Things to always be doing if you're not working:
- Read books
- Review for tests/exams
- Go to the gym and exercise
- Keep up and maintain your side business/hustle
- Attempt to reach outside your comfort zone
- Network with people
In the end when you feel all tired and stringy, why do anything? The simple answer is because you are not a robot nor an animal. Having the potential ability of imagination, intuition, reasoning, logic, reading, writing, music, etc. makes you very unique and special. Essentially, you are a creator. Change starts from within. Your thoughts begin with you. Because you become your thoughts; it's vital and important that you have a positive outlook on life. Positivity will attract positive outcomes, therefore there's no way around not being positive if you want good things to happen in your life. So if it's not a question about the constant bombardment of money and time all the time, what remains is your emotional quotient. To feel happy, you must be able to humble yourself, forgive yourself, be grateful and appreciative with what you have and/or achieved, and be thankful for whom you're around or who's in your life. If you miss these basic key concepts in life, you'll always be running up an uphill,endless power structure dynamic.
In any event, I'm in the process of activating a grant from the government to go back to school for my Cat Scan school. I just took the TABE test and will find out my results on Tuesday. This adult standardized test consisting of basic math and reading questions will determine if I qualify or not. Also, I've been trying to keep up to date with maintaining a health insurance plan with the health of an applied premium tax credit if your income is less than $51,000/year . No, I don't qualify for Medicaid (annual income must be around $15,500 or less). Well, that is my two cents for now. Maybe, I'll post some footage later. Yup, such is the life of a homeless.
Thanks for dropping! I hope to see you next time!
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