Well, now that I have hit what seems to be a climax on my journey using Vanguard index funds; the market will now most likely be on its feet, kneeling before impending doom. Like I said, I'm a homeless. This is probably the maximum amount of the money the universe will ever allow someone like me to uphold. Sure, I'd love to at least get up to 6 figures; but I know my luck. Chances are that we all will see a crash this year. As I speak, China has unveiled some kind of super virus plaguing its nation and upsetting the stock market. In any event, life continues. Yes, I have started with $0 and have reached up here all by myself using the knowledge I have retained with the current foothold of industry grasping this planet by the genitals.
So why don't I sell everything and move on with my life? Why don't I just go enjoy myself with my hard earned money? Why not just walk away from the nuclear fallout while I'm ahead? Do I like taking risks? Do I believe I have a future? Is there such a life outside of living in your parent's basement? Is there more to life than a 9-5 job? In the end, I really wanted to find a way to escape out of the matrix that en prisons us all and one of the few ways of doing it was by continuing to invest regardless of the ups and downs of the stock market. No, it isn't the smartest and most dynamic of strategies but that's me for you. I can't perform and execute lightening trades with the fastest network of fiber optic cables. Most importantly of all, I don't care enough.
This is it. This is what my life boils down to. I could care less about the drama. All this shit just equates to a fund of $93,895.74, not even enough to buy a fucking house. I have no idea why people would even talk about me other than for the sake of being a gossip whore. No, talking about me won't get you very far. In fact, I have no idea why the talking of me to this day continues to exist. There is no way in hell I can afford a home for some girl/woman who wants to start a family. I repeat, you are really screwed out of the good life if less than $100,000 is all you have in the bank. There's nothing much else to talk about yet people always end up talking about me. Jesus Christ, I'm broke. Who cares?
In the end, I am a poor. I could care less if the stock market blows up tomorrow. No, I don't have a shiny new home for your daughter to be married. No, there isn't a nice place for you to live. Yes, life is a ghetto. I don't have money. Please don't waste your time gossiping about me or some random ass girl I maybe with. Trust me, there's very little or no monetary gain from any of this shit.
Well, thanks for stopping by and reading my filth. I hope to see you next time. I know I won't be going very far. Take care.
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