Hello everyone! Welcome to my show. I just happen to have the whole week off! It's a great and fabulous time. Of all seriousness, what did I do today? It's already 1:30PM in the afternoon and all I've done is roll out of the bed, turned on the computer, browsed through the internet, read some of my emails, watched a youtube video about being frugal and being financially savvy, and now I'm here blogging. Is this not enough? Did I not get tons of sleep like I wanted to? Did I not arrive on the information highway out of my bed in a matter of seconds!? Why does it seem like it's never enough? At the moment, I do not wish to care about what anyone else thinks about me, my schedule, or how I do things. This is a time to get to really know myself. Once again, I'm met by a man in the mirror who just doesn't seem to want to care about anything unless it's about making money and/or doing something that'll promote health. I guess that's really my thing. If I just so happened to have a crazy, high-tech invention in my hands and at my disposal, what would I do with it? Would I use it for myself? Would I help father my own family and start an entire new culture The simplest answer would be to charge people money for it and reap the profit off of it. In short, I would be blind sided by the true value of my crazy, high-tech invention and just try to make money off of it by selling it to the highest bidder. I'm not much different than the government selling technology off to lesser countries in exchange for an equal amount of goods, services, and/or treaties. We all have an internalization of a system of trade and meeting some kind of quota and/or equilibrium. Whether it's time, cash, digital currency, stocks, bonds, food, animals, people, blood, body parts, plants, medicine, technology, service, robots, computers, or God else knows what's out there, we can all relate to TRADE.
With my time off of work, what do I do? Well, here I am blogging. I think about stuff, and I write it down. Does the stuff I think about or dream ever have any value or may interest others? I maybe operating on a paradigm of a service-to-self model. What I do, think, or dream about maybe all due to selfish reasons, but at the same time maybe information/knowledge that can be shared with others. It's not easy to find balance between the two. At one end, you need to survive and at the other end there always seems to be "other people" involved. "There is no I in team" as they say. The collective consciousness of all sentient may actually be a thing, but at the same time human beings are far from accessing its true potential. We all don't see eye-to-eye with each other. We all seem to want our own independence, living space, and stuff. As long as we remain heavily independent from each other, we'll never seem to achieve a sense of unity under the idea of collective consciousness. But at the same time, this is where it gets into a more metaphysical and spiritual matter as we are more connected than we seem to be aware of. Dolphins are a perfect example how they are able to travel and communicate with each other in packs. Without the use of speech, electronics, and/or technology; they are able to send and receive signals from each other and travel in unison. Somehow, they are always connected to each other for better/worse. But I'm not a dolphin; nor do I feel much sense of a connection to this intangible being of collective consciousness.
Without being hooked up with the collective consciousness, we, as humans, are basically screwed. Where would we conceptualize new ideas from? Where would our inspiration come from? Where would our creativity come from? How'd we dream? All of this lies deep in the pituitary gland and/or intuition. It's all mental. Where would I be without the access to the internet? Likewise, the pituitary gland or the master gland maybe the culprit behind all this mysticism. Long story short, I spend a lot of time sleeping. Why would anyone be sleeping for 12 hours if they could be awake and making money? Yes, sleep is for taking care of biological needs and needed for the building blocks of cells, but there's also more to it. Because that's when I actually dream! When I dream, my thoughts and my body become lucid. I am able to have outer body experiences without have to be tied down to this Earth. With the ability to fly and astral travel to different places in space, I've seen and experienced some pretty wild rides! Who cares about money if I'm having an out of this world experience!
So what weird stuff have I've seen in my dreams? Do you really want to know? It's not for the faint of heart nor do I expect anyone to believe me. To my best abilities, I will describe what I've been dreaming about and experiencing. Aside for the normal romance and sexual desires, sometimes I just happen to appear on off world planets. I don't know where I am, nor do I seem to be bothered by it, but I just show up and go along with the story. Obviously, I have had many, many different dreams and experiences, but I'll narrow it down to the most interesting and noteworthy ones. For one, I encountered an experience with a grey alien. Towards the end of my sleep, all of the sudden I "awoke" in my sleepy somber and began to rip off something shielding my head, the face of some strange looking alien (grey-purple) trying to manipulate and intentionally mind control me. At the time, it felt so real in my dream that I actually woke up! The other dream I had, I just happened to encounter a green reptilian humanoid about the size of a midget (3 feet) in a purple robe or something run in/out of some kind of library room I was in filled with several cyborgs (fat, bald human with body attached to a floating, golden hover chair). It was surprising to see a reptilian hominid for the first time as well as the cyborgs! I have no idea how my mind would even dream of something like that unless there was some actual truth behind it.
Years ago in another dream I had, I was lying peacefully on a hill in a beautiful planet surrounded by dark, glowing purple. The whole theme of the planet was purple, purple sky, purple, grass, the leaves on the trees were purple, everything was just a hue of purple. It was beautiful!
Before all these strange dreams and experiences began happening, I had a hallucination/dream/vision/whatever you want to call. The important thing is "I saw" three slide shows. I could never forget what I experienced, but it was weird. I'm not sure if it was something internal going on with an imbalance of my brain chemistry or I just so happened had telepathic communication going on with some unknown entity from outer space. This kind of thing just doesn't happen to everyone nor do I recommend such a thing to anyone. In any event, the 3 visions I saw went as followed: #1 A young girl committed suicide cutting herself with a knife; #2 An atomic bomb going off (I could see the mushroom cloud from afar just exploding like it was live); #3 The printing and the endless continuation of the printing of money (black and white). I never tell anyone this story, because IT HAS GOTTEN ME INTO TROUBLE. I do not want to reveal anymore details but people do get SERIOUS about this kind of stuff and is considered "WORK". I'll end it at.
So if I had any kind of super power or anything notable, I'd have a ton of money by now (which I don't). Therefore, it's all just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. Have I had any psychic powers or anything even remotely significant, I would have been an early invester in Google, Apple, Bitcoin, Tesla, Alibaba, etc. Hell, I would have even picked a different college major! Now it's too late! So who cares!? I have the whole week off. I'm here to enjoy whatever little time I have before I have to actually go back to work!
Thank you for dropping by! I hope to see more of you and to keep blogging!