You wake up one morning and the stock market drops -800 points or 3%, which is about -$3000 in loses for every $100,000 invested in the stock market. What else can I say? Reality hits hard like a truck. In a matter of seconds, your hardworking everything is gone. This is when it counts. This is when time is the most precious. How do you react to such anal devastation? How well did you prepare for this battle and did you know it was going to fly up your ass one day whether you liked it in the butt or not? Yes, it's here. Today is the day, the ALMIGHTY whatever the fuck decides to fuck you over hardcore. Do you freak out? Do you panic? Or do you appreciate what you have? Do you value the opportunity that was given to you to learn, or do you become a salty ass mother fucker who doesn't want to participate anymore? Do you want to care or not? Do you want to better yourself or just not give a fuck? Do you want to change? Do you want to get back up? Do you want to keep making the same mistakes over and over again?

Welcome to life. This is just one of many outcomes of our timeline. The higher intelligence above will not allow us to just die randomly all of the sudden but for us to continue to learn and grow. There's no way for me to just pullout. There's no way for me to go back in time and change things. So what can I do? What the hell am I suppose to do instead of freak out? Well, this is a great time to buy! Yes, BUY! I'm not saying this is the truth or the way; but if you want to CHANGE and GROW you have to be willing to do things the normal ass people will never do. Like Steve Jobs has stated many times before: It's the crazy ones who change the world. In any event, he's dead. Yup, he's now the richest man in the graveyard. Should be take this literally? Is life even that serious? You think a few paper dollars is going to change THE UNIVERSE?
Look folks, it's just another day. This is nothing short of a miracle. Just remain calm, don't sell, and if you want to take the CHANCE buy, buy, and buy. Vanguard's Fortune 500 VOO was about $306, so now it's going to be like $300, which is just a $6 a share savings. $3000 will only get you about 10 shares of VOO. Seriously? Is that really WORTH IT to go crazy over? That's basically $60 in savings? That's almost like nothing. Yup, I'm sure there are much better deals out there. Also, timing the market is just out of the question. Yes, we all knew the virus was going to hit the market, but none of us knew exactly when. In any event, I didn't want to time the market. I didn't care enough. I just held on to losing that -$3000 and just didn't give a fuck if I did or not. I was like a tank going in, not giving a flying fuck, accepting the damage as is, and continuing to push not even caring about the consequences.

Well, thank you all for showing up, even if it has been 1 reader. Thank you to that 1 view. You've made my day. You have made my world come alive just a little bit.