Well, here is to yet another generic Happy Mother's Day post. I wish MOM health, love, wealth, and happiness.

Back to my life, I feel that I just needed to take a long walk around the neighborhood. Well, it's spring time. There are trees and wild life abound. The neighborhood I live in is well pretty kept in comparison to the city. I am thankful I don't live in the hood. Although there is more of a social life with people living closer to each other, it also gets more over crowded. Whenever there are a lot of people living close together, it can get ghetto really fast. The garbage starts piling up and spills all over the streets. It's as though everyone is either mentally of physically handicap to cleanup after themselves unless someone else does it for them. Seriously, there are only two kinds of people in this world. Those who are clean freaks or those who literally roll around their own filth.
I took a walk. It was simple. I liked it. That was pretty much my Sunday afternoon. Not much else happened except the same old everyday stuff. I'm guessing if I were to travel or move somewhere else, I'd enjoy walking around the neighborhood a lot unless it was really ghetto. Again, the same old stuff going on in the hood. Not much to see here really. It's a nice refreshment to just take a walk outside. And yes, I do purposed try to avoid people on my walks to enhance the experience. Sometimes, I say "Hi" to those I've met before and are familiar with; but nothing out of the ordinary. These people do have money and stuff, but it's none of my business nor do I want to care. I just wouldn't want to approach and hangout with someone just because they are rich or have nice thing. I do have interest in talking to people about what they do for a living, what kind of school they went, and what is their career like. None the less, I haven't met anyone in person with too much of a crazy story.
Well, thanks for stopping by. Happy Mother's Day out there! I hope to see you next time!
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