Well, I'm back. The best thing that happened to me was the Greek Festival. I finally discovered what was going on in that fancy funny shaped, bronze dome. It was only $2 for admission! The choice of food was great. There was lamb, flounder, chicken, gyros, french fries, and even meat on the stick! $8 for a sandwich! $16 for lamb! These were some hefty charges for food. For the location, it's well worth it. It's not cheap at all. Even the beer was $5! Good lord, this is not a place to be cheap. Yes, they need that money to upkeep the beautiful church and community center that it is. Relative to all the other places I've seen, this is one high maintenance environment. It is very fancy with lush green and beautiful outdoor scenery. Surprisingly, I only live about 10 minutes away down the hill! How can such a great, well kept secret be hiding from me all this time!
It was truly a beautiful spectacle. The food is fresh. The sky is blue. The trees are green. Everything is just placed so eloquently. The people appear to be happy. Volunteers and workers are more than happy to help and serve. Music was in the air. It was truly a great, steady production. There didn't seem to be any serious issues or problems other than little kids not getting what they wanted from the parents. People were genuinely happy to be there to chill, eat, dance, sing, face paint, listen, play music, or just do whatever.
Beneath it all, it's "white people". Well, the Greek people and its culture has been around since the dawn of time. Hippocrates, Aristotle, Socrates, and all the ancient greats originated from Greek life way back in the day. Essentially, a lot of Greek people are doctors or lawyers and most importantly have some serious cash hiding under their pillows at night. I don't think going out with a Greek girl will go well with their father/family, unless you yourself are Greek or you have lots of gold to offer. You must get involved in their community that's going on otherwise they'll never have the slightest idea who the hell you are. Unless you are connected to them in some way, shape, or form through their school, work, or church it's pretty much hopeless. If you really care, you'd invest time with, not just the girl, but their whole community. Long story short, it's not easy. If you just dive in for the girl, they'll know you're a creeper. You have to play it smart and work hard if you really want to win her over. If you're anything like me, you'll just decided that everything is too hard and the best possible solution is to not give a crap and just have a good time with or without the girl.
Well, next week starts my new work week. We cannot change the fact that we all must work on Monday, but we can change our attitudes! We can be positive about it! We can be thankful that we have jobs! We can be grateful that there are people who wish they had employment and pay like we do! We can celebrate that we have made it so far into our careers! It's about attitude! Change your attitude! Change your life! Change how you look at things! Girl or no girl, I will make my life that of a positive experience!
Thank you for reading! I hope to see you next time!