Friday, December 22, 2017


Ladies and gentlemen it's time to present to you reality!  Let's roll out the red carpet!
And on this Friday 12/22/2017, the economy did really bad; like really bad.  This is just the tip of the iceberg to say the least.  I'm not even going to begin to dive into the smaller stuff.  Well, shit happens and it does.  Yes, the shit hit the ceiling fan today.  There are people freaking out and selling!  I cannot stress how emotional people become when these days come around.  Like a girl on her period, it just happens!  You wake up and there's blood everywhere coming out of your crotch.  Just get over it!  None the less, you always need a plan for protection and that is why you need to diversify!  I cannot stress how important and fundamental diversifying your assets.  So what is in it for me?  What do you do in a situation like this?  Well, let's take a look at some of the greats.  Warren Buffet would just dust off his shoulders like nothing happened.  Elon Musk would just look down, stay humble, and continue to work.  Whatever you do, don't react out of your emotions and start selling everything off out of fear and panic!  People get butt hurt, but they slowly go back to work and start doing their thing again like nothing happened.  A few blocks down the road, everything is back up the next few weeks/months.  

"Shit happens" and when it does the red carpet comes rolling out!  Yes, it even effects block chain technology and alternative coins.  Yes, you get the same bunch of emotional people who sell out of fear and buy when the market is roaring.  Does anyone every pay attention to BUY LOW; SELL HIGH?  Nope, just the everyday professional boring managers and bossholes that do that kind of stuff.  They are use to it and probably stop caring after a while.  They are prepared.  They are trained.  They know what to do in the event of a panic attack and/or freak out session.

Wow, just look at that long list of cryptocurrency getting knocked out of orbit.  I'm not even sure diversifying can save you at this point, but tomorrow is a new day.  Don't let money and the market define who you are, what you do, and what makes you happy in life.  Yes, money is important but that's not who you really are.  So how do I deal with such massive losses?   Because I'm already a homeless, I don't really care that much.  I never became dependent on an expensive lifestyle.  I was never spoiled by an iphone, a fancy sports car, or luxurious food.  I remain frugal.  I'm not upset, and I don't want to sell off  in times of red like a crazy nut, trying to piece back a broken kitchen plate that just accidentally fell.  All you have to do is set it when you buy and forget it.  I'm not a technical analyst.  It's not my job to hunch over a computer screen and day trade.  It would be nice if I had a job like that, but for normal people the best protection would be to continue to just hold.  Thank God, I'm currently working a stable job in the health field right now.  It's important to have a normal job sometimes, just to feel humble and find stability in the world.  Having to rely on sales, trading, cold calling, marketing, gambling, and utilizing a wide range of business tactics  is still actually work.  Guess what people will be doing tomorrow?  Old habits don't die.  

People are selling like animals thinking tomorrow will be any much different.  Just hold onto whatever you have and if you have the funds to buy, go for it.  For the love of God, don't sell.  Tomorrow will just be another day.  Why?  Because you didn't win the lottery!  You want life changing money!  Not just a few petty dollars!  If you didn't win the lottery, sit your ass down.  The game will still be there tomorrow.  

Well, thank you for visiting.  As we all know, shit happens.  Just try not to freak out and do something irrational.  There will always be tomorrow.  Happy holidays!


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

TokenDesk - Blockchain Technology - The New Frontier

So it's obvious to me that I'll be of the poor forever unless I invested in something (now or in the past tense) since I don't like to put in the work myself.  Because I don't like to put in the work that means I'm stuck with a limited number of options.  There's so many things I can do before everything starts falling apart like a cheap Chinese motorcycle.  I know I can't do the work all by myself.  In the bigger scheme of things, all I'm really good for is pump and dump when it comes to startup companies.  I'm like an angel investor.  I primarily invest and become an early adopter of new tech companies.  This is not a script, and I'm not talking out of my ass to look good on paper for a potential employer or college.  By my own nature this is what I enjoy and like doing. 

In any event, there's a new company coming out called TokenDesk that is trying to make buying ICO's and other cryptocurrencies into one whole universal trading system that is easy on the user.  For more information and detail, please click the picture above.  Long story short, we can go on for days and argue about pyramid schemes and scams; but you know what?  I'm too old for this shit.  Do you remember when Apple was for $5?  Do you remember when Google was $20 back in the day?  Amazon was $75 for God sake.  If you invested $100 in Bitcoin in 2010, you'd be a millionaire by now.  So are you serious?  You still want to continue to argue with me?  I'm still a homeless and your constant negativity and bias hasn't helped me out one bit.  So why not change things?  Why not believe in something bigger than yourself?  I for one sure as Hell would like to know what it's like to have money and be able to enjoy some freedom without having to constantly worry about fiduciary problems.  If you don't believe and failed to contribute to whatever xyz company, you'll still be where you are now WISHING you had a time machine, WISHING that you put $100 - $1000 in whatever xyz company before it became big time, WISHING that you had money NOW!  We all know you're broke and stop giving yourself and other people bad financial advice!  

Is all of this even legal?  The SEC is tough on US Citizens when it comes to investing in ICO's or initial coin offerings.  A vast majority of ICO's I've come across warned of such things.  They simply don't want citizens of the United States of America to invest in this kind of stuff as a lot of the new blockchain technology companies are not registered and complying with the rules and laws of the SEC. As for TokenDesk, I've never come across a warning message like some of the other sites.  Yes, they did have some beef with a journalist they had to weed out to cancel out the unwanted attention and negativity.  I see in their Milestones page is to open up a sales office in the United States by September 1, 2018.  They'll have to be in compliance with SEC rules and regulations by then.  Who knows really?  Will the Men in Black or IRS show up at my front door?  Well, we will find out soon enough:

So if I just continue to work my 9-5 rat race of a job that's perfectly okay with everyone else; except I don't want to be like the everyone else.  I want to be rich!  I want to have my own timeline!  I want to be my own boss!  I don't want to be no scrub!  Being dependent on the government for welfare and food stamps all the time is a joke.  Being dependent on your employer will be a thing of the past.  I want us to be free from the tyranny of a 9-5 that is unless you actually wanted to work and "help people".  Basically, it's called RETIREMENT.  If you're the living embodiment and creator of the rat race that's okay, but I don't plan on being enslaved by it.

Please just don't overlook things and say "WHATEVER" or "I'LL GO TO COLLEGE".  I've been there.  I've seen things.  History just repeats itself.  Finding that diamond in the rough that can change things for the better is a once in a lifetime chance.  BTC, LTC, XRP, ETH these are your new friends.  Don't wait too late to get in the game, do it now.  Ripple (XRP) is at an all time low.  The time to capture it is now!  Use bitstamp to buy it if you have to.  Do you want to be dependent on the government for the rest of your life?  You think the day you show up at the welfare line, they're going to take pity on you?

Guess what?  It's blockchain technology that's the new thing now.  
If I can just reach out into the future, grab someone, and pull them back here; I'd tell them to invest in some blockchain technology companies right now.  I'm having a hard time funding my own investments, let alone someone else's.  But if you can, go right ahead!  How do I know this?  How do you know you can trust me?  Well, I'm a homeless.  There's no reason for me to lie.  I'm not a part of the government.  I'm not a part of any bigger organization.  I don't need to make money off of this site.  I just blog, virtually for free.  I haven't received one payment before doing this.  I'm myself as much as possible.  Why would I care about my reputation or how many customers I have?  There's no need for me to lie.  I may have opinions or I'm excited about something but that's out of my own passion.  Ideally, I'd like to see money being generated but times are rough.   As far as I'm concerned, I like blogging and this is what I do.      

In the end, everyone says "I WISH", but it's really about the doing.  Either you, yourself, or someone in the family was quick witted enough to invest their time and/or money into something that would eventually save someone down the road.  Maybe your grandfather gave you $1000 worth of cryptocurrency when you were just a baby?  Guess what?  You'd be a millionaire by now.  But what about the kids who didn't have that grandfather who made moves?  You better wish your parents had some other kind of alternative investments, real estate, and/or functioning businesses.  Long story short, rich people don't get where they are because they sit on the couch, watch television, and complain.  Instead, they get where they are through hard work, repetition, doing things they don't like, learning, growing, investing, reinvesting, trying out new ideas, networking, convincing others to join in the business, hiring new recruits, etc.  It's not much different that a strategic video game.  Those who actively seek out and obtain more resources will naturally have a much easier and enjoyable time winning.  I'm not saying that money and winning is everything; but I know being poor sucks and severely limits the options you have in life.  So please, stop WISHING AND START DOING!

Thank you for dropping by and visiting!  I hope I've provided my readers with some value and insight.  Please don't take anything too seriously but with a pinch of salt.     

A New Fail - Setting Up Shopify

Well, what's wrong with trying to add Shopify into your daily arsenal of passive income?  First, Shopify is an active sport.  Believe it or not you actually have to put your time and effort to do something for it to work.  Although this may appear to just be down right easy, it isn't!  You have to do your own marketing and reach out to people for potential customers just like with any other REAL JOB!  Is it ever THAT EASY just trying to convince people to start buying random things off your website?  If you know the right people, the right products to sell, how to network, and land a sale here and there you'll be good.  But as I've discussed earlier in my blogs, I try to avoid people and just do my own thing.  If you suck with networking and people, the next best thing to do is pay for Google Adwords and/or Face advertisements.  I would not plan on paying for anything unless I was confident, passionate, and exited about the products I'm selling.  The truth is I don't want to endorse anything "Made in China".  They're cheaply made and downright abuse the employees with shitty pay but that's how they can survive.  I also don't really have a theme of my own.  Would I really like to sell exercise equipment, coffee mugs, t-shirts, and all this other random "Made in China" crap?  The simple answer to that is NO!  

As long as I don't feel like selling something I'm not into, I don't want to do it.  There's a story about how someone created a page "Owls" on Facebook; and all they do is sell crap on it with cheesy pictures and posts of random owls.  I'm just not willing to utilize my time and effort to promote something I'm not really interested in or would spend money on.  If creating a random cat page, promoting sales, and having to continually monitor and post things to get people to buy stuff is the only way to see a paycheck at the end of the week, I probably wouldn't do it just because I'm not interested and that's really not my thing to be doing.  If you are into that kind of stuff, sure; but that's not me.

As you can see, my setting up my Shopify store experience was a complete fail.  I also don't want to pay the $29.99/month.  I sure as Hell don't want to pay for Google Adwords nor Facebook advertisement to sell my shitty "Made in China" products.  Shopify is just not for me.  If I was capable of pulling it off by myself I would; but obviously I can't execute it without running into some major problems in the long run.  For example, what if my website sucks?  What if I don't have any customers?  If no body buys any of my "Made in China" shit, I'm done for.  If I continue to pay for Google Adwords and Facebook advertisement, I'll probably get a sale somewhere down the road; but I'll also end up hating myself for selling some poor kid an overpriced cat t-shirt that was inadequately made and shipped from China.  I believe I can better invest my time and money elsewhere doing something else I'm more comfortable with.

Thank you for stopping by and coming!  I hope to blog some more!       

Thursday, November 30, 2017

SHOPIFY - Getting Over the Learning Curve

Well everyone, it's my time to learn how to apply "Made in China" through the invention of dropshipping to the next step.  So what's the problem?  Why cant I just sit on my ass and see paychecks coming in?  "Dropshipping", "dropshipping", and "dropshipping!"  I mean what the hell is all of this shit @_@  Can I really trust China to ship stuff to my customers?  The last time I got something dropshipped from China took 1 month.  Alibaba and Oberlo are some of the biggest and most trusted dropshipping companies available.  Alibaba requires that you communicate with an actual person managing the stuff.  Because this is mostly China you're dealing with here, there is a ton of risk involved and no guarantees.  You can get your money hoodwinked real fast in a short amount of time.  You can select your products to be made and shipping from other countries, but you're going to have to rely on China for the most part as everything is just much cheaper in comparison.  In any event, I'm popping up tutorial videos and taking notes.  There's no easy way out of this.  It has a rocky learning curve at first, but I believe I can do it.

I'll continue to update my post regarding SHOPIFY, and how I'm still learning.  Hey, we all have to start somewhere. 

Thank you for reading!  I hope to keep updating soon.       

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Well, Bitcoin is surging past $10,000.  Long story short, who cares unless you bought Bitcoin at a prior date.  Lucky for me, I've been applying my basic life skills and strategies to work on a daily basis.  That's right, I have some Bitcoin.  I also invest in other digital currencies as well that aren't up and running in the market yet.  Yes, I've put my $5000 on other ICO's, other than Bitcoin.  If I just kept that initial $5000 with my 1 Bitcoin at the time, I would be seeing a bit over $10,000 here right now.  At the time, Bitcoin was rocky and no one knew what was going to happen because China just banned all forms of digital currency.  In any event, no one knew Bitcoin would rise so high in such a short amount of time!  So instead of going back to school (and going along with "GO TO COLLEGE") with that $5000, I invested it in a diversified portfolio of digital currency.  Lo and behold, my investment in the world of digital currency and the stock market is doing much better than having to "GO TO SCHOOL" everyday, feel deadbeat tired, abused and used down to a nub, which I would have already be feeling at work anyways.  The point is I did make my move, I did show initiative, I did do my homework,  I didn't have to trade an arm and a leg to get there, and I'm seeing profits come in on a daily basis.  I cannot stress how much "GO TO SCHOOL" is a real waste of my time except for the teacher and administrators who are making money off of it.  I'm not the ideal student nor will I ever be, but that's just me.  At the end of the day, all people want is to go home and see a paycheck?  Why not put that human concept on steroids?  How about you see a paycheck coming in everyday?  Why should "GO TO SCHOOL" be the paramount picture of everyday?  I'm sick and tired of doing things backwards.  I want to live in an age of limitless potential without having to sacrifice your blood, sweat, and tears to get there.  Yes, hard work is important for all of us; but I don't want to be another victim thrown under the bus just so some administrator or business owner can profit off of me as though I was some kind of slave.  I'd would only go back to school if I actually chose to instead of some kind of malevolent, evil mind trick of having to be engulfed in student debt the rest of my life.

With funds coming in from my investments and making profitable moves, I can lift my spirits high into the sky and be able to finally transcend throughout the universe without anything holding me back.  Seriously, Coinbase is awesome.  You just have to be an early adopter and investor.  If you get in the game too late, it's just going to be a lot harder.  Like a fireman or police captain, you want to be grandfathered into the system.  Being a young guy trying to get into a good company sucks.  If you're not going to be the guy who invented the company, then the best thing you can do is be an early on investor!

. . .  at the end of the day what do we really have?  Bills to pay.  I'm not going to go crazy, nuts, and/or quit my day job.  Deep down inside, everyone has a job and/or something to do that is productive, not only to themselves but to the environment around them.  Even if I become stupid rich or continue to be homeless, I know that keeping things in perspective and being humble is at the apex of the soul.  Continue to learn and challenge yourself everyday.  

Thank you for stopping by!  I hope to post again soon!       

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Will I Always Be Poor? The Forever Poor is You!

So am I just going to be eternally engulfed in poverty?  Will I ever become rich?  With all crazy nonsense aside, the answer to that may heavily lie on investing.  Let's take this study on the left here:  You invest $1000 in 15 Fortune 500 companies in the year 2007, 10 years ago.  At the time, you don't know which companies will succeed in the distant future.  Because they are solid, established companies, you don't expect much risk or exponential growth for that matter because they have already reached a level maturity.  In any event, you have $15,000 to spare at the time and go ahead and start investing.  For me, I did not have $15,000; but I had about the same amount in student debt.  My thinking was probably offset and mislead by the false promises of an education at the time as well.  Have I just worked a minimum wage job at a local pharmacy, like I did at Walgreen after graduation anyways, I would of had a lot more saved up by now.  Long story short, that $15,000 investment would be $99, 291!  Has my $15,000 in student loans and college blessed me with such a minimum of such a whopping number!?  No, my Rutgers University college degree has done jack shit for me!  Who the hell cares about paying for college anymore when you have the stock market?  College is great for doctors, lawyers, engineers, and anyone else who really cares enough to the point they'll drown themselves in student loans/debt, but that is not me.  I'm more of a shrewd businessman who wants to do the least amount of work possible but still reap the rewards and benefits of investing.  I repeat I don't want $15,000 in student loans and a college degree, I want that $99,291!  What don't you people understand!  That money I invested in could have been used now to go back to college and go after a degree worth something like engineering, finance, or whatever the hell I wanted!  Now, I'm screwed.  Because I have the bachelor's degree, I don't even qualify for financial aid (FASA) anymore!  Don't you people get it?  It's all about industry, serving the industry, and making money!  Are there any other alternatives?  Are there better ways of doing things?  Yes, but as far as I know this is the best option I have at my disposal in terms of surviving.  "Go to college" my ass; "Make money" yes.  I cannot go back in time and change things, but I can do is to invest in these companies as of today.  With the internet and all these exchanges online, it's real easy.  If you've read my previous posts, this is what I've been doing with my biweekly paychecks.  I would like to live in a world where "Go to college" is the answer, but that is obviously not the case as jobs are always scarce and the competition is always plentiful.  Again, I do not want to reiterate how I don't want to sacrifice an arm and a leg to achieve greatness.  I'm perfectly fine being an investor.  If all I'm good at doing is investing than that's what I'm happy to be stuck with!

Just above is what I've been doing.  It's my own Vanguard ETF portfolio.  I'm invested in a wide range of diversified ETFs that expands through multiple levels of industry and sectors.  I started out with nothing and here I am not at $33,627.21.  This is not a get rich quick schemes.  I've been working a regular job, but the only thing I do differently is invest.  Beyond diversification is being an early on investor which takes a lot of guts and risk.  I use to be one of those people who just sit in the sidelines, don't want to take the risk ,or are just plain lazy.  Whatever you do, don't just sit in the sidelines and watch.  Watching the world pass you by is not fun.  Going to school and being told what to do is an archaic way of thinking and will not serve you well.  Seriously, it's all about industry.  Whether you do or you don't, I want to be rich.  I want to have money.  I don't want to be poor.  It's that simple!  At the same time, I don't like socializing and networking with other people as people tend to be very confusing with wording, emotions, rudeness, conflicting interests, being manipulative, rules, standards, having weird indoctrination rituals, etc.  Sometimes, you really need to bring a lawyer with you to understand how crazy and detailed some of these people potentially are.  It's not fun being around people who are way too God damn serious all the time where 1 decimal point mistake can turn them into an exploding asshole.  Well, I have 4 more days left off, and I need to go out and make the best of it!       

Thank you for reading!  I hope to post some sweet Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for review!             

Monday, November 20, 2017


When all is said and done, what are people best at?  That's right hoarding!  There seems to be no end to the grabbing, the looting, the buying/selling, Black Friday, coupons, and just all out savageness when it comes the opportunity of getting your hands on something.  I've acquired most of my stuff legally using several methods of online discounts, coupons, sales, buying in bulk discounts, ebay, Amazon, etc.  I mean it's just stuff.  What's the point of it all if it just sits on a shelf?  I do, do a lot of reselling to turn out a profit and that always has a place in my heart but what about books?  Books are a tough choice to hoard.  They take up a lot of space, and they're hard to get rid of unless it matches some college class requirement, which they just keep making new editions anyways.  I'm seriously running low on space.  I would like a functional library shelf and not just a place to hoard stuff.  I value the knowledge I can obtain through actually picking up a book and reading it.  I've never been the best at speed reading and/or comprehension, but reading is definitely one of the few keys in life actually worth every second of your time.  Unless it's for school, I don't do as much reading as I would like.  I know the benefits of reading overwhelmingly outweigh the feelings of not wanting to care or choosing to accept that "Ignorance is Bliss".  When I asked my teacher in college the very same question she responded with "Because knowledge is freedom".  I would like to spend some more time reading and make it a daily ritual.  So how do I get off my ass and start doing just that.  I mean just look at my bookshelves covered in stuff.  I obviously need a lot of improvement on bookshelf aesthetics and functionality.  Cutting out the nonessential will definitely help my game reading more often and frequently.

What am I do with the books I don't need?  You know the books I just grabbed because the library was getting rid of their old stock.  Some books are just outdated and unreliable in today's times.  I mean who the hell needs to learn about DOS from the 90's?  This is just excessive information that I don't need.  A lot of these books just don't provide any value to me anymore.  Some of these oldies can't even be sold, because it's that bad nor do I want to take the time and hold them for the next buyer (whenever that'll be).  If limited space wasn't an issue, I'd keep them all; but like so many people space is very limited!  If I can't sell them, I'll just leave a load of them at the local public library.  There's no need for me to keep an excessive amount of reading material at home just for the sole purpose of hoarding!  Because I care and that is why I'm going to rearrange and make my bookshelf as functional and spiffy as possible.  I hope to post an update picture of my bookshelf.

Thank you for stopping by and reading!  Come back soon!     


My 5 Day Week Off

Hello everyone!  Welcome to my show.  I just happen to have the whole week off!  It's a great and fabulous time.  Of all seriousness, what did I do today?  It's already 1:30PM in the afternoon  and all I've done is roll out of the bed, turned on the computer, browsed through the internet, read some of my emails, watched a youtube video about being frugal and being financially savvy, and now I'm here blogging.  Is this not enough?  Did I not get tons of sleep like I wanted to?  Did I not arrive on the information highway out of my bed in a matter of seconds!?  Why does it seem like it's never enough?  At the moment, I do not wish to care about what anyone else thinks about me, my schedule, or how I do things.  This is a time to get to really know myself.  Once again, I'm met by a man in the mirror who just doesn't seem to want to care about anything unless it's about making money and/or doing something that'll promote health.  I guess that's really my thing.  If I just so happened to have a crazy, high-tech invention in my hands and at my disposal, what would I do with it?  Would I use it for myself?  Would I help father my own family and start an entire new culture   The simplest answer would be to charge people money for it and reap the profit off of it.  In short, I would be blind sided by the true value of my crazy, high-tech invention and just try to make money off of it by selling it to the highest bidder.  I'm not much different than the government selling technology off to lesser countries in exchange for an equal amount of goods, services, and/or treaties.  We all have an internalization of a system of trade and meeting some kind of quota and/or equilibrium.  Whether it's time, cash, digital currency, stocks, bonds, food, animals, people, blood, body parts, plants, medicine, technology, service, robots, computers, or God else knows what's out there, we can all relate to TRADE. 

With my time off of work, what do I do?  Well, here I am blogging.  I think about stuff, and I write it down.  Does the stuff I think about or dream ever have any value or may interest others?  I maybe operating on a paradigm of a service-to-self model.  What I do, think, or dream about maybe all due to selfish reasons, but at the same time maybe information/knowledge that can be shared with others.  It's not easy to find balance between the two.  At one end, you need to survive and at the other end there always seems to be "other people" involved.  "There is no I in team" as they say.  The collective consciousness of all sentient may actually be a thing, but at the same time human beings are far from accessing its true potential.  We all don't see eye-to-eye with each other.  We all seem to want our own independence, living space, and stuff.  As long as we remain heavily independent from each other, we'll never seem to achieve a sense of unity under the idea of collective consciousness.  But at the same time, this is where it gets into a more metaphysical and spiritual matter as we are more connected than we seem to be aware of.  Dolphins are a perfect example how they are able to travel and communicate with each other in packs.  Without the use of speech, electronics, and/or technology; they are able to send and receive signals from each other and travel in unison.  Somehow, they are always connected to each other for better/worse.  But I'm not a dolphin; nor do I feel much sense of a connection to this intangible being of collective consciousness.

Without being hooked up with the collective consciousness, we, as humans, are basically screwed.  Where would we conceptualize new ideas from?  Where would our inspiration come from?  Where would our creativity come from?  How'd we dream?  All of this lies deep in the pituitary gland and/or intuition.  It's all mental.  Where would I be without the access to the internet?  Likewise, the pituitary gland or the master gland maybe the culprit behind all this mysticism.  Long story short, I spend a lot of time sleeping.  Why would anyone be sleeping for 12 hours if they could be awake and making money?  Yes, sleep is for taking care of biological needs and needed for the building blocks of cells, but there's also more to it.  Because that's when I actually dream!  When I dream, my thoughts and my body become lucid.  I am able to have outer body experiences without have to be tied down to this Earth.  With the ability to fly and astral travel to different places in space, I've seen and experienced some pretty wild rides!  Who cares about money if I'm having an out of this world experience! 

So what weird stuff have I've seen in my dreams?  Do you really want to know?  It's not for the faint of heart nor do I expect anyone to believe me.  To my best abilities, I will describe what I've been dreaming about and experiencing.  Aside for the normal romance and sexual desires, sometimes I just happen to appear on off world planets.  I don't know where I am, nor do I seem to be bothered by it, but I just show up and go along with the story.  Obviously, I have had many, many different dreams and experiences, but I'll narrow it down to the most interesting and noteworthy ones.  For one, I encountered an experience with a grey alien.  Towards the end of my sleep, all of the sudden I "awoke" in my sleepy somber and began to rip off something shielding my head, the face of some strange looking alien (grey-purple) trying to manipulate and intentionally mind control me.  At the time, it felt so real in my dream that I actually woke up!  The other dream I had, I just happened to encounter a green reptilian humanoid about the size of a midget (3 feet) in a purple robe or something run in/out of some kind of library room I was in filled with several cyborgs (fat, bald human with body attached to a floating, golden hover chair).  It was surprising to see a reptilian hominid for the first time as well as the cyborgs!  I have no idea how my mind would even dream of something like that unless there was some actual truth behind it. 

Years ago in another dream I had, I was lying peacefully on a hill in a beautiful planet surrounded by dark, glowing purple.  The whole theme of the planet was purple, purple sky, purple, grass, the leaves on the trees were purple, everything was just a hue of purple.  It was beautiful!

Before all these strange dreams and experiences began happening, I had a hallucination/dream/vision/whatever you want to call.  The important thing is "I saw" three slide shows.  I could never forget what I experienced, but it was weird.  I'm not sure if it was something internal going on with an imbalance of my brain chemistry or I just so happened had telepathic communication going on with some unknown entity from outer space.  This kind of thing just doesn't happen to everyone nor do I recommend such a thing to anyone.  In any event, the 3 visions I saw went as followed:  #1 A young girl committed suicide cutting herself with a knife; #2 An atomic bomb going off (I could see the mushroom cloud from afar just exploding like it was live); #3 The printing and the endless continuation of the printing of money (black and white).  I never tell anyone this story, because IT HAS GOTTEN ME INTO TROUBLE.  I do not want to reveal anymore details but people do get SERIOUS about this kind of stuff and is considered "WORK".  I'll end it at.

So if I had any kind of super power or anything notable, I'd have a ton of money by now (which I don't).  Therefore, it's all just a bunch of mumbo jumbo.  Have I had any psychic powers or anything even remotely significant, I would have been an early invester in Google, Apple, Bitcoin, Tesla, Alibaba, etc.  Hell, I would have even picked a different college major!  Now it's too late!  So who cares!?  I have the whole week off.  I'm here to enjoy whatever little time I have before I have to actually go back to work! 

Thank you for dropping by!  I hope to see more of you and to keep blogging!


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

My Ideal Business Plan

Let's face it, I'm lazy.  I don't wake up at 4 am, I'm not a morning person, and I don't really seriously care enough to have to drive anywhere to make big business deals like you see in the movies.  This is not a God damn movie; this is real life!  I'm not going to be super consistent nor have a sustainable business model with a brick and mortar store front with actual, real customers walking in and out.  I don't care enough to pay thousands of dollars for rent each month nor would I want to open retail space down in the ghetto just to save a few dollars on a lease.  I also don't really want to hire anyone like some kind of real, serious job.  I guess I'm a one man band.  If I die, my dreams and business go down with me.

So what is left out there in the world of business for the lazies in the world?  You don't have the time, you have a family to take of, you just don't care enough, you get too many emails/phone calls, etc.  Trust me, there's an excuse for just about not achieving what you want in life; but I'm here to tell you today what my plan is to go the extra mile and actually do something that'll have an impact on my life.  My business must be something that I can actually perform on a daily basis and is practical.  Guess what it is?  I'm an investment consulting firm.  Initially I'm not charging anyone a dime nor do I need to.  All I do is invest my own money into different ETFs, mutual funds, stock, cryptocurrency, toys, video games, and whatever that looks like a good buy, and then show the results to my audience.  I'm not looking for pan handouts.  I'm showing my audience that I can not only support myself but potentially generate income starting my own business.  I'm just starting this out as a hobby.  What I can do is open my own LLC using LEGALZOOM.  It's about $149 minimum to start.  If all goes well, and I show that I can make a lot of money for myself then great.  Further down the road somewhere, someone maybe interested in my financial model and practices and maybe considering investing in me.  It doesn't have to be so serious; they can just subscribe, watch my youtube videos, or just visit my website and I'll get an affiliate link in the background somewhere to start monetize somewhere.  It doesn't have to be so complicated and serious.  Anyone can start a sustainable, functional business model that can provide potential value if they really tried.

With the current technology I am in possession of and willing to learn and use, I believe I can pull it off but it just takes time.  No, I'm not endorsing a get rich quick pyramid scheme.  This is just one of my many creations and experiments.   I'm hoping that it can take off one day.

So what happens?  Well, for starters time will just pass by.  You get lazy and just don't do anything unless it involves a phone call and a whole giant slew of calling people to get shit done.  That is why you need a manager to be a bosshole that hovers over your shoulder 24/7 every waking second of the day.  Well that sure as Hell is not me.  I research, invest, I post, I'm done for the day and do whatever.

Thank you for stopping by today!  I hope to see you next time!


Wednesday, October 25, 2017


So what is the biggest problem you'll ever face in this life?  Well aside from health related issues and family/friends dying left and right, you will be working for someone else you probably hate.  Good luck trying to find someone you actually like working for.  You'll always be STUCK in the same grind/loop, unless YOU START YOUR OWN BUSINESS.  Somehow, you have to break out the vicious cycle of WORKING FOR SOMEONE ELSE.  Yes, it's a huge problem a lot of people have.  At first, it's perfectly okay to be working for someone else to gain the experience, knowledge, and customer service skills; but then at some point in time you outgrow it.  Like a baby, you no longer feel the need to suck on your mother's tit for sustenance.  One day, you'll just have a burning desire to become more independent and do things on your own.   Join me on my adventure to start my first official, real legal company.       

Am I ready?  I have the knowledge, the experience, and the customer service skills to venture out all on my own from here.  I know it's about networking.  I know it's about solving problems and helping serve the customer better.  When all is said and done, people just want to go home and collect their paycheck.  Before I or anyone else just goes ahead and starts their own business, you have to understand what you are in for.  I know myself to be quite introverted.  I know I will only be a small business.  I know this business is for me, YES FOR ME, to be more independent, for me to have something of interest to do for a while, but at the same time I'm also helping my customers with their needs and wants and making a few bucks in between.  My business is not just all about making money and more money until someone dies of a heart attack/stroke/lack of sleep.  I want balance, but at the same time I know the underlying issue of any business to survive is strictly based on "MAKE MONEY".  So my business setup is kind of like a hobby but also makes money at the same time, all the while helping people and offering quality customer service.

Yes, it's my hobby; not my full time job or main source of income.  I don't have intentions of my business ever becoming super big or even be able to be sold to someone else for thousands of dollars.  I just need a place to start.  I need ideas.  I need to know how I naturally operate.  I've been going to school and working for the man all my life, I have no idea how to operate on my own by myself other than just selling on eBay or Amazon.  I need experience.  I need to create my vision.  I need to build a brand name.  One day, I would like to be more than a homeless.

Maybe that's just me?  Maybe, the most I can do for the customer is resell stuff?  I just don't see myself with having a great impact in the world.  What can I actually do that'll change the world for the better?  I already feel like I'm at maximum capacity over here.  I don't have it in me to reach another level of plateau.  It's just like I'm stuck!  I just need to be able to reach just a little further to the next step, but I can't.  Maybe, I should just write my own books for a living and get Amazon to help me self publish.  The actions and course I can take are seriously limited by my budget, my limited skill sets, my lack of networking, and just not believing in myself enough.  Is it possible that I'm just all talk and full of shit?  I don't want to be delusional.  At the heart of it, I need to create a basic business plan and follow it step by step, hit goals, and move forward with deadlines.         

"Some day" or "One day I will" is all a bunch of bullshit!  Believe me, I am no stranger to procrastination or having wild, crazy fantasy about fortune and fame.  How the hell does anyone get anything actually done around here!?  First of all, it takes dedication and discipline even if it means having to rent out or fix up some old, dirty garage and renovating the place.  You cannot just make believe all the time.  For example, people always tell themselves they're going to workout at the gym and lose weight after Thanksgiving.  Well, they don't feel like paying for a gym membership and try to workout it at home; or if they do pay they end up not going!  This is an everyday laziness mentality, habit average people always have!  They say they're going to do things but never execute!  You need some initiative and execute!    You need to clear out your room and hang posters, pictures, and plans relevant to your goals!  No, having random ass shiny things, electronics, and toys around isn't going to cut it.  Your designated room of work needs to be dedicated and clutter free!  It's the easiest thing you can do to focus on your business!  You can't obtain what is not clearly identified in the first place!  Know what you want!  If you don't know what you want and you still have random ass shiny things in your room that just means you're not ready and just keep doing what you are doing until you do know what you want.  The absolute most basic things you should know about before starting your own business are things like what's your product, what does your product look like, who are your targeting audience, who are your customers, who are not your customers, and it make me money.  If you don't have a general idea who your target audience is or even what your product you're trying to sell them, then you are just not ready and keep trying and brainstorming with new ideas.

If none of this shit works, guess what!?  You're automatically cast back into WORKING FOR THE MAN.  Welcome back to your 9-5 until you are lucky enough to reach retirement age, win the lottery, or die!         

I'll have further details about the next steps I'll be taking as I do believe you should always practice what you preach! 

Thank you for stopping by and reading my content.  Because there are so few of you who come and stop by, I really appreciate it!  See you next time!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Old Habits Don't Die

After being conditioned to work everyday like a slave,  what do you do with your time off!?  It's incredible that you are finally "free"!  So, what do you do with your time?  What do you really want to do?  Having time off from work is just the beginning.  For me, I still wanted "to work".  Wait, what!?  Yes, you become the habits that you form during your lifetime doing whatever it is you've been doing.  We are whatever habits we form.

So what have I been really doing after I left my 24/7 mobile x-ray job?  I've been sleeping late and waking up late.  Whatever I transformed myself into during my job hours, I'm back to where I started from, a homeless.  Without money, cash, credit, coupons, treasure, pirate booty, or any kind of incentive for putting effort into something; I don't care.  Literally, I don't care nor do I want to care; but I still have this pulsating vibe in my soul to be doing something productive.  Other than to acquire more money, I don't know what that "doing something productive" is quite exactly.  I would like to know what that something is, but it's like I'm not suppose to be aware of what it is.  As a result, whatever the hell it is I'm doing right this instant is that something productive I'm suppose to be doing.  With a little bit of imagination and creativity that something could be anything really.  I'm not limited or bound by any field and/or subject matter.  I'm basically here to discover and learn new things.  It's like being "Jack of all trades, master of none."  Yes, I know these kinds of people don't make as much money as specialists do; but this is who I am basically.      

Without any external devices, societal controls, or emphasis on acquiring acquisitions this is what I do for the vast majority of the day that I would normally do without much effort or having to think twice about it:

    • GAMING 
As you can see, other than to take care of myself mentally, physically, and spiritually; I naturally don't care much about anything else.  Who am I really?  I'm just someone who wants to take care of myself.  Being on television and showing off my acting skills has never been my thing.  Networking and going out to talk to people about business has never been my thing either.  All of this power tripping and making money stuff has been brought on by societal conditioning over the years.  If all of this bullshit is taken out, I'll be back to my normal, homeless ass self.   

So what's missing in this whole picture?  Where is the growth?  Where is the learning?  Where is the productivity?  Where is the meaning?  Where is the essence?  Well, if you're happy all the time; you can't grow.  You have to challenge yourself everyday.  You have to embrace the failure and negativity in order to succeed.  So yes, always develop the skill sets and have experience to solve difficult problems and managing potentially hostile situations.  No, being a homeless is not the answer.  Being able to grow, learn, solve problems, and experience new things is always going to be a thing and you can only get there through hard trials, failure after failure, and going through tough shit.  

Thank you for visiting.  I hope you learned something.  I'll see you next time! 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Retired Mobile X-Ray Technician

Hello my readers, I've quit my job August 31, 2017.  I held my mobile x-ray technician job for 2 full years without any real vacation time or sick days.  I was making about $21 - $23 an hour.  I would make about $32 an hour for overtime.  After paying two state taxes New Jersey and New York, I would only take home about $1400 on average (bi-weekly paycheck).  If I was lucky, I would be seeing $1500.  If I covered for someone else's day(s), the most I would see is right under $2000.  Long story short, it's about $50,000 - $55,000 a year.  

Well, the truth is it was really something.  It was Hell on Earth to have to wake up, get out of bed, drive to some random nursing home (30 min - 3 hours) and take some x-rays for a patient or two.  You think that's all?  Nope, sometimes the same facility would call up to 3 or 4 times in any given day.  Basically, the company has clients to serve that is a laundry list  of over 1000 different doctors and nursing home/private home/apartments locations.  I've spent 14 hours driving around from nursing home to nursing home both New Jersey and New York.  They don't care if you burnout and die over this job.  It's just another day, another dollar to them.  To make matters worse, you're dealing with patients and the social environment is always set on SENSITIVE.  Patients have family, nurses, doctors, etc. surrounding them all the time.  You have to be very careful not to upset anyone or else they can kick you out.  In a nut shell, you have to possess all the time in the world, be able to work with people and patients, take x-rays, drive around everywhere in all kinds of unimaginable weather and conditions, take care of the van and equipment, and come home late at night.  They also wanted us to perform EKG's as well.  Unfortunately, some of these nursing homes don't have EKG's onsite and will hire a mobile service.  For whatever reason, they don't want an EKG onsite probably because they want to rack up more charges on the patient's medicare/medicaid bill to make more money for business expenditures.  Whatever the reason is, it's really f*cked up.  I would drive up to 11 different locations in any given day of the week.  On average, it's about 8 nursing home.  If I was really lucky, I'd only have to do 6 minimum.  Each destination can vary from 30 minutes, 45 minutes, an hour, 2 hours, and even 3+ hours.  Driving around Staten Island, Brooklyn, Long Island, Queens, Astoria, Uptown, and then back here to New Jersey is no easy task.  After a while it makes you really, really want to quit this job.  The money is decent for a recent grad, but it's just not worth it anymore.  I've paid all my student loans and the mortgage for the home I'm currently residing in.  No, I may not have my own place; but I can get out and find an apartment for about $1000/month here for myself if I really wanted to.  Sometimes they would send me to a place and the patient wouldn't even be present.  Basically, I would drive around, sit in traffic, and look for someone who didn't even give a f*ck.  I'm sorry, but I can't do a job where the other person doesn't even care about himself/herself to even show up.  To make matters worse, the roads and the traffic are just bad.  It's New York traffic, the worst on the planet.  I just couldn't deal with all the drama and baggage anymore.  I'm glad I left.
I am thankful that I wrote my letter of resignation.  I am thankful that I submitted my letter of resignation.  I am thankful that I executed a prompt exit strategy without anything or anyone blowing up.  I am grateful for such an opportunity, the bounty I have received with having a job, and continuing with my life having just quit after two years.

So what's life after you quit the grind?  I mean, I've been so accustomed to just wake up, walk out of the door, work all day, and come home late at night.  I've been conditioned to be a robot and respond to text messages on my phone for assignments.  Well, it looks like it's up to me to use my imagination and creativity to figure out how I want my "new life" to be setup and lived accordingly; or would I just prefer spontaneous randomness?  I guess it's a mixture of two as life is always changing.  What I don't want to see myself doing is playing video games all day that is unless I'm streaming, amass a large audience, and make money off of it.  Yes, back to making money.  What the hell am I going to do for money?  Now, I work at a local urgent care center, not to far from my home.  I have been given only 2 days a week, but I'm happy with my hours for now.  No, I'm not making mad money as I use to; but I feel much more comfortable and caring for my situation.  There's a large deal of emotional intelligence that goes into all this that needs to be respected.  Do you want a job that pays a lot of money but will make you miserable; or do you want a job that pays less that you'd actually enjoy or at a minimum "like".  I wouldn't know that myself unless I've actually done it, and I have.  My last mobile x-ray job did give me a jolt of more money for what it's worth, but I hated it.  I hated waking up to any given day when I was on call.  Spending my time to drive to some dingy nursing home was the last thing I ever wanted to do on this Earth.  I don't even like visiting my grandma, how is it possible I'd enjoy seeing other elderly people?  It was a living hell hole.  I'm glad I'm gone.  

So I left my old job that was paying me a livable wage, and now I'm currently working at a local urgent care center for two days a week.  Please, enough with the make more money thing 24/7.  I hated it okay?  If I can provide a service or product to potential customers and buyers that I actually like doing, it'd be well worth my time.  I really want a positive attitude facing the challenges of holding onto a job.  I don't want to step into a nursing home for work and be like "I don't want to f*cking be here".  I want to play things off my positive emotions and attitude and not have to be so disgruntled and negative towards my job environment.  I would have a much better time and life doing something I like than doing something I hate.  What is money worth if you are miserable doing the job you hate?  I'd use that money to find or educate myself to do something I prefer and/or actually like doing.  I'm very grateful for leaving my old mobile x-ray job.  I am thankful for the paychecks that have come in for the past two years.  I will try and make the best of my time here.  I will not consider going back into a field I'd hate just for the money.  I want to have a positive attitude and make money all at the same time.

Thank you for coming and reading my blog.  I can't thank my audience enough.  Until next time!      

Sunday, July 16, 2017


Well, here we are just me and you.  I've spent the past two weeks working.  I've only taken off on Saturdays, because I have two jobs now.  Somehow, I've been able to manage and continue to survive without any crazy shit raining down on me to hard.  Yes, I've gotten yelled at by THE MAN and other such things.  Whatever you do in life, you're probably going to get yelled at anyways so just keep on trying.  What separates those who are fortunate to have a roof over their head from those bumming around on the streets?  Neither is better than the other and are just two different complete perspectives of life.   For me, I just want options.  I want the ability to choose.  Having money isn't the real solution as we all know you're just kidding yourself, trading your time for money is not fun.  The greats will tell you to never trade your time for money.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of us are doing exactly that.  We want to do smart things like start our own business.  We want to earn and streamline multiple forms of passive income, so we don't have to work in some rat race hellhole of a job.  We all want to be big real estate agents and just win it big just by buying and fixing up houses.  We just don't do these things, because it's just hard and overwhelmingly complicated to handle all on your own.  One key human ingredient is confidence and the other is creativity.  Good luck finding your genius.

It's obvious that the rest of us are simply LEFT BEHIND, but how do we simply SURVIVE and stay afloat so we don't go any deeper?  We have our rat race jobs.  We keep our mouths shut and continue to work for that money or get hammered by THE MAN.  We trade our precious time for pieces of paper.  We get that part, so what's the next quantum leap of our average Joe existence?  Most people just point to saving up for early retirement by maxing out every possible retirement plan, pension, IRA, Roth IRA, 401k, company match, annuity, social security, medicare, etc.  By the time you're old as hell, you'll be able to leave the unforgiving, dreaded rat race of the job you hate that you had to work everyday.  Congratulations!  You've reached retirement!

Is being homeless a solution?  Is being on welfare and medicaid the way to go if I don't want to work?  If your answer is YES, you have to find a job you like or at least work towards a job you think you'll like.  The truth is everyone hates to work and is unforgiving at times, but it's certain things like completing goals and overcoming challenges that keep people going.  Instead of thinking about how shitty my job is, I think about investing my money into companies I like that will have a huge impact in the world like Google, Amazon, or even Facebook.  I know my odds are like the biblical story of David and Goliath, but I believe in compound interest.  If you keep investing in quality companies, you'll eventually see big results down the road.  People don't operate like the way you want them to like programming a robot.  The mind needs to be tricked into believing whatever they're doing is fun! So I want to reach my goal of having a minimum investment portfolio of $100,000 within the shortest amount possible.  That means I have to create and reinvent new ways of doing things and develop certain strategies that'll help me progress towards achieving my goal.  Like I said rat race jobs suck, but if you have something you really want to achieve in life you'll work towards meeting your goal.
It's like playing with Lego, you just keep building and stacking up the blocks.  Things will eventually fall and break but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world.  Just keep trying, and you'll create the life you want.

Thank you for reading my article.  Until next time!


Sunday, June 18, 2017

Map Awareness - Finviz

Expose yourself to not only what you know now, but to the entire world!

With the single click of a button, you are now connected to the entire globe!  You now have full, complete map awareness of what is going on.  This is simply what all the other ETFs look like.  Yes, I've emphasized the importance and ease of use with Vanguard but there are others competing on the market as well.  Long story short, you can see what's doing good and what to stay away from.  Is Vanguard the best out there with the greatest gains ever!  Of course not, but it comes close with low fees and good returns.  The good news is you can actually see who's doing the best out there!  No, you're not going to be overwhelmed with boring information and hard math problems.  Finviz makes it very easy to follow with it's color coordinated charts.  No more complicated pieces of garbage.

Long story short, you only have one tool under your belt that actually works: Buy low, sell high.  What the hell does that mean!  What you need is foresight.  You need to have the guts to invest what the market will be 5 years down the road.  This is not a get rich quick scheme.  By reading and carefully analyzing what will be the next Apple, you have to select the right company and put your pennies into it.  For most of us, we have absolutely no idea and obviously need help from gurus.  You might miss a lot of the winners, but don't miss all of them.  This is why ETFs and mutual funds are so important, because they track a laundry list of different assets.  This leads us to international stocks!  Not only international stocks have been doing quite well lately; but they're pretty much half the price of American stocks.  Yes, people are seeing value in investing in other countries because it's much cheaper than USA.  Are we not off shoring our jobs to other countries?  People like cheap!  Yes, they kill each other and are at each other throats all the time in the name of being cheap and stingy!  To capitalize on this global activity all you have to do is invest in international ETFs and mutual funds.  VEA, VWO, and VGK are all great places to start.  You'll have a wide range of exposure of Asia, Europe, and even Canada at unbeatable low prices.  According to the data, things have definitely been growing and building up momentum!  Yes, buying on momentum and when things are going up is an actual strategy some of the pros use.

This is not a get rich quick scheme, but at least now you have a greater awareness of what is going on in the world and a bigger pool of diversification for investments.  I feel excited!  I love exploring new things!  You never want to be bogged down by the same, boring old stuff.  The only thing that ever remains constant in the universe is change.  Well, tomorrow is the start of another one of my work weeks!  I know I will have to push and keep pushing until the weekend.  I know business is not easy.  I know what it is like to sweat.  I know what it is like to work in the rain.  I know what it is like to work in the snow.  I know what it is like to work in the heat.  I also know what it is like to be fat and lazy.  Good luck everyone!

Thank you for reading.  I hope you come back soon!                            

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Diversify, Diversify, and Diversify

Well, just as I was saying to invest in the technology sector of the economy, it goes bust as in the whole mess dropped down 2.77% or about -$4.10 for everyone one of your shares in information technology.  The other sectors did fine and managed to survive, but the technology sector had a really bad day.  For opportunists, it's a great time to buy now as there's an obvious reduction of prices.  Is it life changing?  Nope, not at all; it's just another day in the office.  I'm very use to prices drop in the stock market due to my frequent exposure for such a long time.  I'm 32 years old now, so I've seen quite a lot of craziness happen already.  Ups and down don't move me as much as I've evolved to be less emotional and more reasonable about my wins and loses.  Being able to handle and deal with your loses is much more important of a skill than knowing what to do when you do make bank.  Once in a while, you'll win, but a lot of times the world is full of losers.  It's like playing the lottery.  Success and wins comes through practice and patience.  It's much harder to win than to lose all the time.  In any event, we always want more wins than loses.  There's no way anyone can time the market or predict what's going to happen with stocks.  We are reduced and watered down to diversifying!  Diversity is the key to survival in the stock market.

 Sometimes you just have to let go and aim higher.  You have to reach for the stars.  You have to takes risks.  Making baby moves and trying to minimize risk all the day will only result in small wins.  People are more impressed with something more life changing and revolutionary, like a new home.  Even I'm stuck making baby moves and taking in small wins here and there.  Let me tell you something, no one is impressed.  When you put your big boy pants on, then someone will turn their head and pay attention.  You have to be good at what you do.  You have to accomplish something big.  No one is impressed with a small, one bedroom apartment in the middle of nowhere.  It takes initiation and guts to get to the next level.  You have to have balls.  You can't just be like the everyone else.

As you can see, I have a lot of growing up to do.  I am here to learn from the greats.  I am here to experience and try new things.  I'm not paralyzed by fear or failure.  Respecting other peoples' time and networking is also vital to any business or lasting relationship that you can't just hide from.  Getting people together has never been my thing in life, but I know it's fundamental to the well being of any functional organization or just basic human survival.    

Saturday, June 3, 2017

What to Do with $10,000!?

We are here on this day to discuss how I have $10,000 just floating around, so what should I do with it?  If you had $10,000 how would you make the best of it?  Would you just obsess over it?  What are the best options?  From personal experience and how people live, I would definitely to play keep away immediately!  Human beings are fundamentally flawed and money just magnifies it when left unmanaged.  Sorry folks but paying for overpriced college degrees hasn't helped much in alleviating the pain of economic troubles, and young adults are still moving back in their parent's home.  Starting your own business and/or real estate is awesome, but what if you just can't?  Well, the next best thing to do is invest!  Long story short, it's Vanguard who remains one of the very view who has the potential to ultimately save your ass from financial meltdown.  No, it's not that brand new car; it's not that shiny piece of paper hanging up on your wall; it's Vanguard!  My confidence and conviction in Vanguard is off the charts!  These guys definitely know what the hell they are doing and should be paid a pretty penny for it.  

So what to invest in is the next big question.  Step one, you need to specialize in one particular area.  Being a jack of all trades or a well rounded individual will only land you a job as a barista at a local Starbucks.  A perfect example is Michael Jordan.  He is only well known for his basketball career, period.  Although he tried many other things like baseball, he failed miserably on a professional level. Long story short, you have to stick to one major.  What you specialize in naturally becomes your main source of income down the road.  Look, I really don't want to be poor.  I know the feeling of working a job you hate.  I know the feeling of having to get out of bed for something you give zero shits about but you do it anyways because that is what your paycheck entails what you have to do.  I know what it feels like to have to drive somewhere you hate.  I know much about the disgust people hide who work retail jobs.  There's a whole lot of hate harbored inside, and I just want to reduce the level of toxicity in the world by enlightening not only myself but others to spend their time and money more wisely on things that they can actually do that'll impact their life in a more positive manner.  

Of the 11 different sectors and specialties offered by Vanguard, ideally I would major in information technology.  As you can see from the chart about, it has the highest growth potential out of all the other options.  The numbers do not lie but people do.  Information technology encompasses all the hardcore nerdy aspects of business, including Google, Apple, IBM, Facebook, Microsoft, Cisco, etc.  Investing in things like artificial intelligence is just perfect for someone like me.  Earning money is a cold, calculating system.  I want the brains of the operation.  Be ruthless!  Although I do not discredit any of the other sectors, I just want the quickest and shortest path to victory.  I've wasted enough time exploring and just want to go straight to the goal.  With the greatest amount of risk, there is also the greatest amount of return.

Thank you for reading!  I hope you learned something from my mistakes.  Until next time!    


Friday, June 2, 2017

Having an Impact on the World

Well, it's clear to me that I need to be worth a damn if anyone out there is ever going to take me serious or be interested in my content to the point that I would have a large, actively involved audience who'd be more than interested in seeing me because I have some value to offer.  Feeling useless or not knowing what you want to do or be is not something you want in life.  You always want know what you want to do or not to do.  I need to set goals and standards as a way to feel more like a productive, evolving human being.  No, it's not fun being stuck in the process of growing and change.  Taking risk and learning from your mistakes is all apart of learning and growing.  Without pain, there's no gain.  Your comfort zone is going to be one of your biggest enemies ever.  Just don't be lazy.

In any event, if I can turn a homeless person into a hardworking, productive individual I would be happy.  If I can turn a middle class hard working man who's trapped in the rat race into someone  who can make sufficient passive income without having to work so hard, I'd also be happy.  Hard working or not, the end goal always leads to money.  Basically, we  still live in  times of the ancient Babylonian magic money slave system.  To counteract such a powerful method of mass, incarcerated slavery, we have coinbase.  It's basically where you can buy/see alternative forms of currency beyond what we are use to like the US dollar.  It's a fundamental that people will try to short sell all day long using this platform - buy low/sell high.  But did you do it?  Of course not, it's too late in the game.  Would you buy Litecoin at $28 a pop?  You probably think that's crazy, so you'd never do anything.  Have you been an early investor of Bitcoin, you'd be a millionaire by now.  But does anyone you know ever take that risk!?  At $20 a share, did anyone believe in Google, Apple, Amazon, Tesla, etc.? If you put the effort into investing in those particular companies in their time of need and uncertainty; you'd be rich right now, not having to work that job you hate and have the money to buy a home for yourself!  Did you do it!?  Did you put in the effort to do what was necessary in such a time of risk!  If you did congratulations!  For the rest of us, we have Vanguard mutual funds and ETFs.
Invite a friend who buys or sells $100 of digital currency or more, and you'll both earn $10 of free bitcoin!

So you find yourself late in the game, right?  Amazon and Google is approaching $1000 share.  Facebook and Apple are $150 or so.  I mean, how in the hell are you going to catch up to these cooperate giants taking over the world as we speak!?  We have Vanguard to thank for all that.  I have put thousands of dollars inside my Vanguard just so I can stay afloat.  What I'm trying to say is you don't want to trade your time for money.  If you don't own and run your own business, the next best thing to do is invest!  Owning your own business and investing trump trading your time for money. 
I provide nothing of any greater advice that has the capacity that can change the course of your history and have an actual, positive impact to someone else other than to invest in Vanguard funds. With the national student loan debt approaching $2 trillion, the average student is not making the cut. The educational system is just not working anymore.  In fact, it's broken.  Something is very wrong.  Someone is lying.  Some money making marketing machine is dispensing very harmful information to lure kids to buy a product that sucks.  Having student loans grossing $80,000+ is not an easy task to pay back if you're only going to make about $50,000 a year on average!  Even if you lived in your parent's basement, you'd still have a hard time pulling it off.  Invest early and often.  Spend your money on index funds instead of a new car.  You don't want to be working forever.  You don't want to be stuck in a dead end job.  I'm not against the idea of materialism, but I am strongly opposed to slaving your life away at a job you hate.  Only 1% of the population will ever find a job they like!  Just make sure you're apart of that 1%!    

Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, which I have created from my own two hands.
I appreciate your company.  Until next time!

Sunday, May 7, 2017


So I've recently decided to just dump all my earnings into a diversified Vanguard account consisting mostly of ETF.  I'm up about $600 -  $700 without having to bust my back doing something I hate for a job.  There it is my readers, all you have to do is build up your Vanguard portfolio with ETFs and/or mutual funds that have a large potential to grow.  Yes, you still need to wake up in the morning, rush out the door, and start hustling/busting your ass; but at least you now you know a sound way to invest and reinvest where all your hard earned dollars is going.  As far as right now, Vanguard is a working like a well oiled machine on autopilot.  All you have to do really is make sure you feed it every now and then like a plant or pet at home.

Instead of buying a new car, a new watch, home, or something really materialistic; all I did was invest and reinvest my money.  No, I don't have a desire to dress and look the part of a millionaire or have the need to outshine anyone else as I already know I'm not ONE OF THOSE.  Compassion, humility, kindness, knowledge, the ability to learn new skills, work ethic etc. these are the things I want in my life.  Being an arrogant asshole with shiny new objects isn't something I want to become or be as I know it'll rot my soul to the core and be my very own self destruction button.  Yes, we are all guilty of wronging others, polluting, being mean and nasty; and that is why it is so important to learn a balance of kindness and assertiveness.  Just being able to help someone who could never help you back in anyway, shape, or form is such a powerful message that just strikes a chord that'll vibrate the whole universe as though God came down from the heavens to answer Jesus's prayers.

Regardless of my belief system, Vanguard is doing a great job protecting and growing my investments.  Long story short, the IT ETF is doing amazeballs and is where you want to invest for growth.  The technology sector is where you'll find the fastest growing companies.  Healthcare, consumer staples, and consumer discretionary is also up there in the competition as well.  The top industrial players include Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and even Amazon.  You can run but you can't hide from these corporate giants; all you can do is INVEST.

As one can see, if you zoom past all the bullshit, mishap experiments, and disinformation what you really want to do is invest in the top sectors that'll give you the maximum of growth in the least amount of time.  Diversifying is important, but putting your money into Europe and/or emerging markets probably won't generate a quicker growth rate than simply investing in large American S&P 500 companies.  Investing in foreign companies and countries is great and all, but it's mostly for diversification; not achieving maximum return of equity.  No matter what happens or wild stories are told, tomorrow is in fact Monday and the whole rat race stars anew.  Prepare your work clothes, your lunch bag, and shoes to rush out into the traffic in the morning to reach that God awful place you call "my job".  

Good luck!    

Saturday, May 6, 2017


If everyone was a millionaire there would be no sense of urgency to get off the couch and work their ass off.  You would not want to work if you believed yourself to be all that and a bag of chips and that is why it is so important to HIDE YOUR MONEY AWAY.  Arrogance and ego, these are the true enemies that will prevent an individual from learning and growing.  Once you believe yourself to be on the highest point of the mountain, everything comes to a halt and all of the sudden the journey ends.  The flow, the focus, the sense of urgency to achieve something bigger than yourself just isn't there anymore!  After taking a break for a while, you'll eventually look for a new goal.  The hardest part is starting all over again, but what makes you want to get off your butt again?  A lot of us have accomplished big things in life, but fail to find and do our next big thing due to laziness, lack of initiative/energy/funding/networking/etc. to the point of just making life easier by not caring anymore about our dreams.  So how can you speed this process up!?  Yes, we all want to do and accomplish big things; but what's the fastest way to get there!?  There must be a catalyst out there somewhere in the universe right!?  To obtain such a sense of urgency to provide value to not only yourself but others, you need to be devoid of wealth and be in the emotional alignment of humility  Remember your school days where none of the kids had any money? I mean, how did people even function?  Without the constant access to vast wealth, things like learning, teaching, productivity, and results were taking place!  So, it's not always about money!  You can have and live a productive life without lusting and drooling over money all the time.  Yes, we all want the money; but it should not be on the very top list of your priorities.  For example, working a job you hate to achieve money for the sake of accumulating wealth is just detrimental to your health and job satisfaction level.  If all you see is the money, it'll be a long and grueling path up a treacherous mountain.  Yes, I am also guilty of working a job every week just for the money and believe me what I have to say about hating your job.  I would like to practice what I preach, but in this hostile economic climate you wouldn't survive.  With all that said and done, there does exist one perspective that does make earning money fun and that's by looking at the growth rate.  People love to see what they own growing in numbers and by tracking the percentage of growth week, instead of actual numbers, is the trick!  Because numbers are so infinite, a much easier way is by looking at things in percentages that'll make things actually fun like playing a game.     

Believe it or not, being humble is another big topic on the list.  If you score high in humility taking a personality test, the chances are your willingness to learn and grow are much greater than someone who has a low score.  Being able to learn and pick up new tricks of the trade will pay you back in dividends in no time.  So what's wrong with learning?  Some people just don't care and don't want to learn as in "You can't teach an old dog new tricks".  Underneath the actual iceberg, an individual may not want to learn new material because they lack the humility; they think they are too cool for school and that they know everything already.  Not having the capacity to learn and being able to pickup new things on the road is the true meaning of ignorance.  Never stop learning.  The military knows this extremely well as they'll routinely breakdown a person in training to build them back up to what their standards are.  Believe it or not "smart people" have really high score in humility.  For example, Elon Musk who has created Paypal, Tesla, and SpaceX is high in humility.  Although he has tons of brains and money, he doesn't come across as an arrogant asshole.  His high level of humility is what gives him an edge over his competitors; because he's willing to learn, adapt, and change.  Everyone wants to learn and do great things, but the only way there is by being humble.     

In conclusion, if you want to get off that couch and get things done all you got to do is be poor!  You'll do a lot more to earn something than if you felt full all of the time.  What you are trying to do at the most primal level  is create a real sense of urgency.  For the icing on the cake, being humble will help you learn and adapt on your way.  

Thank you reading!  I appreciate as much audience I can reach out to! Have a good weekend!