Well, I had one of those weird dreams last night involving a mantis being. Look kids, there is no reason for me to be making up random bullshit. I am not a politician. There's no need for me to try and deceive you. I do not have much of an agenda or narrative to follow. "Free will" is the best I'd like to describe how I operate. With that aside, most of my dreams are well, just dreams and just exist in my vast subconscious somewhere, perhaps even in another realm, dimension, density, and/or alternative timeline. My ability to recall my dreams is very vivid and accurate. Some of them are very traumatic, mythological in nature, sexual in nature, or just plane insane!
So I guess I was in some kind of Japanese pond garden. There was a man working in the pond with some "celebrity" landscape designs. He was sorting out different colored "sticks" to make things look nice. The "sticks" were some kind of special resource like bamboo or something? Long story short, I met a mantis being for the first time. It stood upright about 3 feet high like a humanoid. All I could remember was GREEN and MANTIS. You can tell right off the bat the GREEN lightly glowing mantis being was very intelligent and patient. Yes, there was only one of them. It spoke briefly in some weird critter language. There was a human guiding me the whole time. He said "It thinks you are cute". In any event, the creature was asking for medical help. All of the sudden, my tour guide got puked on and was asking me to HELP. I didn't know what to do; and everyone just started freaking out. Soon enough, I got puked on. As I was trying to run out of the room, I discovered small little insects infesting the place. I tried to smack them but that wasn't enough. My guide came back and tried to help me kill some of them. We were not successful helping the mantis being and just resorted to either escaping or wacking our way out. That was pretty much the last thing I remembered. The conflict derived from beating the hell out of all those small insects just ended the dream.
Yup, that was just 1 sequence of one of several dreams I have had last night. I have a lot of different dreams that play out like stories. This one just stood out because of that one mantis being. I thought it would be worth writing about. Oh right, the picture on top is an actual praying mantis I found outside last month when it was warm outside. The other picture I drew just right after I got up and could right in my dream journal. There you have it folks, my first mantis being encounter that all manifested in my dreams. I was also taking Blue Ice Fermented Skate Liver Oil. This is the kind of stuff that I dream about when I try to decalcify my pineal gland. I hope everyone has had fun reading my blog today. I hope to see you next time!