the importance and function pineal gland. To have access to esoteric knowledge and information, you must use your pineal gland. It's like a gateway/portal into another world, a world that has no limits; a world that is not physical. Look, a calcified pineal gland is not something anyone wants. You know your pineal gland has been calcified by looking at your x-ray. Bone matter or anything dense shows up WHITE. Yes, this is backed up by modern science and technology. The point is: You want your pineal gland free from calcification and operating like a well oiled machine. Long story short, you want to stay away from drinking fluoride that maybe found in your water, tooth paste, mouthwash, etc. I've heard that skate liver oil will cleanup your pineal from any early onset of calcification. In fact, I'm trying it now; and I can recall my dreams at night a lot more clearer than before. Dreams are important to me. I interpret my dreams on a daily basis, because they inspire me to write, to think, to grow, and just to start a conversation with another person. This has very little or nothing to do about money, except for the fact skate liver oil costs about $30 for 120 pills (take 2 pills per day). I like sleeping, I like dreaming, and I like analyzing my dreams even though it'll never put a dime in my bank account. In addition, I'm pretty sure ingesting/smoking all kinds of weird drugs and black market stuff work as well to access these higher planes of existence for knowledge or just to have a wild experience. Who knows? I'm just trying to keep everything as simple as possible in the meantime.

 I ask myself: I just want to be smarter, to be more enlightened, to be more conscious, to know more about how to do things, to be better at doing things, to be able to fix things, to be able to generate more income, to be able to have things in life like a home all the while not burying myself in debt, etc. Well, the good news is we have youtube and books. All of these things come into play. I'm not afraid to fail. Life is about learning and that is what I must do: Continue to learn; never stop learning. 

I look forward to the future. Keep reading!

I hope to you see you next time!

Monday, July 30, 2018



Testing 2 Testing 3 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000KG6UHQ/ref=as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=solomthepanha-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B000KG6UHQ&linkId=489ff07e2b04286dd60ce0456c29a173

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Well, here are my digits girls.  Yup, you know you want me baby.  Seriously, how am I to survive blogging and writing?  Is it even worth it for me to even give a damn?   This is what I have to deal with everyday.  Do my actions even have any remote value or the slightest impact to someone else and/or economy?  If I didn't do anything, I'd get the same results as working my ass off.  So why bother to do anything?  

I'm not really into spamming and posting nonsense for the soul purpose of acquiring more views and audience but I guess that is what the higher ups call "marketing".  I get it:  You have to selflessly just go in, market, and sell yourself regardless of the haters and negativity out there.  Whoring yourself out is fundamentally and essential in making money.  Well, it's not fun not making and I am human so this does bother me.  Sorry, I don't live in some kind of magical 5th/6th dimensional plane of existence where money doesn't mean shit.  As long as we continue to live, we need money to survive.  

So the problem is what can I do to generate more income for my Google AdSense?  Do I pay for ads?  Should I go on Twitter and start spamming every post?  Should I just produce a book, sell it on Ebay, and ask people to check out my blog?  Should I go on YouTube and reference my website if they are interested in what it is like to be a homeless?  All of these questions are right in their own way, but it takes effort and the courage to implement and do any of it.  

Do I even take myself seriously enough to move things to the next step?  Am I even concerned about my online presence and/or brand name?  Does it always have to be about making money?  Well, I tried to do a few things; I guess this is all I got on me.  Welcome to the Hell!    

Who knows if I'll ever get off the couch?  I keep saying things and dreaming big, but in reality I probably won't do much or if I do manage to pull something off it probably wouldn't have a big enough impact to the point of seeing actual growth of any kind.  I know the odds are stacked against me.  In the end I just didn't care enough or didn't even bother with achieving something larger than life, because I couldn't see through the veil of darkness.  It would also help if there was a support team.  Hell, if I was a natural leader, things would be rolling in with dough already.  I see the person that I am.  I see the person who I want to be.  Don't you see how much more work I would have to put in to be somebody?  Don't you know how hard it is to buildup a name for yourself? 

Without continual creative content and posting stuff consistently, you'll become like me.  Please, don't be me.  You want to use your time wisely and earn money blogging and posting videos on YouTube.  You want to make sales.  You want to reach out to people.  You want to network!  You want to be connected!  Don't be like me, a hermit.  Go out there and just do it.  

Thank you for stopping by and coming.  I appreciate the company.  I hope to be back and post soon with whatever comes across my mind at the time!       


Monday, May 21, 2018

The Lazy Man

Well, I'm back.  Yes, I'm still continuing with my journey and struggling to complete the Unemployment WIOA grant to go back to school and all; but I would like to keep it real while I'm at it.  I've been watching and reading OTHER PEOPLE'S WORK, and it seems like EVERYONE ELSE is prospering and succeeding.  How come everyone else seems to have tons of continuing views, followers, subscribers, audience, customers, listeners, etc.?  What the hell is it that I am doing wrong all the time?  Well, I just don't seem to care to go the extra mile I guess.  I don't promote myself through social media, I don't bother to tell people to subscribe or like my channel, I don't voice myself and tell people to donate to my Patreon/Gofundme, I don't actively network with people, and it's just a whole lot easier if I don't do anything.  This is exactly what is wrong with me:  Not doing doesn't work.  Instead, do something and be an active, productive part of society.  I'm the perfect example of WHAT NOT TO DO.  Don't just sit back and just chill there in the corner.  The masculine energy of the universe needs to be fully utilized and actually functioning for things to physically/actively manifest for things to happen and be accomplished.  Things just don't happen out of thin air.  You are much more likely to get results if you are being PROACTIVE about something.

I do not like being that guy who complains all the time about why things aren't working out.  If you know what you are doing, you won't be complaining about the lack of money, customers, audience, subscribers, viewers, resources, job offers, etc.  Of course, the only way to learn the right way to do things is by EXPERIENCE.  Life is the ultimate teacher.  Again, I do not want to be Negative Nancy or Debby Downer; I want to be the guy who gets shit done the right way and gets results.  No, it's not easy.  Yes, it takes a lot more work to achieve any kind of result than to be doing nothing.  The person who is comfortable doing nothing will not achieve anything but perpetual, continual existence thereof of not caring.  If you don't want to give a crap, you don't have to.  If you want to evolve and grow, that option is also available as well.     

Ultimately, it's easy to call yourself a homeless, not care, nor lift a finger; but it takes actual effort and drive to create something.  The doer will always achieve more than the intellectual.  The person who attempted and published a book has achieved far greater than the person who possessed the knowledge but didn't care to write their own book about the same topic or just wrote a shitty review about the book they just read.  I cannot stress this enough:  I want to be the author and not the person who just reviewed the book and gave it a 1 out of 5 star rating.  This is the same exact reason why I don't watch television.  I want to be on the creative, production end of the content, not just the audience member.  Yes, this is a complete leap and jump in the evolutionary process to realize your autonomy to create your own content.  You are your own creator, a cocreator of the universe in all of its entirety.     

You are a creator of things.  You have a very powerful imagination.  You have intuition.  You have access to your third eye.  You can dream.  You can think.  You are a cocreator of the universe.

Therefore, it is only inevitable that you run into trouble of established and enforced power structures watched over by not only your parents but the government and such.  "Suppressed" is the word I'm best looking for.  You were meant to be so much more, but all the higher ups want is more power and control.  Do THEY want anything more than total and complete "CONTROL"?  It's a sad state of affairs, but we must do our best to live.  With all the hospital and pharmaceutical companies injecting inoculations and vaccines into newborn babies, it's no wonder there continues to be so much disease in the world.  I too have received these injections; do you think I want to be a homeless?  Have I not received this kind of treatment, I (along with thousands of others) may have turned out completely different.  Sorry, we are just told to do things and those things that they try to enforce upon us are usually just control systems.  Again, I'm your typical average kid who went to public school, got the flu shot, got all the vaccinations, etc.  Sorry, I hope I don't burst your bubble; but the only thing I've accomplished is surviving the control system society that we live in.  Still, I guess it's just me that I'm a bum.  Regardless, there are still neighboring school children whom are vaccinated, continue to have their annual flu shots, and still become engineers, doctors, and lawyers.  Again, with the WHY EVERYONE ELSE IS SUCCESSFUL BUT ME victim mentality.

With all the bullshit flying around and out of the way, how is the lazy man ever to get off the couch and move on to the next step?  Writing and publishing a book can never be any easier with today's technology.  We have Amazon and Create Space to self publish a book.  Yes, you don't need the middle man or a crap ton of hungry money people around to publish your book these days.  You can just do it yourself.  They also have vlogging, blogging, making your own website, podcasts, affiliate marking, google adsense, youtube, LegalZoom to start your own business, etc.  Now, the playing field is more leveled and within the reach of the lazy man.  They even have Alibaba and Amazon's FBA for anyone who is into a drop shipping business.  So you see there is a way for even the laziest of men to achieve something in life worth while of holding onto.

Thank you for visiting!  I appreciate you much, because I literally have less than 10 people visiting me on a continual basis!  I hope to see a lot more of you next time!  I promise to improve by challenging myself a bit more and stop being so God damn lazy and uncaring!  Thank you for your support and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and LIKE my blog!               



Wednesday, May 16, 2018


WIOA stands for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and is a grant that you can get to go back to school/training while collecting unemployment insurance.  Although there are a dozen rules and regulations you have to comply with, I've prepared my entrance and paved the way for receiving such a grant.  Look folks, applying to scholarships has never worked out so well for me.  Yes, I've won 1 in my lifetime in which I've had to write an essay about being a minority in America.  Long story short, you have to take the time and and apply.  No, you can't just go back to school for anything.  This is not liking winning the lottery where you can do whatever you want with the money that you've won, aside from paying taxes.  The only thing that will gripe most people is that the list of schools and training courses must be "IN DEMAND" and must eventually lead to a positive job outlook otherwise it's not worth pursuing with government funding.  The grant only covers up to $4000 in total.  Thank God, my CAT SCAN program at a nearby community college is covered under their list of criteria.  There's a lot of hoops and hurdles they make you run and jump over.  Hell, I'm still in the process of making it all happen. 

In any event, I just past the TABE Test they require every adult to take regardless of their educational background and prior merit.  It's a bunch of question regarding reading comprehension and math skill.  They give you over an hour to complete the test.  The tricky part is to do everything within the time frame they give you.  The trick is you must answer 1 question within 1 minute.  I was in the library and book store the previous week "studying".  Well, I passed it but don't be fooled; the test was tricky.  Yes, I tried; and I did study for it.  I've never been guaranteed 100% on any standard test.  My life would be very different if every time I took a standardized test I were to achieve 100%.  I get it; I'm not gifted. 

So I have to go back to the Unemployment in the neighboring town because that is where the school is and my county doesn't have a current contract with them.  Yes, I'm facing a few roadblocks and problems.  Apparently, I just missed the Wednesday cutoff for walk-ins.  Have I called in yesterday, I would have an appointment setup already.  In life, the point is to be sure to CALL EARLY as soon as possible to get an appointment going!  Now, I have to "wait" until next Wednesday for an appoint and to do everything @_@  All One Stop Career Centers make you signup and register all over again.
I'm not even sure if they all requiring you to visit and fill out a small documentation worksheet for 3 potential schools you want to enroll in.  It's work having to call and visit each school to talk to admissions and/or the instructor(s)!   

I'm paranoid about the timing of things, because I am leaving and going on vacation to Hawaii next month!   Thank the Lord, I have the opportunity to visit Hawaii next month!  

Well, I just have to continue with what I'm doing.  I will definitely have to read out of my comfort zone by making phone calls and meeting people.  I hope to keep posting.  Thank you for dropping by, and I'll see you next time!


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day

Well, here is to yet another generic Happy Mother's Day post.  I wish MOM health, love, wealth, and happiness.  

Back to my life, I feel that I just needed to take a long walk around the neighborhood.  Well, it's spring time.  There are trees and wild life abound.  The neighborhood I live in is well pretty kept in comparison to the city.  I am thankful I don't live in the hood.  Although there is more of a social life with people living closer to each other, it also gets more over crowded.  Whenever there are a lot of people living close together, it can get ghetto really fast.  The garbage starts piling up and spills all over the streets.  It's as though everyone is either mentally of physically handicap to cleanup after themselves unless someone else does it for them.  Seriously, there are only two kinds of people in this world. Those who are clean freaks or those who literally roll around their own filth.  

I took a walk.  It was simple.  I liked it.  That was pretty much my Sunday afternoon.  Not much else happened except the same old everyday stuff.  I'm guessing if I were to travel or move somewhere else, I'd enjoy walking around the neighborhood a lot unless it was really ghetto.  Again, the same old stuff going on in the hood.  Not much to see here really.  It's a nice refreshment to just take a walk outside.  And yes, I do purposed try to avoid people on my walks to enhance the experience.  Sometimes, I say "Hi" to those I've met before and are familiar with; but nothing out of the ordinary.  These people do have money and stuff, but it's none of my business nor do I want to care.  I just wouldn't want to approach and hangout with someone just because they are rich or have nice thing.  I do have interest in talking to people about what they do for a living, what kind of school they went, and what is their career like.  None the less, I haven't met anyone in person with too much of a crazy story.     

Well, thanks for stopping by.  Happy Mother's Day out there!  I hope to see you next time!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Unemployed - The Continuation

It is now May, and I'm still collecting unemployment insurance.  The last time I reported in was March.  Yes, I have had the chunk of March, April, and May off and devoid of actual work thus far.  "What do you do all day!?" people exclaim to me, because seriously the average person does not know what on Earth to do with their time on the weekdays besides work!  I know it sounds weird, but not working on the weekday is a very strange and alien concept to the common person.  No, I do not just disappear to another dimension.  Other than to keep applying and interviewing for jobs, I've been continuing to go to the gym on a daily basis and attempt to hold onto whatever positive habits I have left in me.  With or without a job, you are vastly defined by your habits as a human being; which means you'd have to train and/or retrain if you want to adopt and internalize a new habit or whatever thing you want to do in life.  Old habits do not die.  Just because you don't work anymore or don't have a job doesn't mean all you do is just sleep and watch television on your couch all day.  To branch out and continue to grow as a human being, I need to be constantly putting myself under pressure,  learn new things, reading books, watching videos/tutorials, and/or consult with other people about stuff I'm interested in.  The consequences of stagnating in your own filth can be very detrimental to your very being to the point you are paralyzed by fear and/or trapped inside of your comfort zone.

Things to always be doing if you're not working:

  • Read books
  • Review for tests/exams
  • Go to the gym and exercise 
  • Keep up and maintain your side business/hustle
  • Attempt to reach outside your comfort zone
  • Network with people
In the end when you feel all tired and stringy, why do anything?  The simple answer is because you are not a robot nor an animal.  Having the potential ability of imagination, intuition, reasoning, logic, reading, writing, music, etc. makes you very unique and special.  Essentially, you are a creator.  Change starts from within.  Your thoughts begin with you.  Because you become your thoughts; it's vital and important that you have a positive outlook on life.  Positivity will attract positive outcomes, therefore there's no way around not being positive if you want good things to happen in your life.  So if it's not a question about the constant bombardment of money and time all the time, what remains is your emotional quotient.  To feel happy, you must be able to humble yourself, forgive yourself, be grateful and appreciative with what you have and/or achieved, and be thankful for whom you're around or who's in your life.  If you miss these basic key concepts in life, you'll always be running up an uphill,endless power structure dynamic.

In any event, I'm in the process of activating a grant from the government to go back to school for my Cat Scan school.  I just took the TABE test and will find out my results on Tuesday.  This adult standardized test consisting of basic math and reading questions will determine if I qualify or not.  Also, I've been trying to keep up to date with maintaining a health insurance plan with the health of an applied premium tax credit if your income is less than $51,000/year .  No, I don't qualify for Medicaid (annual income must be around $15,500 or less).  Well, that is my two cents for now.  Maybe, I'll post some footage later.  Yup, such is the life of a homeless. 

Thanks for dropping!  I hope to see you next time!     


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Welcome Back to Unemployment!

Well, it just happened 3/2/2018!  I'm back at the unemployment line again and of this time it's no fault of my own!  My urgent care could not financially support itself anymore and the boss just admitted defeat after 6-10 years contributing all of his time and energy into.  You can hear on the phone the tone of his voice of exhaustion and how upset he was.  Without him, there is no business.  Without a top notch 24/7 asshole on top of the power chain of command, things will fall apart.  The little people who work for him will go down with him.  What it comes down to is are you an employer or an employee?

Employers typically have a lot of money backing them up and can run operations just fine with a brick and motor storefront/facility/land/building/office/etc.  If you live in your parent's home and trying to do business in their garage, it's more than likely you're going to work for someone else unless your name is Elon Musk.  If you think you can, go ahead and do it.  Be your own Steve Jobs, but for the rest of us it's very unfortunate but we actually need that 24/7 asshole watching over our shoulder, commanding us what to do each second of the day; otherwise the business may fall apart like a cheap Chinese motorcycle.     

I'm officially currently unemployed.  I've just spend yesterday filling out my online application, going over my options, and now I'm waiting for my first NJ UI check in the mail.  I have been working the past 2.5 years and paying my taxes, but I never thought this would happen.  My urgent care that I was working at actually closed down!  I was offered 1-2 jobs during my 7 months on duty.  I should have jump the boat.  This job was just too good to be true.  It's only 15 minutes away from my home and right next to Lifetime fitness gym where I signed up.  Now, I have to unsubscribe because I can't possibly afford any gym membership expenses, especially $60 in addition to all the crap I have to pay for the car and utilities/food/internet/housing/insurance/etc.  Like any other business in this world, it all adds up.  No one likes to think about it, so I just be Jewish as all Hell at times of need.  I'm sorry but I didn't win the lottery; and I don't have a sugar daddy to save my ass from financial Hell.

So this is it!  It's like life telling me to DO SOMETHING ELSE or GO BACK TO SCHOOL or STOP BEING A LAZY ASS BUM.  I've sent an email contacting the school for computed tomography with my application and credentials.  I have yet to hear back from them.  Anyways, the CT program is just $2,249!  I can definitely do that price.  The school is less than 30 minutes a day, so I definitely have to put in the effort everyday to DRIVE.  I've been driving for a mobile x-ray company for 14 hour shifts, I think I can manage 30 minutes of driving a day.  Yes, I have to pay for my own gas, food, tuition, etc.  Thank God for 26 weeks of unemployment insurance before I have to go back and ask for an extension or whatever.

I am here.  I am unemployablex.  I remain and continue to be unemployed.  There is no doubt in my mind God has put me on this Earth for any other larger than life purpose.  Jesus Christ, did I get the short of the stick or what?

Well, thank you for dropping by.  This is what I spewed all over my desk today.  I appreciate the fact that people come here and read my stuff even though maybe 1 or 2 of you are actual, real people.  The rest of the viewers I get may just be moderators or admins.  Anyways, I appreciate any of the help I can get.  I hope to keep you updated about my unemployment situation or if I'm just going to ride out my unemployment like a true homeless man.  See you next time! 

Saturday, March 3, 2018


Hello there!  Do you have stacks of books and magazines you never read and just leave on the shelf for decades for no reason at all but to collect dust!  Do you feel that insecurity of having to throw something out?  Do you just like to hoard things?  Or maybe you think that piece of junk will go up in price if you don't throw it away just yet.  The years go flying by and what you have left is a bunch of crap.

Who am I kidding?  I always leave so many boring old books on the shelf that no one reads.  Where is the passion, the excitement, the joy, the mystery, the enlightenment, the inspiration, the art, the science, the madness, the energy!?  What is the value of keeping old books no one reads on your shelf that takes up so much space!?  I could be using that same space for much more practical thing suitable for my bedroom.  Make no mistake these books and magazines are not for resale purposes and offer very little or no monetary value.  All some of them do now is collect dust.  A lot of the information inside the books can just be found on the internet somewhere.  No one wants outdated business magazines.  Things change all the time.  It's kind of sad, but people don't even like to read anymore.  They have everything on audio now.  What's it worth to me now that my schooling and education days are dried up.  Yes, I'm 33 years old now.  I'm not a little kid anymore.  Jesus Christ, lugging a big backpack and textbooks are a thing of the past.  I don't think anyone wants these books.  Again, everything on my shelf can just be found on Google anyways.  Welcome to the age of information where everything is just a finger tap away on the keyboard.

I just don't see a need to be keeping around old school text books and magazines anymore.  It's archaic and taking up too much of my limited space.  Those business magazines are the first to go.  Those old school computer coding and DOS books can all go to Hell.  Technology and coding updates so fast in industry these days it's not even funny.  What do I want?  I want space.  I want functionality.  I want stuff that works.  If you don't use it, you lose it.  I'd rather keep an 8 GB external hard drive on the shelf worth of old pictures, random home videos, and pictures of cats.  Yes, some text books are timeless pieces worth tons, but it's just not for me.  All I see is wasted space that can be used for something more modern and practical.  No one likes to see their money go down the train nor their precious, limited space in the home.  No, there's no mansion or monthly storage unit downtown to put all of this crap in.  It's time to go.

"Value" is the world I'm looking for here.  Does whatever product provide "value" for how much space it occupies?  Does it provide you with important information or entertainment?  Does your job depend on it?  Does anyone pick it up and use it day to day?  Or has it been collecting dust for the past year?  If the answer is "yes", then please throw it away or donate it to your local library.  I am guilty of hoarding such things.  There's just no end to the amount of baggage we acquire over the years.  There are a few exceptions somethings are actually worth money but that's a totally different topic of discussion.  If you're not out and about journeying the world, then you're probably in your home somewhere burring yourself under a complete mess of random, old shit.  There's a difference between selling stuff and hoarding shit.  I'm talking very specifically about hoarding shit.  I guess I'll make a video of it.  I don't want to keep dirty, old magazines no one reads around on my shelf.  There's just much more opportunity finding opportunity keeping other worldly things that provide much more value on my shelf.

Some may argue of even keeping old, dirty books, because you can read and reread them again and again.  That just doesn't work for me.  I only read things that actually interest me or because I have to for school.  It's kind of sad how my brain chooses to operate but it's true.  I don't read all the time.  I know it's important.  But do we really reread old magazines?  Hell no, that shit is old and no one touches it anymore.  It's just taking up space on the shelf.  If you really want to read something, go to the library!  There's literally one up the hill a mile away.  Keep everything electronically.  There's no space left anymore.  We have bookstores, libraries, and even Starbucks to hangout.  You don't want to be sitting at home and feel trapped all the time.  You also don't want to foster a lazy ass environment at home.  It's important that you actually go out and do stuff.  I wouldn't be able to just stay at home and read all day.  There's just so much more I can find outside.  I do buy books from time to time if they're super cheap and provide technical information or stuff that I'm into.  None the less, I don't ever seem to sit down at home and actually read unless it's there's an exam or something.  I wish I could just read a book by myself for the sake of learning and being enlightened, but the school system seems to have splashed so many rigorous exams at my face I don't even care anymore.  Can't we ever just be happy reading and learn on our own accord instead of having to achieve some passing test score?  The education system thought over wise.  I know that for sure as I've experienced the worst of it.  Please don't drain the fun out of learning.                   

Well, I go back to work Monday.  I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend.  Thank you for stopping by.   See you next time!       


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Anal Mindset - Why You Have a Job

Well, who can survive in this kind of economy where industry pretty much dictates who lives and who dies?  From my point of view as a normal person, the ones who make it out as the boss or owner of the company are the personality types that gravitate towards anal rententiveness and control freak.  These are the two most important and precious ingredients in becoming a boss/manager position in a company.  If you are not mentally there 100% all the time to dictate and enforce your company's strict as all hell rules/regulations/guidelines 24/7, nonstop, 365 days a year; you won't last very long.  No, no one likes these kinds of people.  Yes, it's very common for us normal people to work and/or to be enslaved by these kinds of business models and/or personality types.  For example, a lot of women are victimized by over the top controlling and abusive relationships cocreated by their husband/boyfriend/significant other/etc.  And let's not forget the 9-5 rat race we've all been experiencing.  Long story short, it's a vicious cycle. 

Back to the most basic, fundamental human question, so can there exist a company/group of people without a bosshole power tripping all over the place on top of the pyramid schematic?  Yes, a coexisting community of people with equal power/neutrality and say is fundamentally possible but is very rare.  You definitely won't be seeing too many companies out there here in the USA, but they do exist in more city places.  A good example of somewhere that remains neutral as possible maybe something more European like Switzerland.  So things probably have not changed since forever. There have also been feuds over well, just about everything imaginable between two people, like children fighting over a toy.  Expect to see and follow a lot of rules, regulations, laws, codes, licensing, tests, quality control, someone hovering over your shoulder, Q/A, etc.  People who just don't give a f*ck, either become homeless or get placed somewhere in an adult home/shelter.  A lot of us just don't blatantly care about someone else's rules and regulations until something happens, until someone tries to enforce them upon us. 

Congratulations!  You are now a stiff!  You are forbidden from doing anything but work 24/7.  I guess that's the meaning of "work" in America.  A lot of people find themselves in the same boat.  There's no way out unless you continue to work or drop dead.  That is exactly what happens to some of the retirees that have been overly conditioned to work like a stiff 24/7.  Guess what they do soon after retirement?  They drop dead. 

Ultimately, the universe is about balance and duality.  There is a time to work, there is a time to not a give a crap, there is a time for leisure, there is a time for vacation, there is time to do whatever, there is a time for family, there is a time for fun, there is a time for pain, there's a time to pay the bills, there is time for birth/death, etc.  Yes, having to work pisses us all off, especially how it is structured but for now that is all we got.  That bosshole that you hate is keeping the company alive, which in return allows you to have a job, which ultimately leads to your biweekly paycheck.  Seldom does anyone just win the lottery and get away without having to live some kind of hellish life style dictated by some asshole on top.  It takes a special kind of asshole to be a boss.  Management, business, dealing with customers, and politics is just not for everyone.  I don't expect someone like myself to be a manager or director of an already established company.  I wouldn't even do it if they paid me more, because then I would just be paying more taxes and having to work even harder.  The amount of hell they put you through with all the rules and laws to follow is just not worth it for me.

In summary, here's a short list of functioning things you can do in this life:

  • Be a homeless and not care
  • Have a 9-5 rat race job; go home; not care until it all starts over again tomorrow morning
    • Graduate from being a 9-5 rat racer and be a 24/7 bosshole/manager of the company  
    • Retire and drop dead 

Thank you for stopping by and reading my most inner and private of thoughts!  Just don't tell your boss or he'll "fire me".  Like I would care anyways.  I'd be thankful collecting unemployment for the next 6 months.  I appreciate your company though.  See you next time!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Daily Wisdom

Well, I just worked 4 days straight again for about 12-13 hours max a day.  Yes, this is quite normal in the rat race of the industrial world of America.  There has been no permanent solution for the average person to be able to survive and not have to work thus far.  No, I still do not win the lottery or get rich from cryptocurrency or whatever the hell investment is out there that I've put actual money into.  Because this is America, people don't want to know the how or the why of things!  They just want everything now!  Unfortunately, this is still reality we live in and you almost never get rich quick overnight.  Why is it so hard for people to understand to take your time?  As they say "Life is a marathon, not a sprint".     

I have 2 days off until I go back to work Thursday and nothing else really urgent that matters to me right now.  I'm just using my time off to laze around the computer and seeing what foods are on sale at the local supermarket.  As long as I was not forced to wake up early in the morning and jet off somewhere, I'm good to go.  Although I'm still not rich, I can at least do the things I need to get done like drive to places, look for other jobs if I need to, buy food, go to some place quiet with free internet, go to the gym with a pool in it, pay for gas, and still have enough to maintain my car.  Well, it's all fun and games until THEY START WITH YOU.  Look, no matter how you see or who you are FEMALES ARE EXPENSIVE AND COST MONEY.  Guys can get away with being cheap and stingy, but it there's a woman to please in the relationship on whatever level someone is going to get burned.  You either live as a cheap, stingy single guy; or you have to work your ass off to not only pay for yourself but also your girl.  An apartment costs about $2000 to rent for a month!  A barebones house here costs $300,000!  Without government subsidies, I'm screwed!  I'll be working my ass off until I'm 100 years old at this rate.  I already feel economically hindered and drained.  As one can see, I have chosen to be the cheap, stingy single guy.

Be cheap, appreciate what you have, and express gratitude for the things in your life.
Well, I guess that's it.  That's my 2 cents.  This is my all before leaving and doing whatever it is I do.
Thank you all for visiting!  I hope to see you next time!     

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Working for 4 Days Straight! Somebody Save Me!

Well, I have the rest of today and tomorrow off after having worked 4 days in a row since a long time.  After all my crazy investments and experiments, I still have a long way to go.  Yes, I have to continue to work a normal, livable wage paying rat race job like 99% of the rest of the population just to put a roof over my head and food on the table.  There's nothing out of the ordinary about my life thus far.  On the bright side, my work is providing me with health insurance $79.30/biweekly paycheck.  I was paying $274.62/month for the cheapest, bronze package with Obamacare.  You cannot get any cheaper than what I'm use to.  I cheap out on everything.  I'm surprised I'm not even on Medicaid as of today.     

Yes, it's common knowledge that we are all just a bunch of hardworking wage slaves here but is there more to life?  We've all been there trying to win the lottery or gambling in a casino.  Well, the newest thing is the crptocurrency trend.  Yes, the market has rebounded since the last red carpet was rolled out.  Yes, government regulators and CEM/CBOE future trading have been manipulating the markets like the corrupt wealthy investment bankers on Wall Street.  What else is new?  Get a job that doesn't suck, stick with it for a long time, and invest wisely.  Now, the cryptocurrency markets are soon to go back up real soon as the future tradings are set to expire towards the end of January.  You can either continue to hold whatever or buy whatever is left as the cryptocurrency market are still of a bit on sale.  No one knows everything, so who knows?  Maybe you'll strike it rich?  Otherwise, it's back to the rat race, again.  

Thank you for dropping by and reading my stuff.  I hope to see you next time!      

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Bitcoin Sale! Up to 25% Off!

To the the trained eye and investor, this is what it's like to buy on a dip.  Yes, the red carpets are all here pulled right out in front of you.  Everyone gets that chance to buy and get rich quick, but guess what?  You were broke last year, you were broke the year before, and you've always been broke since forever, so why in the world would things be different this time around?  So what do millennials do?  They buy Bitcoin with their credit cards and hope for the best that some day they'll get rich off of buying cryptocurrency like some kind of magical lottery, much like what happened with the 2008 housing bubble crisis.  The previous generation bought houses, took out large mortgages and loans, had trouble getting their debt paid back, and one day everything just came crumbling down in September.  The economy this, the economy that, blah, blah, blah.  We've all been there before.  

In any event, this is a great time to buy on Coinbase!  No, do not start selling whatever you have now and don't use that sell off money to buy new coins.  You have to buy with new money either from your bank account or use a credit card.  Ultimately, you just hold until the prices go back up.  There is no guarantee and you may even lose even another 10%-20% off tomorrow.  For more addition protection, split your buying purchases between all 3-4 coins on Coinbase.  Dumping your money in just one coin or investment for that matter just never works out right.  You always, always have to diversify because there's just no guarantee that you'll even make a profit.  In a lot of cases people will actually lose money, because they will only act out of emotion like a chicken with its head cut off.  Panicking, freaking out, and selling off prematurely out of fear is much too all common.  If you still hold on to your coin or investment share, you'll still have it tomorrow.  Again, you were never rich to begin with, so it's not like you're going to go anywhere far selling off too soon either.  If you want to be a day trader and trade all the time that is fine but know that it would b treated more like a real job that takes much more effort and due diligence on your part.  I'm not about straining and stressing the hell out of myself with pinpoint accuracy so day trading isn't for me.  Yes, the risk and reward is tremendous but you also have to have a lot of luck, patience, and initiative to buy/sell on seconds notice.  On the other hand, I am a turtle.  I prefer just to buy whenever the market is low and just hold it out until I see clear gains and stability in the market, at least long enough so I can make a clear decision to sell for actual profit and gains.  

So do you have the guts?  Do you have an extra $1000 just laying around somewhere to invest?  Well, now is a good time to buy into Bitcoin as the prices have never been any cheaper in the past few weeks.  Just be make sure to diversify!

Thank you for dropping by!  I'm not a professional adviser so don't plan on chasing me around.  Yup, I'm just a homeless; but I've seen many things growing up.  Yeah, the adult stuff that only happens behind close doors that they don't want to tell you about kind of deal.  Such is the way of life.  It's all smoke and mirrors.  I hope to see you next time.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

New York is in the House!

Hi folks!  Well, I got my opportunity at age 32 working for NYU Langone-Brooklyn.  For $30 an hour, I could be working in Brooklyn right now!  Yes, we've all watched Sex in the City and all those fancy Hollywood movies but is that where you really want to be for work or just play?  Hold the phones, not so fast.  What does this all mean?  It certainly does not mean that all I'll be doing is showing up with an empty sack and holding it out to mooch more money.  Like with any other job, you have to wake up early in the morning, get out of bed, put some clothes on, rush out of the house, and start commuting.  Driving from New Jersey to Brooklyn usually takes about an hour or more depending on traffic.  That's just the first part of the day.  The next shift is actually having to work the job and dealing with patients in the hospital.  From what I gather this is a tier 1 trauma hospital.  Yes, there's a lot of injured and sick people coming in and out of these places all the time.  The biggest hurdle is some of them one speak Spanish or whatever their native tongue is.  It's not all fun and games.  It's not a nice place to be, and you better be on top of your game at all times.  It requires  a serious level of social and physical prowess, which I'm not very into.  Yes, I can train myself.  Yes, I can do the job.  Except?  I already have a job at a local urgent care making $21 an hour.  Long story short, if I make anymore money I'd have to pay more taxes.  My life would be consumed by nothing else but work.  Little would I know, my time is up!

I have chosen a life of less hustle and bustle.  I have selected the job that pays less and is less stressful.  I decided to only have one real job at the moment.  I didn't want to become a workaholic.  I didn't want to come home like an angry asshole having committed all my waking hours to a place I don't care about, just so that I could make some extra cash and find out later I owe even more in taxes.  When people have lived out their youth and become old, who on Earth has ever said they should have worked more hours on their death bed?  Even though we are diabolically tricked into believing money is everything, our time is actually what is the most precious to us as human beings.  I do not want to spend anymore of my time on anything I don't want to.  At the age of 32, I have the full custody and power to dictate where and how I should spend my time.  I'm sorry, but I cannot bang out two jobs.  I'm sorry, I don't want to pay anymore tax dollars than I should.  I'm sorry, I don't want to wake up any earlier in the morning than I have to.  I'm sorry, I just don't want to be that person who overextends themselves for nothing.  I'm sorry, I'm not the kind of quality of a person you are looking for.

Why can't I just appreciate the job I have now?  It only requires that I drive 15 minutes away.  I get paid $21 an hour but is it enough to quench my lust for more taxable dollars?  I also have access to one of the finest gyms, Lifetime Fitness, around.  Who wants to go work in the hospital when they could be hanging out at Lifetime!?  I sure as Hell know I don't want to see anymore trauma patients voluntarily than I have to unless I was making some serious money out of it.  Long story short, someone else in need can go fill my job.  The only thing I'd be missing out for myself is the money.  Yes, I wold also be missing out on making connections with bigger businesses, other professionals, and experience but none of that really means anything to me if all I really, really truly want is more cold, hard cash.  If I just won the lottery and they dumped a million dollars on my lawn, that's exactly all I wanted, the cold hard cash.  All the small talk and people spreading crazy rumors don't mean anything to me.  I hope this experience does not come back biting me in the ass as it is not what you know but who you know. 

Thank you for stopping by.  We all have to make hard decisions in our lives.  This was one of them, but in the end I've chosen the less stressful job that makes less money over the more stressful job that makes more money.  Now, the kids know why they're not richy rich. 

See you next time!