Friday, April 12, 2019

Wanting More out of Life

Welcome to life, again.  It is my day off, and I'm back to doing and being nothing.  I guess this is just who I am.  I figure that I don't care to be some kind of person I'm not.  Having money and spending it is great but is that what I really want?  Do I really want to be a socialite?  Am I willing to pay the price to go out and have some with said people?  After all isn't it who you know and not what you know?  Don't I want people to get to know and like me?  Don't I want to spend quality time with quality people?  The answer to all these questions for me is simple no.  No, I don't want to spend all that time and money trying to convince others that I'm something that I'm not.  I am but a poor and humble soul who seeks and practice more of the truth.  What the hell does that mean?  Well, it means that I'm cheap and don't want to stick around when that $100 restaurant bill comes in. 

Yes, I am cheap.  No, I don't like to pay any excessive bills.  No, I don't want to spend all that hard earned money on socializing and networking.  My true nature is that of a cheap, frugal stingy Jew hole.  In essence, I get a high off of making money; not spending money.  Therefore, I'm not well liked by others unless I'm providing them some kind of service or goods.       

Being who I am, I spend my days studying books or reading hoping to ace my next exam.  Again, I put a lot of emphasis on not going out and spending huge sums of money on extravagant things.  No, there are no pretty girls entering this arena.  And yes, most of them all fugly and/or fat.  Without the money spending, without all the crazy bills, without all these expensive amenities that keep piling up, most pretty, young girls won't stay around for long.  This is my reality.  This is real life.  This is how I live. 

Like some kind of super nerd, I've always been interested in Frank Herbert's Sci-Fi novel Dune, especially the mobile harvester unit that does nothing but harvest spice.  I guess the real life equivalent to that of a harvester is a gold digger.  Yes, a girl who cares nothing else but free meals and paid for everything by some older man is nothing new to any of us.  Special conditions such as deprivation of resources, the scarcity mindset, and all these other fucked up mental conditions must be present in the environment for a particular resource to actually matter and produce a psychological sense of urgency for an individual and/or group.  This scarcity mindset of resources and this harvester unit sets the perfect sense of urgency for an individual to get off their ass, work, and be productive.  If working in real life was actually that easy and direct.  Unfortunately, it's never that easy; not even for the garbage man who makes $80,000 doing nothing but picking up garbage.  I'm sure they get their fair share of drama and getting ripped a new asshole everyday; not to mention it's long hours of physically labor.  Even if the job is a no brainer, the long hours and driving takes a toll on the human body.  Setting myself up in a condition where I can do nothing and just earn an income from being myself is what I want, but like I said it's never that easy.  Hard work, toiling, and sweating for prolonged periods of time/intervals are the chief principals on earning an income.  I have no solution for life other than to continue to work hard maybe invest in something like Vanguard/Fidelity/stock market funds.  Everything else is pretty much bullshit and that I really don't need it.  Well, I guess there's always that argument of taking care of family members getting old but that's for another day.  None the less, hard work will always remain a #1 necessity and contributing factor to getting what you want in life.  What more can I do?  What more is there? 

Being that as I am, I'm going to take a long walk.  I am going to enjoy the time of not having to work.  I appreciate the natural silence of nature.  Thank you for visiting, I hope to see you next time!


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