Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Working for 4 Days Straight! Somebody Save Me!

Well, I have the rest of today and tomorrow off after having worked 4 days in a row since a long time.  After all my crazy investments and experiments, I still have a long way to go.  Yes, I have to continue to work a normal, livable wage paying rat race job like 99% of the rest of the population just to put a roof over my head and food on the table.  There's nothing out of the ordinary about my life thus far.  On the bright side, my work is providing me with health insurance $79.30/biweekly paycheck.  I was paying $274.62/month for the cheapest, bronze package with Obamacare.  You cannot get any cheaper than what I'm use to.  I cheap out on everything.  I'm surprised I'm not even on Medicaid as of today.     

Yes, it's common knowledge that we are all just a bunch of hardworking wage slaves here but is there more to life?  We've all been there trying to win the lottery or gambling in a casino.  Well, the newest thing is the crptocurrency trend.  Yes, the market has rebounded since the last red carpet was rolled out.  Yes, government regulators and CEM/CBOE future trading have been manipulating the markets like the corrupt wealthy investment bankers on Wall Street.  What else is new?  Get a job that doesn't suck, stick with it for a long time, and invest wisely.  Now, the cryptocurrency markets are soon to go back up real soon as the future tradings are set to expire towards the end of January.  You can either continue to hold whatever or buy whatever is left as the cryptocurrency market are still of a bit on sale.  No one knows everything, so who knows?  Maybe you'll strike it rich?  Otherwise, it's back to the rat race, again.  

Thank you for dropping by and reading my stuff.  I hope to see you next time!      

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