So it's obvious to me that I'll be of the poor forever unless I invested in something (now or in the past tense) since I don't like to put in the work myself. Because I don't like to put in the work that means I'm stuck with a limited number of options. There's so many things I can do before everything starts falling apart like a cheap Chinese motorcycle. I know I can't do the work all by myself. In the bigger scheme of things, all I'm really good for is pump and dump when it comes to startup companies. I'm like an angel investor. I primarily invest and become an early adopter of new tech companies. This is not a script, and I'm not talking out of my ass to look good on paper for a potential employer or college. By my own nature this is what I enjoy and like doing.
In any event, there's a new company coming out called TokenDesk that is trying to make buying ICO's and other cryptocurrencies into one whole universal trading system that is easy on the user. For more information and detail, please click the picture above. Long story short, we can go on for days and argue about pyramid schemes and scams; but you know what? I'm too old for this shit. Do you remember when Apple was for $5? Do you remember when Google was $20 back in the day? Amazon was $75 for God sake. If you invested $100 in Bitcoin in 2010, you'd be a millionaire by now. So are you serious? You still want to continue to argue with me? I'm still a homeless and your constant negativity and bias hasn't helped me out one bit. So why not change things? Why not believe in something bigger than yourself? I for one sure as Hell would like to know what it's like to have money and be able to enjoy some freedom without having to constantly worry about fiduciary problems. If you don't believe and failed to contribute to whatever xyz company, you'll still be where you are now WISHING you had a time machine, WISHING that you put $100 - $1000 in whatever xyz company before it became big time, WISHING that you had money NOW! We all know you're broke and stop giving yourself and other people bad financial advice!
Is all of this even legal? The SEC is tough on US Citizens when it comes to investing in ICO's or initial coin offerings. A vast majority of ICO's I've come across warned of such things. They simply don't want citizens of the United States of America to invest in this kind of stuff as a lot of the new blockchain technology companies are not registered and complying with the rules and laws of the SEC. As for TokenDesk, I've never come across a warning message like some of the other sites. Yes, they did have some beef with a journalist they had to weed out to cancel out the unwanted attention and negativity. I see in their Milestones page is to open up a sales office in the United States by September 1, 2018. They'll have to be in compliance with SEC rules and regulations by then. Who knows really? Will the Men in Black or IRS show up at my front door? Well, we will find out soon enough:

So if I just continue to work my 9-5 rat race of a job that's perfectly okay with everyone else; except I don't want to be like the everyone else. I want to be rich! I want to have my own timeline! I want to be my own boss! I don't want to be no scrub! Being dependent on the government for welfare and food stamps all the time is a joke. Being dependent on your employer will be a thing of the past. I want us to be free from the tyranny of a 9-5 that is unless you actually wanted to work and "help people". Basically, it's called RETIREMENT. If you're the living embodiment and creator of the rat race that's okay, but I don't plan on being enslaved by it.
Please just don't overlook things and say "WHATEVER" or "I'LL GO TO COLLEGE". I've been there. I've seen things. History just repeats itself. Finding that diamond in the rough that can change things for the better is a once in a lifetime chance. BTC, LTC, XRP, ETH these are your new friends. Don't wait too late to get in the game, do it now. Ripple (XRP) is at an all time low. The time to capture it is now! Use bitstamp to buy it if you have to. Do you want to be dependent on the government for the rest of your life? You think the day you show up at the welfare line, they're going to take pity on you?
Guess what? It's blockchain technology that's the new thing now.
If I can just reach out into the future, grab someone, and pull them back here; I'd tell them to invest in some blockchain technology companies right now. I'm having a hard time funding my own investments, let alone someone else's. But if you can, go right ahead! How do I know this? How do you know you can trust me? Well, I'm a homeless. There's no reason for me to lie. I'm not a part of the government. I'm not a part of any bigger organization. I don't need to make money off of this site. I just blog, virtually for free. I haven't received one payment before doing this. I'm myself as much as possible. Why would I care about my reputation or how many customers I have? There's no need for me to lie. I may have opinions or I'm excited about something but that's out of my own passion. Ideally, I'd like to see money being generated but times are rough. As far as I'm concerned, I like blogging and this is what I do.
In the end, everyone says "I WISH", but it's really about the doing. Either you, yourself, or someone in the family was quick witted enough to invest their time and/or money into something that would eventually save someone down the road. Maybe your grandfather gave you $1000 worth of cryptocurrency when you were just a baby? Guess what? You'd be a millionaire by now. But what about the kids who didn't have that grandfather who made moves? You better wish your parents had some other kind of alternative investments, real estate, and/or functioning businesses. Long story short, rich people don't get where they are because they sit on the couch, watch television, and complain. Instead, they get where they are through hard work, repetition, doing things they don't like, learning, growing, investing, reinvesting, trying out new ideas, networking, convincing others to join in the business, hiring new recruits, etc. It's not much different that a strategic video game. Those who actively seek out and obtain more resources will naturally have a much easier and enjoyable time winning. I'm not saying that money and winning is everything; but I know being poor sucks and severely limits the options you have in life. So please, stop WISHING AND START DOING!
Thank you for dropping by and visiting! I hope I've provided my readers with some value and insight. Please don't take anything too seriously but with a pinch of salt.