Sunday, September 4, 2016

Time for the Beach

Well, I finally made it to the beach.  Unfortunately, a hurricane was coming in at the very same time. With all the time I had the whole year, this was my only successful attempt at spending time at the beach.  The weather that day was a bit chilly and definitely windy.  Swimming wasn't even allowed at the time.  As for the water, it continues to maintain that greenish murky color.  It was far from a romantic outing as I went with my family.  As usual, everyone was at each other's throat hole and yelling in some way, shape, or form.  Yelling, complaining, or nagging seems to be the normal means of communication.  It wasn't the most pleasant of trips.  Women get old, and they start nagging like a rundown vacuum cleaner on its last breath.  What do you want me to tell you?  It's unfortunate, but it happens.  No, I don't want to be surrounded by negative people but that's what is in it for me when hanging out together with family.  Crazy Asian parents is a constant theme people talk about.  There are tons of books out there like "Tiger Mom".  Everything is just one big competition full of arguing and yelling for something ridiculously stupid like a trophy or award.  I'm sorry, but I just want to be myself and enjoy life.  So much hate, so much anger, so much history of saltiness behind the Asian culture.  Are Asians any much different than what happened to the Jews, Native Americans, blacks, and/or Hispanics?  Perhaps if we all had fulfilling peaceful histories of love and culture, we wouldn't be arguing and yelling at each other all the time?  Look, the next time I go to the beach, I want to go by myself.  There's no need for yelling.  There's no competition to kill each other.  

I just wanted to have fun on the beach.  I just wanted to spend time enjoying the beach.  Is this to much to ask?  No, crazy orientated Asian parents do not need to be around.  Can't we all just get along?  Nope, the shoe never seems to fit.  I know of no other such life.  People seem to be only good at one thing and that's being at each other's throat with a knife.  What is the solution to this negativity?  Well, the books have suggested the know how of scarcity.  Every time a parent is trying to hurl themselves on you, you simply tell them you have to go somewhere and have no time.  Your shorttime with them will be valued more.  As a result, they'll be a lot nicer.  If you continue to stay with an helicopter parent, they'll just grow to become more controlling and tyrannical.  The law of scarcity is a valuable tool to practice when face such adversary.  

Tomorrow is Labor Day, Happy Labor Day!  Well, guess what?  I'm scheduled to work.  Wow, I'm on duty from 10AM-10PM.  That sounds pretty messed up.  I hope the doctors aren't around.  I'm preying that they get off.  Seriously, do sick people take days off?  Do the elderly reverse the aging process?  Do they just let patients die?  Welcome to the American healthcare system where administering medical exams is just like ordering water that comes out of the tap.  THEY WANT BLOOD.  THEY WANT COLD, HARD CASH.  THEY DON'T CARE IF IT'S LABOR DAY.  Yes, the drive is just that strong.  These people will slit and cut open your throat for the paycheck.  It's their lifeblood on the line!  I look to the ancient wisdom of knowledge to help me.  I can't change the situation, but I can change my attitude.  Instead of looking at work like it's going to be Hell, I should be thankful for the opportunity to work and earn a living.  A lot of people are waiting outside the unemployment line.  A lot of people are waiting outside the welfare office.  Yes, there are real people who line up everyday early in the morning outside government handout buildings all the time.  Some of the waiting lines stretch out as far as football fields.  You just have to appreciate what you have.  

Thank you everyone for coming and reading my blog.  I don't have much in this world, but at least I have you.  Each and everyone of my readers is so important to me.  Without you, I don't know where I would be.  Until next time and keep reading!                         

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