When all is said and done, what are people best at? That's right hoarding! There seems to be no end to the grabbing, the looting, the buying/selling, Black Friday, coupons, and just all out savageness when it comes the opportunity of getting your hands on something. I've acquired most of my stuff legally using several methods of online discounts, coupons, sales, buying in bulk discounts, ebay, Amazon, etc. I mean it's just stuff. What's the point of it all if it just sits on a shelf? I do, do a lot of reselling to turn out a profit and that always has a place in my heart but what about books? Books are a tough choice to hoard. They take up a lot of space, and they're hard to get rid of unless it matches some college class requirement, which they just keep making new editions anyways. I'm seriously running low on space. I would like a functional library shelf and not just a place to hoard stuff. I value the knowledge I can obtain through actually picking up a book and reading it. I've never been the best at speed reading and/or comprehension, but reading is definitely one of the few keys in life actually worth every second of your time. Unless it's for school, I don't do as much reading as I would like. I know the benefits of reading overwhelmingly outweigh the feelings of not wanting to care or choosing to accept that "Ignorance is Bliss". When I asked my teacher in college the very same question she responded with "Because knowledge is freedom". I would like to spend some more time reading and make it a daily ritual. So how do I get off my ass and start doing just that. I mean just look at my bookshelves covered in stuff. I obviously need a lot of improvement on bookshelf aesthetics and functionality. Cutting out the nonessential will definitely help my game reading more often and frequently.
What am I do with the books I don't need? You know the books I just grabbed because the library was getting rid of their old stock. Some books are just outdated and unreliable in today's times. I mean who the hell needs to learn about DOS from the 90's? This is just excessive information that I don't need. A lot of these books just don't provide any value to me anymore. Some of these oldies can't even be sold, because it's that bad nor do I want to take the time and hold them for the next buyer (whenever that'll be). If limited space wasn't an issue, I'd keep them all; but like so many people space is very limited! If I can't sell them, I'll just leave a load of them at the local public library. There's no need for me to keep an excessive amount of reading material at home just for the sole purpose of hoarding! Because I care and that is why I'm going to rearrange and make my bookshelf as functional and spiffy as possible. I hope to post an update picture of my bookshelf.
Thank you for stopping by and reading! Come back soon!
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