Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Welcome Back to Unemployment!

Well, it just happened 3/2/2018!  I'm back at the unemployment line again and of this time it's no fault of my own!  My urgent care could not financially support itself anymore and the boss just admitted defeat after 6-10 years contributing all of his time and energy into.  You can hear on the phone the tone of his voice of exhaustion and how upset he was.  Without him, there is no business.  Without a top notch 24/7 asshole on top of the power chain of command, things will fall apart.  The little people who work for him will go down with him.  What it comes down to is are you an employer or an employee?

Employers typically have a lot of money backing them up and can run operations just fine with a brick and motor storefront/facility/land/building/office/etc.  If you live in your parent's home and trying to do business in their garage, it's more than likely you're going to work for someone else unless your name is Elon Musk.  If you think you can, go ahead and do it.  Be your own Steve Jobs, but for the rest of us it's very unfortunate but we actually need that 24/7 asshole watching over our shoulder, commanding us what to do each second of the day; otherwise the business may fall apart like a cheap Chinese motorcycle.     

I'm officially currently unemployed.  I've just spend yesterday filling out my online application, going over my options, and now I'm waiting for my first NJ UI check in the mail.  I have been working the past 2.5 years and paying my taxes, but I never thought this would happen.  My urgent care that I was working at actually closed down!  I was offered 1-2 jobs during my 7 months on duty.  I should have jump the boat.  This job was just too good to be true.  It's only 15 minutes away from my home and right next to Lifetime fitness gym where I signed up.  Now, I have to unsubscribe because I can't possibly afford any gym membership expenses, especially $60 in addition to all the crap I have to pay for the car and utilities/food/internet/housing/insurance/etc.  Like any other business in this world, it all adds up.  No one likes to think about it, so I just be Jewish as all Hell at times of need.  I'm sorry but I didn't win the lottery; and I don't have a sugar daddy to save my ass from financial Hell.

So this is it!  It's like life telling me to DO SOMETHING ELSE or GO BACK TO SCHOOL or STOP BEING A LAZY ASS BUM.  I've sent an email contacting the school for computed tomography with my application and credentials.  I have yet to hear back from them.  Anyways, the CT program is just $2,249!  I can definitely do that price.  The school is less than 30 minutes a day, so I definitely have to put in the effort everyday to DRIVE.  I've been driving for a mobile x-ray company for 14 hour shifts, I think I can manage 30 minutes of driving a day.  Yes, I have to pay for my own gas, food, tuition, etc.  Thank God for 26 weeks of unemployment insurance before I have to go back and ask for an extension or whatever.

I am here.  I am unemployablex.  I remain and continue to be unemployed.  There is no doubt in my mind God has put me on this Earth for any other larger than life purpose.  Jesus Christ, did I get the short of the stick or what?

Well, thank you for dropping by.  This is what I spewed all over my desk today.  I appreciate the fact that people come here and read my stuff even though maybe 1 or 2 of you are actual, real people.  The rest of the viewers I get may just be moderators or admins.  Anyways, I appreciate any of the help I can get.  I hope to keep you updated about my unemployment situation or if I'm just going to ride out my unemployment like a true homeless man.  See you next time! 

Saturday, March 3, 2018


Hello there!  Do you have stacks of books and magazines you never read and just leave on the shelf for decades for no reason at all but to collect dust!  Do you feel that insecurity of having to throw something out?  Do you just like to hoard things?  Or maybe you think that piece of junk will go up in price if you don't throw it away just yet.  The years go flying by and what you have left is a bunch of crap.

Who am I kidding?  I always leave so many boring old books on the shelf that no one reads.  Where is the passion, the excitement, the joy, the mystery, the enlightenment, the inspiration, the art, the science, the madness, the energy!?  What is the value of keeping old books no one reads on your shelf that takes up so much space!?  I could be using that same space for much more practical thing suitable for my bedroom.  Make no mistake these books and magazines are not for resale purposes and offer very little or no monetary value.  All some of them do now is collect dust.  A lot of the information inside the books can just be found on the internet somewhere.  No one wants outdated business magazines.  Things change all the time.  It's kind of sad, but people don't even like to read anymore.  They have everything on audio now.  What's it worth to me now that my schooling and education days are dried up.  Yes, I'm 33 years old now.  I'm not a little kid anymore.  Jesus Christ, lugging a big backpack and textbooks are a thing of the past.  I don't think anyone wants these books.  Again, everything on my shelf can just be found on Google anyways.  Welcome to the age of information where everything is just a finger tap away on the keyboard.

I just don't see a need to be keeping around old school text books and magazines anymore.  It's archaic and taking up too much of my limited space.  Those business magazines are the first to go.  Those old school computer coding and DOS books can all go to Hell.  Technology and coding updates so fast in industry these days it's not even funny.  What do I want?  I want space.  I want functionality.  I want stuff that works.  If you don't use it, you lose it.  I'd rather keep an 8 GB external hard drive on the shelf worth of old pictures, random home videos, and pictures of cats.  Yes, some text books are timeless pieces worth tons, but it's just not for me.  All I see is wasted space that can be used for something more modern and practical.  No one likes to see their money go down the train nor their precious, limited space in the home.  No, there's no mansion or monthly storage unit downtown to put all of this crap in.  It's time to go.

"Value" is the world I'm looking for here.  Does whatever product provide "value" for how much space it occupies?  Does it provide you with important information or entertainment?  Does your job depend on it?  Does anyone pick it up and use it day to day?  Or has it been collecting dust for the past year?  If the answer is "yes", then please throw it away or donate it to your local library.  I am guilty of hoarding such things.  There's just no end to the amount of baggage we acquire over the years.  There are a few exceptions somethings are actually worth money but that's a totally different topic of discussion.  If you're not out and about journeying the world, then you're probably in your home somewhere burring yourself under a complete mess of random, old shit.  There's a difference between selling stuff and hoarding shit.  I'm talking very specifically about hoarding shit.  I guess I'll make a video of it.  I don't want to keep dirty, old magazines no one reads around on my shelf.  There's just much more opportunity finding opportunity keeping other worldly things that provide much more value on my shelf.

Some may argue of even keeping old, dirty books, because you can read and reread them again and again.  That just doesn't work for me.  I only read things that actually interest me or because I have to for school.  It's kind of sad how my brain chooses to operate but it's true.  I don't read all the time.  I know it's important.  But do we really reread old magazines?  Hell no, that shit is old and no one touches it anymore.  It's just taking up space on the shelf.  If you really want to read something, go to the library!  There's literally one up the hill a mile away.  Keep everything electronically.  There's no space left anymore.  We have bookstores, libraries, and even Starbucks to hangout.  You don't want to be sitting at home and feel trapped all the time.  You also don't want to foster a lazy ass environment at home.  It's important that you actually go out and do stuff.  I wouldn't be able to just stay at home and read all day.  There's just so much more I can find outside.  I do buy books from time to time if they're super cheap and provide technical information or stuff that I'm into.  None the less, I don't ever seem to sit down at home and actually read unless it's there's an exam or something.  I wish I could just read a book by myself for the sake of learning and being enlightened, but the school system seems to have splashed so many rigorous exams at my face I don't even care anymore.  Can't we ever just be happy reading and learn on our own accord instead of having to achieve some passing test score?  The education system thought over wise.  I know that for sure as I've experienced the worst of it.  Please don't drain the fun out of learning.                   

Well, I go back to work Monday.  I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend.  Thank you for stopping by.   See you next time!